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Marcus Insights
Adapting Live Events: Digital Strategies & Sustainability in Post-Pandemic Era

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Role: Principal Consultant
Industry: Live Events

Situation: As a Principal Consultant at a leading management consulting firm specializing in the live events industry, I am at the forefront of helping event organizers adapt to the post-pandemic world. The industry is facing unprecedented challenges, including fluctuating public health regulations, changing consumer preferences for virtual and in-person experiences, and the need for sustainable event practices. Our clients range from music festivals to professional conferences, all seeking strategies to navigate this new normal. The competitive landscape has shifted, with digital platforms offering innovative ways to host events, putting pressure on traditional models. Internally, our consultancy needs to further develop its expertise in digital event strategies and sustainability consulting to maintain its market position. My role involves guiding strategic pivots for our clients, fostering partnerships with technology providers, and ensuring our team is equipped with the latest insights and skills.

Question to Marcus:

How can we better equip our clients in the live events industry to thrive in a landscape increasingly dominated by digital platforms and sustainability concerns?

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Based on your specific organizational details captured above, Marcus recommends the following areas for evaluation (in roughly decreasing priority). If you need any further clarification or details on the specific frameworks and concepts described below, please contact us: support@flevy.com.

Digital Transformation

To ensure that your clients in the live events industry remain competitive, it is crucial to integrate Digital Transformation into their event strategies. This means leveraging technologies like virtual reality to create immersive experiences, using Big Data analytics for personalized customer engagement, and adopting digital ticketing and contactless payments for convenience and safety.

By capitalizing on digital tools, live events can extend their reach, personalize marketing efforts, and enhance attendee experiences. This transformation will not only cater to the growing demand for digital options but will also provide valuable data insights to continuously improve the event offerings and drive Revenue Growth.

Learn more about Digital Transformation Big Data Revenue Growth


Advising clients on the implementation of sustainable practices is essential in today's environmentally conscious market. Encourage clients to adopt eco-friendly initiatives such as waste reduction programs, digital handouts instead of paper, and sustainable sourcing for event materials.

Highlight the importance of sustainability reporting and certifications to build trust with attendees and stakeholders. By positioning sustainability as a core aspect of their business model, your clients can differentiate themselves, appeal to a broader audience, and potentially unlock new revenue streams through partnerships with eco-conscious sponsors.

Learn more about Sustainability

Strategic Planning

Your clients need a comprehensive strategic plan that addresses the current shift towards digital platforms and sustainability. This plan should outline clear objectives, such as increasing digital engagement, developing a hybrid event model, and implementing green initiatives.

It should also include a road map with timelines and Key Performance Indicators to measure progress. Your role will be crucial in facilitating this planning process, ensuring that it aligns with industry trends and consumer expectations, and that it can be Agile enough to adapt to future changes.

Learn more about Agile Key Performance Indicators Strategic Planning

Change Management

With the live events industry undergoing significant change, your clients will benefit from your expertise in managing this transition. You must guide them in redefining workflows, re-skilling staff for digital competencies, and fostering a culture open to innovation.

By using Change Management frameworks, you can minimize resistance and lead a smooth transition that empowers employees, satisfies stakeholders, and delivers on new strategic objectives.

Learn more about Change Management

Business Transformation

Your clients face the need to transform their traditional event models to thrive in the current landscape. This involves rethinking their Value Proposition and possibly diversifying their revenue sources, such as incorporating virtual event components or creating year-round digital content platforms.

As a Principal Consultant, you can provide a framework for this transformation, identifying new business opportunities, advising on technology investments, and building partnerships with digital service providers.

Learn more about Value Proposition Business Transformation

Business Development

For your clients to capture new opportunities in the evolving live events space, they must focus on Business Development efforts that align with the latest industry trends. This means exploring strategic partnerships with tech companies for cutting-edge event solutions, seeking out non-traditional event venues to reduce costs and increase flexibility, and diversifying their portfolio to include both in-person and virtual event offerings.

Your role is to help them identify and seize these opportunities to drive growth and resilience.

Learn more about Business Development

Stakeholder Management

It is critical to effectively manage the expectations and interests of various stakeholders, including attendees, sponsors, and regulatory bodies. Clear communication on how your clients are addressing safety, digital integration, and sustainability will be key to maintaining trust and support.

You can aid your clients in developing stakeholder engagement plans that ensure transparency and buy-in for new strategies and practices.

Learn more about Stakeholder Management

Marketing Plan Development

Develop a marketing plan that focuses on the unique selling points of your clients’ events, such as their digital innovations and sustainability efforts. Leverage social media and content marketing to tell compelling stories that resonate with the target audience.

Your insights into analytics will help refine marketing strategies to increase reach and engagement, thereby boosting attendance and revenue.

Learn more about Marketing Plan Development

Customer Experience

Enhancing the Customer Experience is paramount to differentiate in a competitive market. For live events, this means creating seamless, engaging, and personalized experiences both online and offline.

Advise your clients on using customer data to tailor event content, optimize event layouts for flow and interaction, and incorporate feedback loops to continually improve the attendee experience.

Learn more about Customer Experience

Supply Chain Resilience

With fluctuating public health regulations impacting event logistics, Supply Chain resilience has become vital. Guide your clients in developing contingency plans, diversifying their supplier base, and adopting real-time tracking for event materials.

This will ensure they can quickly adapt to changes and mitigate the risk of event Disruptions, maintaining reliability and reputation.

Learn more about Supply Chain Disruption Supply Chain Resilience

Did you know?
The average daily rate of a McKinsey consultant is $6,625 (not including expenses). The average price of a Flevy document is $65.

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