The Flevy Marketplace is our online marketplace for business best practices. It represents the largest library of best practice business documents available online—with over 5,000+ documents (including frameworks & methodologies, presentation templates, financial models, business plans, project deliverables, and more), spanning over 500+ management topics. These best practice materials are authored by a network of several hundred subject matter experts, mostly seasoned executives and management consultants with 20+ years of experience.
» Learn more about Marketplace.
FlevyPro is our subscription service for business frameworks, templates, and tools. Our subscribers receive monthly downloads from a library of curated business best practice documents, known as the FlevyPro Library. The FlevyPro Library contains 1,000+ documents, largely developed in-house based on the research of global consulting firms and renown business academics. Every week, we release new FlevyPro materials. FlevyPro has been very well received by boutique consulting firms, C-level executives, and business managers.
The Flevy KPI Library is our subscription service to a repository of over 15,000+ KPIs, categorized by function, department, and industry. Each KPI includes 12 important attributes, from the measurement process & formula to visualization suggestions to actionable tips. It is one of the largest KPI knowledge bases available. Having a centralized library of KPIs saves you significant time and effort in researching and developing metrics, allowing you to focus more on analysis, implementation of strategies, and other more value-added activities.
» Learn more about the KPI Library.
Streams give you unlimited access to a specific topic within the FlevyPro Library. Streams are our most comprehensive set of offerings and we only have 15 Streams available. The objective of each Stream is to help you become the subject matter expert within your organization or field. The key difference between traditional FlevyPro and Streams is this: FlevyPro gives you limited monthly downloads to the full FlevyPro Library, whereas Streams gives you unlimited access to a specific set of topics in the FlevyPro Library.
We currently have over 5,000+ such documents—from frameworks & methodologies to presentation templates to financial models—spanning all management topics—from Strategic Planning to Digital Transformation to Change Management.
Examples of the types of documents we have include business frameworks & methodologies, presentation templates, financial models, and more. In particular, we have a wealth of business frameworks. Business frameworks are in-depth business training guides—the same used by top global consulting firms when they deploy their consulting project teams to Fortune 100 companies.
Our vision is for Flevy to become a comprehensive knowledge base of premium business documents. All organizations, from startups to large enterprises across all industries, can use Flevy—whether it's to jumpstart projects, to find reference or comparison materials, or just to learn.
If you can't find what you need, shoot us an email (
We are a team of several hundred contributors, many of whom are world renown experts in their respective fields. Here is a snapshot of some of our authors:
Take a look at our most documents by function:
Think about all the tools you have created to make your job easier. How many others would benefit from your tool? List them on Flevy. We will do the marketing, we will drive the sales. Just as the mobile apps market has helped software developers earn sustainable, passive income, we hope Flevy will do the same for business professionals, like yourself. There's no reason to let your idle documents collect dust when it can be making you perpetual income. Sign up today.
Here is just a small handful of examples, which illustrates the types of business documents you can sell on our marketplace:
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Download our FREE Strategy & Transformation Framework Templates
Download our free compilation of 50+ Strategy & Transformation slides and templates. Frameworks include McKinsey 7-S Strategy Model, Balanced Scorecard, Disruptive Innovation, BCG Experience Curve, and many more. |