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Marcus Insights
Expanding Craft Beer Internationally: Balancing Artisan Integrity and Growth

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Role: Senior Brand Strategist
Industry: European Craft Beer Brewery

Situation: I am the Senior Brand Strategist for a European craft beer brewery that prides itself on its artisanal approach and local heritage. We are facing the challenge of expanding our market presence internationally without diluting our brand's unique identity and values. The craft beer market is becoming increasingly saturated, and there is a delicate balance between scaling up production and maintaining the quality and story that set us apart.

Question to Marcus:

How can we expand our brand internationally while preserving the artisanal quality and local heritage that define us?

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Based on your specific organizational details captured above, Marcus recommends the following areas for evaluation (in roughly decreasing priority). If you need any further clarification or details on the specific frameworks and concepts described below, please contact us: support@flevy.com.

Market Entry Example

Identifying strategic markets for entry is crucial. Consider countries with an existing craft beer culture or emerging interest in artisanal products.

Collaborate with local distributors who align with your brand values and understand the regional market. You can introduce your brand through limited releases or at local craft beer festivals to gauge consumer response. Educating the local audience about your brewery's heritage and artisanal methods can create a narrative that distinguishes your brand in a new market.

Learn more about Market Entry Example

Brand Strategy

Preserve your brand identity by emphasizing your European heritage and traditional brewing methods in all marketing materials. Use storytelling to convey the craftsmanship that goes into each batch.

Consider adopting a localized version of your brand story that resonates with international audiences, ensuring it remains true to your core values.

Learn more about Brand Strategy

Supply Chain Resilience

As you expand, diversify your supplier base to mitigate risks and avoid Disruption. Maintain Quality Control by setting strict guidelines for ingredient sourcing.

Use technology to track and manage the Supply Chain, ensuring that the artisanal quality of your products remains consistent regardless of scale.

Learn more about Supply Chain Quality Control Disruption Supply Chain Resilience

Pricing Strategy

Develop a Pricing Strategy that reflects the premium nature of your brand. Understand regional pricing sensitivities and adjust accordingly without compromising your brand's artisanal image.

Consider the costs of exporting, taxes, and local pricing strategies to remain competitive while protecting your margins.

Learn more about Pricing Strategy

Digital Transformation

Utilize digital channels to connect with international consumers and tell your brand story. Invest in a robust online presence, including social media, to build a community around your brand.

E-commerce can also be a key channel for reaching new customers, particularly in markets where craft beer distribution is less established.

Learn more about Digital Transformation

Customer Experience

Enhance the Customer Experience by ensuring consistent product quality and brand messaging across all touchpoints. Create engaging experiences, both online and offline, such as virtual brewery tours or collaborations with local businesses to introduce your products and educate new customers about your brewing process and heritage..

Learn more about Customer Experience


Communicate your commitment to sustainable brewing practices as part of your brand expansion. Consumers globally are increasingly interested in the environmental impact of their purchases.

Sustainable practices can differentiate your brand in crowded markets and appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.

Learn more about Sustainability

Business Continuity Planning

Prepare for potential disruptions in international operations with a robust business continuity plan. This should cover scenarios such as supply chain interruptions, changes in trade regulations, or market-specific crises.

Having a plan ensures that you can maintain operations and supply during unexpected events.

Learn more about Business Continuity Planning

Corporate Culture

As you expand, maintain a strong Corporate Culture that aligns with your brand's values. This includes educating new international employees about your brewery's heritage and artisanal approach.

A strong culture will ensure that your company's identity is preserved, no matter where you operate.

Learn more about Corporate Culture

Innovation Management

While preserving traditional brewing methods, be open to innovation that can improve product quality or efficiency. This could include using new technology in the brewing process or exploring new ingredients that could appeal to international markets without compromising your artisanal roots..

Learn more about Innovation Management

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The average daily rate of a McKinsey consultant is $6,625 (not including expenses). The average price of a Flevy document is $65.

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