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Flevy Management Insights Case Study
Optimizing Incident Management for a Mid-Tier Performing Arts Theater

Fortune 500 companies typically bring on global consulting firms, like McKinsey, BCG, Bain, Deloitte, and Accenture, or boutique consulting firms specializing in Incident Management to thoroughly analyze their unique business challenges and competitive situations. These firms provide strategic recommendations based on consulting frameworks, subject matter expertise, benchmark data, KPIs, best practices, and other tools developed from past client work. We followed this management consulting approach for this case study.

Reading time: 19 minutes

Consider this scenario: A mid-sized performing arts theater is struggling with strategy and incident management, facing internal inefficiencies and external competitive pressures.

The organization faces a 12% drop in ticket sales due to increased competition and a fragmented incident response system that delays addressing customer complaints and operational issues. The primary strategic objective is to streamline operations and enhance customer satisfaction through effective incident management.

We begin our analysis by detailing the primary forces shaping the performing arts industry:

Industry Analysis

  • Internal Rivalry: High due to a proliferation of alternative entertainment options and numerous performing arts venues competing for a limited audience base.
  • Supplier Power: Moderate, as theaters rely on a limited number of high-quality performers and production teams who can demand premium fees.
  • Buyer Power: High because customers have abundant entertainment choices, making them price-sensitive and demanding high-quality performances and experiences.
  • Threat of New Entrants: Moderate, with new venues and digital streaming platforms entering the market, offering unique and diverse content.
  • Threat of Substitutes: High, driven by the availability of digital entertainment options like streaming services, which are often more convenient and affordable.

Emergent industry trends include a shift towards digital and hybrid performances, increased customer demand for unique and immersive experiences, and growing importance of sustainability and community engagement. Key changes in industry dynamics include:

  • Digital Transformation: The rise of virtual performances presents both an opportunity for wider audience reach and a risk of reduced physical attendance.
  • Customer Experience Focus: Enhanced in-venue experiences are essential for retaining audience loyalty, but they require significant investment in technology and staff training.
  • Sustainability Initiatives: Growing demand for eco-friendly operations offers an opportunity to attract a new customer segment but requires upfront capital expenditure.
  • Community Engagement: Increased emphasis on local community involvement can drive brand loyalty but requires sustained effort and resources.

Political, Economic, Social, and Technological (PEST) analysis reveals that government funding for the arts is declining, economic pressures are reducing discretionary spending, social trends are favoring more interactive and personalized experiences, and technological advancements are enabling new forms of content delivery and audience engagement.

Learn more about PEST Industry Analysis

For a deeper analysis, take a look at these Industry Analysis best practices:

Market Entry Strategy Toolkit (109-slide PowerPoint deck)
Industry Analysis and Competitive Advantage Toolkit (99-slide PowerPoint deck)
Consolidation-Endgame Curve Framework (29-slide PowerPoint deck)
Porter's Five Forces (26-slide PowerPoint deck)
Strategic Analysis Model (Excel workbook)
View additional Incident Management best practices

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Internal Assessment

The theater has strong foundational capabilities in production quality and a loyal customer base but struggles with operational inefficiencies and a fragmented incident management system.

A benchmarking analysis against leading theaters shows gaps in digital engagement, customer service responsiveness, and operational efficiency. Competitors have more robust digital platforms, faster incident resolution times, and higher customer satisfaction scores.

A 4 Actions Framework analysis indicates the need to reduce redundant processes, eliminate manual incident tracking, create a centralized incident management system, and raise customer service standards.

Organizational structure analysis reveals a hierarchical model that slows decision-making and incident response. A flatter structure with empowered cross-functional teams could enhance agility and responsiveness, enabling faster resolution of incidents and better customer service.

Learn more about Customer Service Customer Satisfaction Incident Management

Strategic Initiatives

The leadership team formulated strategic initiatives based on the comprehensive understanding gained from the previous industry analysis and internal capability assessment, outlining specific, actionable steps that align with the strategic plan's objectives over a 3-5 year horizon to drive growth by 20% over the next 12 months .

  • Implement Centralized Incident Management System: Develop and deploy a centralized platform to streamline incident tracking and resolution, aiming to reduce response time by 50%. Value creation stems from improved customer satisfaction and operational efficiency, requiring investment in technology, training, and support staff.
  • Enhance Digital Engagement: Invest in a robust digital platform to offer virtual performances and interactive content. This will expand audience reach and drive ticket sales, requiring digital infrastructure and marketing investments.
  • Improve Customer Service Training: Design and execute an intensive training program for staff to elevate service quality, aiming to increase customer satisfaction scores by 15%. This initiative will need resources for training materials, external trainers, and time allocation for staff.
  • Develop Community Engagement Programs: Launch initiatives to involve local communities through workshops and special events, fostering brand loyalty. This will require resources for program development, marketing, and execution.
  • Optimize Operational Processes: Conduct a thorough review and optimization of current processes to eliminate redundancies and enhance efficiency. Value creation includes cost savings and improved productivity, requiring consultancy fees and internal working groups.
  • Strengthen Sustainability Practices: Implement green initiatives to reduce the theater's environmental footprint, attracting eco-conscious customers. Upfront investments in sustainable technologies and practices will be necessary.
  • Upgrade Venue Technology: Invest in cutting-edge stage and seating technology to enhance the audience experience. This will require significant CapEx and collaboration with technology vendors.
  • Expand Marketing Efforts: Increase marketing spend to promote both in-person and virtual performances, aiming to boost ticket sales by 20%. This will involve digital marketing, social media campaigns, and partnerships with influencers.

Learn more about Industry Analysis Value Creation Leadership

Incident Management Implementation KPIs

KPIS are crucial throughout the implementation process. They provide quantifiable checkpoints to validate the alignment of operational activities with our strategic goals, ensuring that execution is not just activity-driven, but results-oriented. Further, these KPIs act as early indicators of progress or deviation, enabling agile decision-making and course correction if needed.

You can't control what you can't measure.
     – Tom DeMarco

  • Incident Resolution Time: Measure reduction in average time to resolve incidents, indicating improved efficiency.
  • Customer Satisfaction Score: Track changes in customer satisfaction to evaluate service improvements.
  • Digital Engagement Metrics: Monitor virtual performance attendance and online interaction rates.
  • Revenue Growth: Assess overall revenue increase from both in-person and virtual ticket sales.
  • Operational Cost Savings: Calculate cost reductions from optimized processes and sustainability initiatives.

These KPIs provide insights into the effectiveness of strategic initiatives, highlighting areas of success and identifying opportunities for further improvement.

For more KPIs, take a look at the Flevy KPI Library, one of the most comprehensive databases of KPIs available. Having a centralized library of KPIs saves you significant time and effort in researching and developing metrics, allowing you to focus more on analysis, implementation of strategies, and other more value-added activities.

Learn more about Flevy KPI Library KPI Management Performance Management Balanced Scorecard

Stakeholder Management

Success of the strategic initiatives hinges on the involvement and support of both internal and external stakeholders, including frontline staff, technology partners, and marketing teams. In particular, our external technology partners play an important role in informing us of and validating end-consumer requirements.

  • Employees: Frontline staff and management are crucial for implementing new operational processes and customer service improvements.
  • Technology Partners: Vendors and IT teams responsible for implementing and maintaining the centralized incident management system.
  • Marketing Team: Essential for developing and executing digital and community engagement campaigns.
  • Performers: Key to delivering high-quality performances and engaging with the community.
  • Customers: The ultimate beneficiaries of the enhanced experiences, whose feedback is critical for continuous improvement.
  • Local Community: Participants in engagement programs who can help foster loyalty and brand growth.
  • Investors: Provide the necessary financial backing for technology and marketing investments.
Stakeholder GroupsRACI
Technology Partners
Marketing Team
Local Community

We've only identified the primary stakeholder groups above. There are also participants and groups involved for various activities in each of the strategic initiatives.

Learn more about Stakeholder Management Change Management Focus Interviewing Workshops Supplier Management

Incident Management Deliverables

These are a selection of deliverables across all the strategic initiatives.

  • Centralized Incident Management System Framework (PPT)
  • Digital Engagement Strategy Roadmap (PPT)
  • Customer Service Training Plan (PPT)
  • Community Engagement Program Guidelines (PPT)
  • Operational Process Optimization Report (Excel)

Explore more Incident Management deliverables

Implement Centralized Incident Management System

The implementation team utilized the McKinsey 7S Framework to align the organization's structure, strategy, and systems with the new incident management initiative. The McKinsey 7S Framework is a management model that addresses seven internal elements of an organization: Strategy, Structure, Systems, Shared Values, Skills, Style, and Staff. This framework was particularly useful in ensuring that all aspects of the organization were harmonized to support the centralized incident management system. The team followed this process:

  • Analyzed the existing strategy and redefined it to incorporate the centralized incident management system as a core component.
  • Restructured the organization to create cross-functional teams responsible for incident management.
  • Redesigned systems to integrate incident tracking, reporting, and resolution processes.
  • Aligned shared values to emphasize the importance of quick and efficient incident resolution.
  • Conducted skills assessments and provided training to staff to ensure they were equipped to handle the new system.
  • Adjusted management styles to support a more collaborative and responsive culture.

The team also applied the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) Cycle to ensure continuous improvement in the incident management process. The PDCA Cycle is a four-step model for carrying out change and is useful for iterative problem-solving and improvement. The team followed this process:

  • Planned by identifying key incident management issues and setting objectives for the new system.
  • Implemented the new system in a pilot phase to test its effectiveness.
  • Checked by monitoring and evaluating the performance of the new system against predefined KPIs.
  • Acted by making necessary adjustments based on feedback and performance data.

The implementation of these frameworks resulted in a 40% reduction in incident resolution time and a 20% increase in customer satisfaction scores. The organization saw improved operational efficiency and a more responsive incident management process. Staff reported higher engagement levels due to the clear alignment of roles and responsibilities. Overall, the centralized incident management system significantly enhanced the theater's ability to address operational issues and customer complaints promptly.

Learn more about Continuous Improvement

Incident Management Best Practices

To improve the effectiveness of implementation, we can leverage best practice documents in Incident Management. These resources below were developed by management consulting firms and Incident Management subject matter experts.

Enhance Digital Engagement

The implementation team employed the Value Chain Analysis framework to identify and optimize activities that add value to the digital engagement initiative. Value Chain Analysis, developed by Michael Porter, is a strategic tool used to analyze internal firm activities to understand the sources of value creation. This framework was useful in pinpointing areas where digital engagement could be enhanced to provide greater value to customers. The team followed this process:

  • Mapped out the theater's value chain, identifying primary and support activities related to digital engagement.
  • Analyzed each activity to determine its contribution to customer value and digital engagement.
  • Optimized primary activities such as marketing, sales, and service delivery to enhance digital touchpoints.
  • Strengthened support activities like technology infrastructure and human resources to support digital initiatives.

The team also utilized the Customer Journey Mapping framework to understand and improve the digital experiences of customers. Customer Journey Mapping is a visualization of the process that a customer goes through to achieve a goal with a company, useful for identifying pain points and opportunities for improvement. The team followed this process:

  • Identified key customer personas and mapped their digital journeys from awareness to post-purchase.
  • Highlighted touchpoints where customers interacted with the theater's digital platforms.
  • Analyzed pain points and opportunities for enhancing the digital experience.
  • Implemented improvements such as personalized content, seamless navigation, and interactive features.

The implementation of these frameworks led to a 30% increase in online engagement metrics, including website traffic and social media interactions. The theater experienced a 25% growth in virtual performance attendance, indicating successful outreach to a broader audience. Customer feedback highlighted improved digital experiences, with users appreciating the personalized and interactive content. These results demonstrated the effectiveness of the digital engagement initiative in expanding the theater's reach and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Learn more about Value Chain Analysis Customer Journey Human Resources

Improve Customer Service Training

The implementation team leveraged the Kirkpatrick Model for evaluating the effectiveness of the customer service training program. The Kirkpatrick Model is a widely recognized framework for assessing training programs across four levels: Reaction, Learning, Behavior, and Results. This framework was useful in ensuring that the training program not only imparted knowledge but also translated into improved customer service behaviors and outcomes. The team followed this process:

  • Measured participant reactions to the training program through surveys and feedback forms.
  • Assessed the learning outcomes by testing participants' knowledge and skills post-training.
  • Observed changes in customer service behaviors through performance evaluations and customer feedback.
  • Evaluated the overall results by tracking key metrics such as customer satisfaction scores and incident resolution times.

The team also applied the ADDIE Model (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate) to structure the training program effectively. The ADDIE Model is a systematic instructional design framework that ensures comprehensive and effective training development. The team followed this process:

  • Analyzed the current customer service skills and identified gaps that needed addressing.
  • Designed a training curriculum tailored to the specific needs and challenges of the theater's customer service team.
  • Developed training materials, including interactive modules and real-life scenarios.
  • Implemented the training program through workshops, e-learning, and on-the-job training sessions.
  • Evaluated the program's effectiveness using the Kirkpatrick Model metrics.

The implementation of these frameworks resulted in a 15% increase in customer satisfaction scores and a 20% improvement in first-contact resolution rates. Employees reported higher confidence levels in handling customer interactions, leading to more positive customer experiences. The training program fostered a culture of continuous learning and improvement, contributing to the theater's overall service excellence.

Learn more about Customer Experience Job Training Service Excellence

Develop Community Engagement Programs

The implementation team utilized the Stakeholder Analysis framework to identify and prioritize key stakeholders for the community engagement programs. Stakeholder Analysis is a process of identifying individuals or groups that are likely to affect or be affected by a proposed action and sorting them according to their impact and influence. This framework was useful in ensuring that the community engagement initiatives were aligned with the interests and needs of the most influential stakeholders. The team followed this process:

  • Identified key stakeholders, including local community leaders, schools, and cultural organizations.
  • Assessed the level of influence and interest of each stakeholder group.
  • Prioritized stakeholders based on their potential impact on the success of the engagement programs.
  • Developed tailored communication and engagement strategies for each stakeholder group.

The team also applied the Theory of Change framework to design and implement the community engagement programs. The Theory of Change is a comprehensive description and illustration of how and why a desired change is expected to happen in a particular context, useful for planning and evaluating social change initiatives. The team followed this process:

  • Defined the long-term goals of the community engagement programs, such as increased community involvement and cultural enrichment.
  • Identified the necessary preconditions and activities required to achieve these goals.
  • Mapped out the causal pathways and assumptions underlying the engagement programs.
  • Developed indicators to measure the progress and impact of the programs.

The implementation of these frameworks led to a 50% increase in community participation in theater events and workshops. The theater established strong partnerships with local schools and cultural organizations, fostering a sense of community ownership and support. Feedback from community members indicated a high level of satisfaction with the programs, highlighting the theater's role as a cultural hub. These results demonstrated the effectiveness of the community engagement initiatives in building stronger community ties and enhancing the theater's reputation.

Learn more about Stakeholder Analysis

Optimize Operational Processes

The implementation team employed the Lean Six Sigma framework to streamline and optimize operational processes. Lean Six Sigma is a methodology that combines Lean manufacturing techniques and Six Sigma quality control to improve efficiency and eliminate waste. This framework was useful in identifying and addressing inefficiencies in the theater's operations, leading to enhanced productivity and cost savings. The team followed this process:

  • Defined the scope of the optimization project and identified key operational processes to be improved.
  • Measured current performance levels and identified areas of waste and inefficiency.
  • Analyzed the root causes of operational issues using tools such as value stream mapping and root cause analysis.
  • Improved processes by implementing Lean techniques such as 5S, Kaizen, and standardized work.
  • Controlled the improved processes by establishing monitoring and continuous improvement mechanisms.

The team also utilized the Business Process Reengineering (BPR) framework to fundamentally rethink and redesign the theater's operational processes. BPR is a management strategy that involves the radical redesign of core business processes to achieve significant improvements in productivity, efficiency, and quality. The team followed this process:

  • Identified key business processes that required reengineering.
  • Analyzed existing processes to understand their inefficiencies and limitations.
  • Redesigned processes to eliminate non-value-adding activities and streamline workflows.
  • Implemented the redesigned processes with a focus on achieving breakthrough performance improvements.

The implementation of these frameworks resulted in a 25% reduction in operational costs and a 30% increase in process efficiency. The theater experienced improved workflow coordination and faster turnaround times for key activities. Staff reported higher levels of job satisfaction due to the elimination of redundant tasks and clearer process guidelines. These results demonstrated the effectiveness of the operational optimization initiatives in enhancing the theater's overall performance and productivity.

Learn more about Value Stream Mapping Six Sigma Lean Manufacturing

Strengthen Sustainability Practices

The implementation team utilized the Triple Bottom Line framework to strengthen the theater's sustainability practices. The Triple Bottom Line is a sustainability framework that evaluates a company's performance based on three dimensions: social, environmental, and financial. This framework was useful in ensuring that the theater's sustainability initiatives were comprehensive and balanced across all three dimensions. The team followed this process:

  • Assessed the theater's current sustainability practices across social, environmental, and financial dimensions.
  • Identified areas for improvement and set sustainability goals for each dimension.
  • Developed and implemented initiatives to enhance social responsibility, reduce environmental impact, and improve financial performance.
  • Monitored and reported on the progress of sustainability initiatives using relevant metrics and indicators.

The team also applied the Circular Economy framework to design and implement sustainable practices in the theater's operations. The Circular Economy is an economic system aimed at eliminating waste and the continual use of resources, useful for creating closed-loop systems that minimize resource input and waste. The team followed this process:

  • Identified key areas of resource consumption and waste generation in the theater's operations.
  • Redesigned processes to minimize waste and maximize resource efficiency.
  • Implemented initiatives such as recycling programs, energy-efficient technologies, and sustainable sourcing practices.
  • Engaged stakeholders, including staff and suppliers, in adopting circular economy principles.

The implementation of these frameworks led to a 40% reduction in the theater's carbon footprint and a 35% increase in resource efficiency. The theater received positive feedback from customers and community members for its commitment to sustainability. Financial performance improved due to cost savings from reduced resource consumption and waste. These results demonstrated the effectiveness of the sustainability initiatives in enhancing the theater's environmental and social impact while also delivering financial benefits.

Learn more about Circular Economy

Upgrade Venue Technology

The implementation team utilized the Technology Roadmapping framework to plan and implement the upgrade of venue technology. Technology Roadmapping is a strategic planning tool that aligns technology development with business goals, useful for visualizing the future technology landscape and identifying key milestones. The team followed this process:

  • Defined the theater's long-term goals and vision for venue technology upgrades.
  • Identified key technology trends and innovations relevant to the theater's operations.
  • Developed a technology roadmap outlining the timeline, milestones, and resources required for the upgrades.
  • Implemented the technology upgrades in phases, ensuring alignment with the theater's strategic objectives.

The team also applied the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) framework to evaluate the financial implications of the technology upgrades. TCO is a financial estimate intended to help buyers and owners determine the direct and indirect costs of a product or system, useful for making informed investment decisions. The team followed this process:

  • Identified all costs associated with the technology upgrades, including initial purchase, implementation, and ongoing maintenance.
  • Analyzed the direct and indirect costs to determine the total cost of ownership for each technology option.
  • Compared the TCO of different technology solutions to select the most cost-effective options.
  • Monitored and managed the costs throughout the implementation process to ensure budget adherence.

The implementation of these frameworks resulted in a 50% improvement in the quality of performances due to advanced stage and seating technology. The theater experienced a 20% increase in customer satisfaction scores, with patrons appreciating the enhanced viewing and auditory experiences. The TCO analysis ensured that the technology upgrades were cost-effective and delivered a high return on investment. These results demonstrated the effectiveness of the venue technology upgrades in enhancing the theater's performance quality and customer experience.

Learn more about Strategic Planning Return on Investment

Expand Marketing Efforts

The implementation team utilized the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) Model to structure and expand the theater's marketing efforts. The AIDA Model is a marketing framework that describes the stages a consumer goes through when deciding to purchase a product or service, useful for guiding marketing strategies and tactics. The team followed this process:

  • Developed marketing campaigns designed to capture the attention of potential customers.
  • Created engaging content and promotions to generate interest in the theater's performances.
  • Fostered desire by highlighting the unique value propositions and benefits of attending the theater's events.
  • Encouraged action by providing clear calls-to-action and easy pathways to purchase tickets.

The team also applied the RACE (Reach, Act, Convert, Engage) Digital Marketing Framework to enhance the theater's online presence and engagement. The RACE Framework is a practical framework for managing digital marketing activities across the entire customer lifecycle, useful for optimizing online marketing efforts. The team followed this process:

  • Reached potential customers through targeted online advertising and social media campaigns.
  • Encouraged them to act by engaging with the theater's digital content and promotions.
  • Converted interested prospects into paying customers through seamless online ticketing and special offers.
  • Engaged customers post-purchase with follow-up communications and loyalty programs.

The implementation of these frameworks resulted in a 30% increase in ticket sales and a 25% growth in online engagement metrics. The theater's digital marketing efforts successfully expanded its reach, attracting new audiences and retaining existing customers. Customer feedback indicated a high level of satisfaction with the theater's marketing communications and promotional offers. These results demonstrated the effectiveness of the expanded marketing efforts in driving revenue growth and enhancing customer engagement.

Learn more about Value Proposition Online Marketing Revenue Growth

Additional Resources Relevant to Incident Management

Here are additional best practices relevant to Incident Management from the Flevy Marketplace.

Did you know?
The average daily rate of a McKinsey consultant is $6,625 (not including expenses). The average price of a Flevy document is $65.

Key Findings and Results

Here is a summary of the key results of this case study:

  • Reduced incident resolution time by 40% through the implementation of a centralized incident management system.
  • Increased customer satisfaction scores by 20% as a result of improved incident management and customer service training.
  • Achieved a 30% increase in online engagement metrics, including website traffic and social media interactions.
  • Boosted virtual performance attendance by 25%, expanding the theater's audience reach.
  • Reduced operational costs by 25% and increased process efficiency by 30% through Lean Six Sigma and Business Process Reengineering.
  • Decreased the theater's carbon footprint by 40% and improved resource efficiency by 35% via sustainability initiatives.
  • Enhanced performance quality by 50% and increased customer satisfaction scores by 20% through venue technology upgrades.

The overall results of the initiative indicate significant improvements in several key areas, such as operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and digital engagement. The centralized incident management system and customer service training were particularly successful, leading to a notable reduction in incident resolution time and higher customer satisfaction scores. Additionally, the digital engagement strategy effectively expanded the theater's reach, evidenced by increased online metrics and virtual performance attendance. However, some areas did not meet expectations, such as the community engagement programs, which, despite increased participation, did not translate into a proportional increase in ticket sales. This discrepancy suggests that while community involvement was high, it did not directly impact revenue as anticipated. Alternative strategies, such as more targeted marketing efforts or enhanced community-specific promotions, could have potentially yielded better financial outcomes.

Recommended next steps include continuing to refine and optimize the centralized incident management system to further reduce resolution times and improve customer satisfaction. Additionally, enhancing the digital engagement strategy by incorporating more personalized and interactive content could drive further growth in online metrics and virtual attendance. For community engagement, developing more targeted marketing campaigns that directly link community activities to ticket sales may help convert participation into revenue. Finally, ongoing investment in sustainability practices and venue technology upgrades will ensure the theater remains competitive and attractive to eco-conscious and tech-savvy audiences.

Source: Optimizing Incident Management for a Mid-Tier Performing Arts Theater, Flevy Management Insights, 2024

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