
Flevy Blog is an online business magazine covering Business Strategies, Business Theories, & Business Stories.

To Survive COVID-19, We Need to Manage the 3 Cs – Costs, Capital, and Cash Flow

Editor's Note: Take a look at our featured best practice, Cost Reduction Opportunities (across Value Chain) (24-slide PowerPoint presentation). Though there are multiple levers to maximizing an organization's profitability, costs are the most directly controllable by any organization. Profitability is being challenged by increased costs, stagnated revenue growth, and increased capital costs in today's economic climate. Therefore, a [read more]

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The entire world is facing the same crisis right now.  As of the morning of April 2nd, there are close to 1MM Coronavirus cases worldwide, of which 75% are active cases.  For almost all countries, the case growth is still growing exponentially on a day-to-day basis.

With entire nations under lock-down, many industries and businesses have been grinded to a halt. Most businesses are finding it difficult to stay afloat in these never-before-seen times of extreme difficulty.

Those organizations that will survive are ones that can effectively manage their costs, capital, and cash flow. Below, we have highlighted several best practices from the Flevy Marketplace that discuss these areas:

  • Cost Reduction Opportunities
    Cost Reduction will be at the top of the agenda for every organization.  So, when it comes to Cost Reduction, where are the areas with we this greatest potential in savings, while minimizing negative impact to our operations and our employees?  This framework identifies up to 45 Cost Reduction opportunities across the Porter Value Chain, categorized into the areas of Enterprise-wide Opportunities, Asset Management Opportunities, and Function Specific Opportunities.  For each Cost Reduction initiative, specific examples are provided, along with projected potential savings.
  • Strategic Cost Reduction
    Want to understand the entire Cost Reduction process? This presentation is a training document about Strategic Cost Reduction (SCR) used by a major consulting firm in a Cost Reduction engagement.  This client-facing presentation introduces a 4-phase approach to SCR, from planning to implementation.
  • Cash Flow Management
    Truer words have never been spoken, cash is king.  Cash flow is the flow of money in and out of the business. Managing your cash flow is vital for business survival and growth, even if you have existing cost savings programs in your organization.  The impact of disasters such as COVID-19 has driven the global economy into a recession and many businesses are only just trying to survive. Before taking drastic actions such as cutting salaries and staff, now may be a good time to review your current cash flow performance to stem unnecessary cash outflow and eliminate the cost of waste in your processes.
  • Financial Resilience
    This framework on Financial Resilience provides the steps that organizations can take to optimize Cash Flow Management during a crisis and integrate the process for managing financial resilience into the organization’s overall strategy. It also presents an operational review current state assessment in order to fully gauge where cash is being utilized and a monthly cash flow template to ensure effective Cash Flow Management during a crisis.
  • Capital Optimization Operating Playbook
    Amid this crisis, there is mounting pressure to reduce costs, including stay-in-business (SIB) capital spend. This presentation provides a framework for developing a Capital Scrubbing and Optimization Strategy.   This framework, developed in accordance with the methodology of a top tier consulting firm in the SIB execution environment, will assist in assessing to determine if Capital Optimization potential exists.
  • Activity-Based Cost Management (ABC/M)
    Do we know our true costs?  ABC is a framework that brings truly accurate fact-based measures and visibility to costs. The resulting cost visibility informs manager about what things costs and more importantly why things have costs.  ABC also helps reduce costs and improve productivity by reporting per-unit costs that can be used as benchmarks and to monitors cost trends. ABC can also associate costs with value, quality, and waste, with their strategic importance, with their level of performance, and other “attributes” of work. All of this cost and trait data are further translated into which products, channels, customers or internal company-sustaining workforce staff cause and consume all of the resources… and in exactly what proportions.

For additional frameworks and templates relevant to the COVID19 crisis, take a look here: Coronavirus Business Resources.

Do You Need Coronavirus Trend Data?

Have a look at our free online tool, Coronavirus Dashboard.  This dashboard presents case trend data and news for the Coronavirus (COVID-19) spread at the regional, country, and territory levels. We track numerous metrics that other websites do not. All data can be easily downloaded for you to perform your own scenario analyses.

33-slide PowerPoint presentation
This document discusses various cost reduction methodologies and concepts, including the following: Process Optimization, Strategic Sourcing, Shared Services, Business Process Outsourcing. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of cost reduction, providing a robust framework for [read more]

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You can download in-depth presentations on Cost Reduction Assessment and 100s of management topics from the FlevyPro Library. FlevyPro is trusted and utilized by 1000s of management consultants and corporate executives.

For even more best practices available on Flevy, have a look at our top 100 lists:

These best practices are of the same as those leveraged by top-tier management consulting firms, like McKinsey, BCG, Bain, and Accenture. Improve the growth and efficiency of your organization by utilizing these best practice frameworks, templates, and tools. Most were developed by seasoned executives and consultants with over 20+ years of experience.

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30-slide PowerPoint presentation
A question faced by many business leaders in today's dynamic, uncertain, and changing business environment is: Is our organization "Fit for Growth?" In most cases, unfortunately, the answer to this question is "no." Reasons include the manner in which costs are managed and [read more]

97-slide PowerPoint presentation
36-slide PowerPoint presentation

About David Tang

David Tang is an entrepreneur and management consultant. His current focus is Flevy, the marketplace for business best practices (e.g. frameworks & methodologies, presentation templates, financial models). Prior to Flevy, David worked as a management consultant for 8 years. His consulting experience spans corporate strategy, marketing, operations, change management, and IT; both domestic and international (EMEA + APAC). Industries served include Media & Entertainment, Telecommunications, Consumer Products/Retail, High-Tech, Life Sciences, and Business Services. You can connect with David here on LinkedIn.

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