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Marcus Insights
Digital Transformation: Consulting Firm's Internal Strategy Shift

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Role: Digital Workplace Architect
Industry: Consulting Services Worldwide

Situation: Designing and implementing digital workplace solutions for a global consulting firm. Despite our expertise in advising others, we struggle with internal digital transformation, possibly due to a preference for traditional work methods and a lack of comprehensive digital strategy. My role involves assessing current digital tools, advocating for modern solutions, and overseeing the transition to a more flexible and collaborative digital environment. The slow adoption rate may stem from a reluctance to disrupt established work habits and insufficient understanding of the potential benefits.

Question to Marcus:

Which digital tools and strategies should we prioritize to successfully transform our internal work environment and fully embrace a modern, collaborative digital workplace?

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Based on your specific organizational details captured above, Marcus recommends the following areas for evaluation (in roughly decreasing priority). If you need any further clarification or details on the specific frameworks and concepts described below, please contact us: support@flevy.com.

Change Management

As a Consulting Services firm, embracing Change Management practices is essential in driving the adoption of digital workplace solutions. Focus on a structured approach, considering the organization's unique culture and resistance to change.

Develop a communication strategy to educate employees on the benefits of new tools, creating buy-in and reducing apprehension. Tailor training programs to address varying levels of digital literacy across the workforce. Champion change agents within the organization who can lead by example and provide peer support, ensuring a smoother transition and fostering a culture receptive to change.

Learn more about Change Management

Digital Transformation Strategy

Develop a clear Digital Transformation strategy that aligns with the company's business objectives and addresses the challenges of integrating new technology into existing workflows. Prioritize tools that enhance collaboration and flexibility, such as cloud storage, Project Management platforms, and communication tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams.

Ensure this strategy includes a roadmap for implementation, with short-term and long-term goals, and metrics to measure success, such as improved employee productivity or increased client satisfaction.

Learn more about Digital Transformation Project Management Digital Transformation Strategy

Workplace Productivity

To increase internal Workplace Productivity, investigate and deploy productivity tools that integrate with the company's existing systems. Tools like Trello or Asana can enhance project management, while AI-powered analytics can provide insights into work patterns and suggest improvements.

Prioritize solutions that automate routine tasks to free up consultant time for higher-value work and consider implementing focused productivity methods, such as the Pomodoro Technique, to improve individual Time Management.

Learn more about Time Management Workplace Productivity

Employee Training

A comprehensive Employee Training program is critical to ensure successful adoption of new digital tools. Develop a curriculum that covers not only the technical aspects of the new tools but also the changes in workflow and collaboration they will bring.

Use a mix of e-learning, workshops, and peer-led sessions to cater to different learning styles. Regularly assess employee proficiency and adjust the training accordingly to ensure everyone is competent and comfortable with the new digital environment.

Learn more about Employee Training

Human Resources

Involve the HR department to support the transition to a digital workplace. They can help redesign job roles to fit the new digital context, manage the change in workforce requirements, and aid in recruiting talent proficient in modern digital tools.

HR can also establish new policies and guidelines that reflect the shift towards a flexible, digitally-enabled work environment, such as telecommuting policies and guidelines for digital communication.

Learn more about Human Resources

Stakeholder Management

Engage with all stakeholders, including Leadership, IT, and end-users, to ensure their needs and concerns are addressed in the digital workplace strategy. Regularly communicate progress and solicit feedback to maintain buy-in and adjust plans as necessary.

Identify and work closely with stakeholders who are influential and can act as champions for the digital transformation within the firm.

Learn more about Leadership Stakeholder Management


Implement Agile methodologies to manage the transition to a digital workplace more effectively. Agile provides a flexible framework that can adapt to changes and feedback during the implementation process.

Use sprints to roll out features incrementally, allowing for regular assessment and iteration. This approach also helps in managing expectations and reducing resistance as employees see Continuous Improvement rather than a one-time, disruptive change.

Learn more about Continuous Improvement Agile

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Investigate the potential of RPA to streamline repetitive and time-consuming internal processes. By automating such tasks, consultants can focus on higher-value activities.

This not only increases efficiency but can also lead to higher job satisfaction as employees engage in more meaningful work. Additionally, RPA can serve as a stepping stone to more advanced AI applications in the future, further transforming the digital workplace.

Learn more about Robotic Process Automation


Establish a governance structure to oversee the adoption and ongoing management of digital workplace tools. This structure should ensure that digital initiatives align with the company's strategic goals, compliance requirements, and Risk Management strategies.

It should also address the ownership of data and collaboration tools to maintain order and security in a more open digital environment.

Learn more about Risk Management Governance

Information Technology

Work closely with the IT department to ensure the infrastructure can support the new digital tools and that proper cybersecurity measures are in place. They can assist in evaluating and selecting the right tools that integrate well with the existing IT landscape.

IT's involvement is also crucial in providing the necessary support and maintenance for these tools, ensuring uptime and reliability.

Learn more about Information Technology

Did you know?
The average daily rate of a McKinsey consultant is $6,625 (not including expenses). The average price of a Flevy document is $65.

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