Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement Framework   63-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)

Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement Framework (63-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)) Preview Image Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement Framework (63-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)) Preview Image Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement Framework (63-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)) Preview Image Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement Framework (63-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)) Preview Image Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement Framework (63-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)) Preview Image Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement Framework (63-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)) Preview Image Log in to unlock full preview.
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Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement Framework (PowerPoint PPTX)

PowerPoint (PPTX) + Excel (XLSX) 63 Slides

#2 in Stakeholder Management $89.00
This framework is created by former McKinsey, BCG, Deloitte, EY, and Capgemini consultants and details a robust framework for stakeholder analysis and engagement used by consultants with their clients.
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  1. Provides a robust 8-phase methodology to Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement, along with accompanying frameworks, templates, and tools.
  2. Identify key influencers and decision-makers; bolster stakeholder support and buy-in; and mitigate risk and reduce potential resistance to change.
  3. Includes Excel templates for: Stakeholder Map, Resource Allocation Plan, and Communication Plan.


This product (Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement Framework) is a 63-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTX) with a supplemental Excel document, which you can download immediately upon purchase.

Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement is a strategic process that involves identifying all parties affected by an initiative and understanding their interests, influence, and expectations.

Through this process, we can identify key influencers and decision-makers, bolster stakeholder support and buy-in, mitigate risk and reduce potential resistance to change, improve communication and transparency, facilitate efficient resource allocation, build stronger relationships and trust, among other benefits.

In this PowerPoint presentation, we explain an 8-phase Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement Framework, which offers a comprehensive roadmap that empowers organizations to navigate complex stakeholder dynamics. These 8 phases are:

1. Stakeholder Identification – This phase focuses on identifying all individuals, groups, or organizations that have an interest in or are affected by the initiative. Early and thorough stakeholder identification is crucial to ensure that no critical parties are overlooked, which can significantly impact the success of the engagement.

2. Stakeholder Analysis – This phase focuses on evaluating each identified stakeholder to understand their interests, level of influence, and potential impact on the initiative. A thorough analysis enables tailored engagement strategies that address stakeholders' specific needs and concerns, increasing the likelihood of the initiative's success.

3. Stakeholder Prioritization – This phase involves ranking stakeholders based on their level of influence and interest in the initiative. Prioritization ensures that resources and engagement efforts are allocated efficiently, focusing on stakeholders who can significantly impact the initiative's success.

4. Engagement Strategy Development – This phase focuses on developing customized engagement approaches for each stakeholder or stakeholder group. By aligning strategies with stakeholders' interests and influence, the initiative can foster positive relationships and proactively address concerns.

5. Communication Planning – This phase involves developing a comprehensive communication plan to ensure stakeholders receive timely, consistent, and relevant information about the initiative. Effective communication builds transparency, trust, and alignment among stakeholders.

6. Implementation of Engagement Plan – This phase puts the engagement and communication strategies into action. It involves interacting with stakeholders as planned, delivering messages, and facilitating their participation in the initiative.

7. Monitoring and Feedback – This phase involves continuously observing stakeholder engagement levels and collecting feedback to assess the effectiveness of engagement strategies. Adjustments are made as necessary to address issues and enhance stakeholder support.

8. Evaluation and Reporting – This final phase evaluates the overall success of the stakeholder engagement efforts, measures outcomes against objectives, and reports findings. Lessons learned are documented to inform future initiatives and enhance organizational practices.

Each of these phases is described in depth, including defining the key activities, useful analysis tools, timeframe for completion, best practices, common pitfalls, and other important takeaways. This framework outlines a systematic approach to identify, analyze, prioritize, and engage stakeholders to ensure smooth implementation of important initiatives.

Additional concepts discussed include Stakeholder Mapping, Organizational Chart Analysis, Process Mapping, Stakeholder Interest-Influence Matrix, Stakeholder Segmentation, Resource Allocation Planning, among other relevant topics.

This PPT presentation also includes accompanying Excel templates of a Stakeholder Map, Resource Allocation Plan, and Communication Plan.

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Source: Best Practices in Stakeholder Management PowerPoint Slides: Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement Framework PowerPoint (PPTX) Presentation, LearnPPT Consulting

This framework is created by former McKinsey, BCG, Deloitte, EY, and Capgemini consultants and details a robust framework for stakeholder analysis and engagement used by consultants with their clients.
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We are a team of management consultants trained by top tier global consulting firms (including McKinsey, BCG, Deloitte, EY, Capgemini) with a collective experience of several decades. We specialize in business frameworks based on real-life consulting engagements.

We have served 100s of clients that range from Fortune 500 companies to tech startups to $1B+ private companies. [read more]

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