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Marcus Insights
Live Events' Future: Blending Digital Innovation with Traditional Expertise

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Role: Director of Event Technology
Industry: Live Events in Europe

Situation: A Director at a European live events company is contending with the digital transformation of the industry. The rise of virtual and augmented reality experiences presents both an opportunity and a challenge in maintaining the relevance and profitability of live events. Competition is stiff, with new players entering the market, providing immersive digital experiences that threaten traditional live event formats. The organization's strengths lie in its established brand and expertise in event management, but it faces weaknesses in digital capabilities and an aging technological infrastructure. The company culture is one of high creativity but low technological adoption, leading to friction when attempting to introduce new platforms or digital strategies. Strategic changes under consideration include investing in state-of-the-art digital event technology, upskilling staff in technological competencies, and rethinking the events portfolio to include hybrid models that integrate live experiences with digital engagement.

Question to Marcus:

What strategic actions should be taken to effectively integrate emerging digital technologies into our traditional live events to enhance the customer experience and stay competitive?

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Based on your specific organizational details captured above, Marcus recommends the following areas for evaluation (in roughly decreasing priority). If you need any further clarification or details on the specific frameworks and concepts described below, please contact us: support@flevy.com.

Digital Transformation

As the Director of Event Technology, embracing Digital Transformation is paramount. Your live events company can enhance Customer Experience and gain a competitive edge by integrating virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) into events.

To capitalize on your brand and event management expertise, develop immersive digital experiences that complement the live event environment. By doing so, you can cater to a broader audience, providing options for those who prefer digital attendance or are unable to travel. Investment in cutting-edge VR/AR technology will not only attract a tech-savvy demographic but also create new revenue streams through virtual ticket sales and digital sponsorships.

Learn more about Digital Transformation Customer Experience Augmented Reality

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning is essential to navigate the integration of digital technologies into your live events. Consider developing a roadmap that identifies key digital initiatives, resources needed, and a timeline for implementation.

This plan should align with your company’s strengths in event management while addressing the weaknesses in digital infrastructure. Prioritize initiatives that offer the highest impact on customer experience and profitability. Exploring strategic partnerships with technology providers could accelerate digital adoption and reduce upfront investment costs.

Learn more about Strategic Planning

Change Management

Implementing new digital solutions will require a cultural shift within your organization. Change Management techniques will be invaluable in managing resistance and fostering technological adoption among your creative teams.

Start by communicating the necessity of digital integration for the future of live events and ensure that everyone understands the benefits. Invest in Leadership training that equips your managers to be champions of change, and involve your employees in the digital transformation process to leverage their Creativity and insights.

Learn more about Change Management Leadership Creativity

Employee Training

Your company’s low technological adoption can be mitigated by comprehensive Employee Training programs. Upskilling your staff to competently handle new digital event technologies will not only enhance execution but also empower employees to innovate within their roles.

Consider certifications and workshops that focus on digital skills relevant to event technology. Continuous learning opportunities can help your team stay abreast of industry changes and maintain a competitive skill set.

Learn more about Employee Training

Workforce Training

To support your strategic change, implement a Workforce Training program tailored to the unique demands of the evolving live events sector. Training should encompass both technical skills to operate new digital event platforms and Soft Skills to adapt to an increasingly digital work environment.

By doing so, you’ll foster a culture of Continuous Improvement and agility, which is crucial to remain competitive in a technology-driven industry.

Learn more about Continuous Improvement Soft Skills Workforce Training

Hybrid Work

As you consider integrating digital technologies, adopting a hybrid event model can offer your clients the flexibility of choosing between or combining live and digital experiences. This approach requires not only technical infrastructure but also a workforce adept at managing both physical and virtual event components.

Providing training on Best Practices for Hybrid Work environments will be critical for your team to deliver seamless and interactive experiences for all participants.

Learn more about Hybrid Work Best Practices

Supply Chain Resilience

Developing a resilient Supply Chain for digital event technologies is critical to ensure consistent quality and delivery of services. Establish relationships with multiple technology vendors to mitigate the risk of supply Disruptions.

Additionally, investing in a robust digital Supply Chain Management system will allow your company to monitor vendor performance, manage inventory more effectively, and make informed decisions quickly in response to changes in demand.

Learn more about Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Disruption Supply Chain Resilience

Stakeholder Management

Successful integration of digital technologies into your events will require the buy-in of multiple stakeholders, including employees, customers, and suppliers. Effective Stakeholder Management will help you to align their interests with your strategic objectives, secure necessary investments, and cultivate a supportive network.

Regularly engage with stakeholders to gather feedback, manage expectations, and demonstrate the added value that digital enhancements will bring to the live event experience.

Learn more about Stakeholder Management

Market Entry Example

While not a traditional Market Entry, venturing into the digital space is akin to entering a new market. Conduct thorough Market Research to understand the digital preferences of your audience and the Competitive Landscape.

Tailor your digital offerings to fill gaps that competitors may have overlooked, and use your established brand reputation as leverage. Consider strategic partnerships or acquisitions of tech startups to quickly scale your digital capabilities.

Learn more about Market Research Market Entry Competitive Landscape Market Entry Example

Business Transformation

Integrating digital technologies into your live events signifies a Business Transformation that requires a holistic approach. This extends beyond technology and into business models, processes, and Organizational Structure.

As you invest in digital capabilities, you must also reconsider your Value Proposition, revenue models, and customer engagement strategies to fully capitalize on the potential of digitalization. Ensure that your transformation strategy is Agile and can adapt to the rapidly evolving digital landscape of live events.

Learn more about Business Transformation Value Proposition Agile Organizational Structure

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The average daily rate of a McKinsey consultant is $6,625 (not including expenses). The average price of a Flevy document is $65.

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