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Improve the growth and efficiency of your organization by leveraging Flevy's library of best practice frameworks, templates, and tools. Our materials are of the same caliber as those produced by top-tier management consulting firms, like McKinsey, BCG, Bain, and Accenture; and used by Fortune 100 organizations.
Below, we have selected a couple management areas that are most relevant to this current Coronavirus crisis.
Supply Chain Management & Analysis
Supply Chain Sustainability
24-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
In the modern age, organizations are striving to form a sustainable Supply Chain system to cope with the challenges that are arising. Such... [full details]
KPI Compilation: 600+ Supply Chain Management KPIs
141-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $69.00
This presentation is a comprehensive collection of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) related to Supply Chain Management... [full details]
Supply Chain Strategy Tools & Techniques
67-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $79.99
This deck was developed to support supply chain visioning and strategic diagnostics. It provides checklists of key questions to ask in... [full details]
Supply Chain Management - Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) Improvement
27-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
Today's competitive global markets necessitate a strong attention on Supply Chain Management and the underlying Sales & Operations Planning... [full details]
4 Stage Model Supply Chain Assessment
Excel workbook
Price: $89.99
The purpose of the 4 Stage Model is to provide a high-level qualitative assessment of an organizations practices and processes. The model... [full details]
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) | Supply Chain Functions
113-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
This document provides a collection of 100+ Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) related to the Supply Chain functions listed further... [full details]
Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) - Supplier Segmentation
24-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
Competition has forced industries to converge on efficiency. Most of them have recognized that they must investigate all potential levers... [full details]
Supply Chain Resilience
23-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
Supply Chain "resilience" is the Supply Chain's ability to respond and recover quickly to potential disruptions. It can return to its... [full details]
Supply Chain Performance & Metrics
25-page PDF document
Price: $39.99
Supply Chain Performance & Metrics document gives an overview of key performance metrics used to measure the operating effectiveness of a... [full details]
Lean Warehousing Transformation
27-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
As the last decisive step in customer service, a warehouse ensures cost effective distribution. Latest technological innovation has turned... [full details]
Supply Chain & Business Risk Assessment
Excel workbook
Price: $25.00
The AD Supply Chain Risk Management tool is aimed at business who need to recognise and address the risks that are present in their supply... [full details]
Digital Supply Chain Strategy
25-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
In today's Digital Age, organizations are faced with the changing nature of the demand curve and the element of uncertainty in the Supply... [full details]
Supply Chain Strategy and Performance Management
83-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $89.00
Curated by McKinsey-trained Executives
The presentation follows the headline-body-bumper slide format used by global... [full details]
Supply Chain Cost Reduction: Warehousing
33-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
Companies are constantly looking to improve efficiency and reduce costs. One area that has a significant potential for achieving both is... [full details]
Supply Chain Management (SCM): Risk Management Strategies
25-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
Traditional methods for managing Supply Chain Risk have ceased to be effective with the advent of low probability, high impact events, such... [full details]
Digital Transformation: Operations Ecosystem
25-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
We are living in the Digital Age. For organizations to remain competitive, they must develop and execute robust Digital Transformation... [full details]
CoE for a Smarter Supply Chain - Current Supply Chain
56-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $39.95
This is the first presentation in a 3-part series on the "Centre of Excellence (CoE) for a Smarter Supply Chain," based... [full details]
Industry Supply Curve Analysis
24-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $39.00
The Industry Supply Curve is graphic representation of the Law of Supply, which states that there is a direct relationship between price... [full details]
Supply Chain Risk Reduction
21-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
Through decades of Cost Cutting efforts, the Supply Chains of many organizations have become Lean and centralized--but, on the flip side,... [full details]
Supply Chain UAT Preparation
19-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $20.00
What Is User Acceptance Testing?
We know what testing is, acceptance means approval or agreement. The user in the context of a software... [full details]
Global Supply Chain Procurement and Distribution
22-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $20.00
In commerce, global supply-chain management is defined as the distribution of goods and... [full details]
Logistics and Supply Chain Management (SCM) - Implementation Toolkit
Excel workbook and supporting ZIP
Price: $149.00
Save time, empower your teams and effectively upgrade your processes with access to this practical Logistics and Supply Chain Management... [full details]
AI in Supply Chain Management: Strategy Paper
219-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $99.00
Unlocking the Future of Supply Chain Management with AI and Blockchain
Welcome to the comprehensive guide on revolutionizing... [full details]
PSL - Lean Supply Chain Presentation
57-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $39.00
This presentation details the various components of the Lean Supply Chain. The topics covered as below:
The concept of Lean
Supply Chain... [full details]
6 Pillars of Supply Chain Management (SCM) Thinking
26-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
Supply Chain thinking used to be limited to the managers of few global companies--companies that were struggling to coordinate internal... [full details]
Chief Operating Officer (COO) Toolkit
390-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $99.00
Unlock Your Full Potential with the Chief Operating Officer (COO) Business Toolkit: A Comprehensive 390-Slide PowerPoint Deck
Are... [full details]
Supply and Demand Integration
22-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
The disconnect between demand generation and supply fulfillment activities have made organizations suffer consequences of conflicting... [full details]
Strategy & Supply Chain Alignment
29-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
Most organizations struggle to find a true strategic fit between their Corporate Strategies and their Supply Chain Strategies.
Aligning... [full details]
Supply Chain Management (SCM): Logistics Clusters
24-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
In the late 1990s, renown strategist Michael Porter argued that clusters make organizations more competitive by increasing the pace of... [full details]
Risk Management: Complex Supply Chains
24-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
The competitive landscape in many industries has changed. This is due to the combined forces of globalization and emerging digital... [full details]
Supply Chain Liaison 5 Step Management Program
41-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $59.00
It's been my experience that there's existed a gap between the Supplier of manufactured goods & the Customer in providing that orders... [full details]
Supply Chain Program Comparison Model (Working Capital)
Excel workbook
Price: $49.00
This model can be used to evaluate two different supply chain programs to determine which is better from a working capital and ROIC... [full details]
Assessment Dashboard - Supply Chain Planning
Excel workbook and supporting ZIP
Price: $79.00
Here are several sample Supply Chain Planning requirements:
* How can skill-level changes improve Supply Chain Planning?
* How do you... [full details]
Supply Chain Fundamentals Module 1 - Forecasting
73-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $34.00
The Supply Chain Fundamentals Series has 5 modules in all as below:
Module 1 - Forecasting - 73 Slides
Module 2 - Aggregate Planning -... [full details]
Key Business Processes | Supply Chain Management
13-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $25.00
This document provides a thorough visual taxonomy of key business processes related to managing supply chain for physical products... [full details]
Strategic Supply Chain Planning
27-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
Strategic Supply Chain Planning is the Pegasus of Strategy. It can soar, but it also needs to keep its feet on the ground.
Companies... [full details]
Supply Chain Management (SCM) - Pull Replenishment
21-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
The developing world presents its own challenges in the way of Supply Chain Management. The issues include poor infrastructure, tax... [full details]
COVID-19: Supply Chain Recovery
25-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on the global economy. Thousands of companies have been forced to throttle down or temporarily shut down... [full details]
Digital Manufacturing: Pan-Industrial Strategy
21-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
For several decades, Corporate Strategy has been founded upon the notion of Strategic Focus. In fact, Michael Porter, known as the Father... [full details]
Chief Supply Chain Officer (CSCO) - Implementation Toolkit
Excel workbook and supporting ZIP
Price: $249.00
The Chief Supply Chain Officer (CSCO) Toolkit includes a set of best-practice templates, step-by-step workplans, and maturity... [full details]
Transportation Management Toolkit
279-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $99.00
Introducing the Ultimate Transportation Management Toolkit: Revolutionize Your Logistics Strategy with a Comprehensive 260+ Slide... [full details]
Supply Chain and Logistics SOPs
904-slide PowerPoint deck and supporting Word
Price: $89.00
Curated by McKinsey-trained Executives
Unlock the full potential of your supply chain and logistics operations with our... [full details]
Supply Chain Assessment Handbook
148-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $89.00
Curated by McKinsey-trained Executives
Unlocking Supply Chain Excellence: A Comprehensive Guide to Optimizing Your... [full details]
Supply Chain Operations Management
156-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $89.00
Curated by McKinsey-trained Executive
Unlocking Excellence: Your Comprehensive Supply Chain Operations Management Toolkit
Are... [full details]
Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Reinvention
24-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
Intense disruption has caused forward-thinking Pharmaceutical companies to review their Supply Chain and Manufacturing operations. The... [full details]
Value Grid Analysis
25-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
A traditional Value Chain involves a sequence of activities--from conversion of raw materials into components which are then assembled into... [full details]
Supply Chain & Logistics: Key Statistics & Trends
21-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
Decades of globalization has creates highly integrated, complex global Supply Chains. However, in recent years, there has been... [full details]
Impacts of Russia-Ukraine War, Inflation, and Oil Prices on Global Supply Chains
19-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
Decades of globalization has creates highly integrated, complex global Supply Chains. However, in recent years, there has been... [full details]
Challenges to Digital Manufacturing
26-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
Digital Transformation in Manufacturing or Digital Manufacturing for short is not an optional decision for companies anymore. ... [full details]
Supply Chain Management (SCM) & Logistics - Intelligence Report (Sept 2022)
39-slide PowerPoint deck and supporting PDF
Price: $59.00
Decades of globalization has created highly integrated, complex global Supply Chains. However, in recent years, there has been... [full details]
Supply Chain Containment Strategies
22-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
Catastrophes, such as the tsunamis and floods, have disrupted major industries and organizations from automobiles to technology, to travel,... [full details]
Vendor Risk Management - Implementation Toolkit
Excel workbook and supporting ZIP
Price: $249.00
The Vendor Risk Management Implementation Toolkit includes a set of best-practice templates, step-by-step workplans, and maturity... [full details]
Supply Chain Network Design - Implementation Toolkit
Excel workbook and supporting ZIP
Price: $249.00
The Supply Chain Network Design Toolkit includes a set of best-practice templates, step-by-step workplans, and maturity diagnostics for any... [full details]
Sales Order Processing Business Toolkit
303-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $99.00
Streamline Your Business with the Ultimate Sales Order Processing Business Toolkit
Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your... [full details]
Import and Export Management Toolkit
864-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $99.00
Curated by McKinsey-trained Executives
Unlock the Full Potential of Your International Trade Operations with Our Complete Import... [full details]
ISO 28000 Supply Chain Security Management Systems Awareness
125-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $89.00
Curated by McKinsey-trained Executives
Unlock Your Supply Chain Security Potential with the Ultimate ISO 28000:2022 Awareness... [full details]
Distribution Management Toolkit
101-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $89.00
Curated by McKinsey-trained Executives
Revolutionize Your Business with the Ultimate Distribution Management Business... [full details]
Building Resilience into Supply Chains
5-page Word document
Price: $25.00
The supply chains of most companies, large and small, exploit a world of opportunities.
But, increasing global exposure comes with an... [full details]
Agility in Supply Chain Network Design
24-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
Online retailing has changed. Before, e-commerce companies fulfilled consumer demand from a small number of large-scale warehouses that... [full details]
Supply Chain Management (SCM): Factory Audits
20-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
Factory Audits are often conducted by companies to confirm whether the supplier is delivering the supplied goods per agreed upon terms and... [full details]
Supply Chain Analytics - Implementation Toolkit
Excel workbook and supporting ZIP
Price: $249.00
The Supply Chain Analytics Implementation Toolkit includes a set of best-practice templates, step-by-step workplans, and maturity... [full details]
Supplier Quality - Implementation Toolkit
Excel workbook and supporting ZIP
Price: $249.00
The Supplier Quality Implementation Toolkit includes a set of best-practice templates, step-by-step workplans, and maturity diagnostics for... [full details]
Supply Chain Cybersecurity - Implementation Toolkit
Excel workbook and supporting ZIP
Price: $249.00
The Supply Chain Cybersecurity Implementation Toolkit includes a set of best-practice templates, step-by-step workplans, and maturity... [full details]
Supply Chain Digitalization - Implementation Toolkit
Excel workbook and supporting ZIP
Price: $249.00
The Supply Chain Digitalization Implementation Toolkit includes a set of best-practice templates, step-by-step workplans, and maturity... [full details]
Supply Chain Disclosure Strategy
26-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
The pressure on Supply Chain Information Transparency is growing day by day. With the popularity and widespread use of social media, it... [full details]
Supply Chain Cost Reduction: Transportation
25-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
Companies looking to improve efficiency and reduce costs can gain significant ground in the Supply Chain function. Reason this area has... [full details]
Supply Chain Execution - Implementation Toolkit
Excel workbook and supporting ZIP
Price: $249.00
The Supply Chain Execution Implementation Toolkit includes a set of best-practice templates, step-by-step workplans, and maturity... [full details]
Supply Chain Management Strategy and Design
27-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $20.00
Supply Chain Management Strategy and Design PPT
When we discuss supply chain strategy we are discussing ?value' that can be derived from... [full details]
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
95-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $55.00
Logistics & Supply Chain Management is a vital field in business and operations management. It centers on the efficient flow and... [full details]
Impact of COVID-19 on Global Supply Chains
18-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
Decades of globalization has creates highly integrated, complex global Supply Chains. However, in recent years, there has been... [full details]
Blockchain in Supply Chain - Implementation Toolkit
Excel workbook and supporting ZIP
Price: $249.00
The Blockchain in Supply Chain Toolkit includes a set of best-practice templates, step-by-step workplans, and maturity diagnostics for any... [full details]
Kanban Board: Supply Chain Cybersecurity
Excel workbook
Price: $89.00
A Kanban Board is a Lean & Agile Project Management tool used to implement Kanban to manage work at a personal or organizational level. ... [full details]
Global Supply Chain Management (SCM) Guide
180-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $99.00
Looking to streamline your business operations and maximize efficiency? Look no further than our comprehensive supply chain management... [full details]
Kanban Board: Supply Chain Security
Excel workbook
Price: $89.00
A Kanban Board is a Lean & Agile Project Management tool used to implement Kanban to manage work at a personal or organizational... [full details]
Digital Supply Chain Management
267-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $99.00
Curated by McKinsey-trained Executives
The Complete Digital Supply Chain Management Business Toolkit: Unlocking Success in the... [full details]
Supply Chain Management Dashboard Excel Template
Excel workbook
Price: $49.00
Curated by McKinsey-trained Executives
Revolutionize Your Supply Chain Management with Our Comprehensive Dashboard... [full details]
Operations Research
128-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $89.00
Curated by McKinsey-trained Executives
Unlocking Success with Your Comprehensive Operations Research Business Toolkit
Are you... [full details]
Efficient Consumer Response (ECR)
31-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) is a Supply Chain Strategy designed to optimize processes across the entire Value Chain.... [full details]
Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Model
37-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
Organizations across industries face growing challenges in managing complex supply chains, such as inefficiencies, escalating costs, and... [full details]
APICS Supply Chain Manager Competency Model
30-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
Global supply chains are more complex than ever, yet many organizations face critical talent shortages, skill gaps, and operational... [full details]
Triple-A Framework
25-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
Global Supply Chains are under immense pressure from an ever-growing list of challenges. Market unpredictability has become the norm,... [full details]
Supply Chain Information Transparency Strategy
25-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
Supply Chains across industries have become way too complicated and globalized today. Organizations are getting under pressure to disclose... [full details]
Process Improvement
Organizational Velocity - Improving Speed, Efficiency & Effectiveness of Business
47-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $49.00
Lack of efficiency and effectiveness in an organization can have a significant impact on the overall cost of operation.
Organizational... [full details]
Process Automation & Digitalization Assessment
41-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $49.00
The Process Automation & Digitalization Assessment is a comprehensive framework designed to help organizations identify opportunities for... [full details]
254-slide PowerPoint deck and supporting PDF
Price: $89.00
[ NOTE: Our Kaizen presentation has been trusted by an array of prestigious organizations, including industry leaders such as Apple,... [full details]
Business Process Improvement (BPI 7)
139-slide PowerPoint deck and supporting Word
Price: $59.50
Our business process improvements methodology BPI 7 is a proven and systematic approach to continuously improve an organization's existing... [full details]
Business Performance Improvement Models
184-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $59.00
This presentation is a collection of PowerPoint diagrams and templates used to convey **40 different business performance improvement... [full details]
5S for the Office
190-slide PowerPoint deck and supporting PDF
Price: $79.00
The office, by any name, is a paperwork factory. To become a Lean enterprise, office activities must fully support shop-floor manufacturing... [full details]
Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
157-slide PowerPoint deck and supporting PDF
Price: $79.00
In this Business Process Reengineering (BPR) presentation, we delve into the dynamic landscape of modern business, influenced... [full details]
Theory of Constraints
19-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
The Theory of Constraints (TOC), developed by Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt, is a methodology for identifying the most important limiting factor... [full details]
Business Process Maturity Model (BPMM) Series: BPMM Primer
23-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
The Business Process Maturity Model (BPMM) captures a 5-level evolutionary improvement path that guides organizations as they move from... [full details]
7 Principles of Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
22-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
With the advancement in technology, the usual emphasis on cost, growth, and control has been replaced by a laser focus on innovation,... [full details]
5S Techniques
189-slide PowerPoint deck and supporting PDF
Price: $79.00
5S good housekeeping and workplace organization is a set of basic management principles that are widely adopted in industries today. Also... [full details]
Rapid Process Improvement
128-page PDF document
Price: $169.99
Successful Rapid Process Improvement efforts begin with strong vision and
leadership by top management. Leadership implies...
- Visible... [full details]
Ultimate Business Processes Guidebook
333-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $99.00
Unlocking Business Success: The Complete Business Processes Guidebook
In the ever-evolving landscape of business, one key factor remains... [full details]
Six Sigma - Process Capability Study
103-slide PowerPoint deck and supporting Excel workbook
Price: $39.50
The Six Sigma - Process Capability Study Training Module includes:
1. MS PowerPoint Presentation including 101 slides covering
-... [full details]
Lean and Kaizen for Rapid Process Improvement
114-slide PowerPoint deck and supporting ZIP
Price: $49.00
This presentation has 114 slides and and comprises of the following:
* What is Kaizen?
* The 10 Commandments of Continuous... [full details]
Process (5) - A Process Re-engineering Framework
19-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $25.00
A document that describes the key stages of a simple Process Re-engineering Framework including Project Set-Up, Analyis of As-Is, Design of... [full details]
Business Process Improvement Frameworks Reference Guide
484-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $199.00
This comprehensive presentation covers 30 common frameworks and methodologies for business process improvement that are being used in... [full details]
Process (1) - Modelling
16-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $25.00
A document that describes the key steps in Process Modelling including What is a Process, What is a Customer, What is a Process Model,... [full details]
Process (2) - Analysis and Design
39-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $35.00
A document describing the key stages involved in Process Analysis and Design including What is a Process, What is Analysis, What is Design,... [full details]
Lean Rapid Improvement Event (RIE)
38-slide PowerPoint deck and supporting Excel workbook
Price: $29.00
Rapid Improvement Event (RIE), also known as Kaizen Event, is a standard approach to team-based problem solving. The RIE helps... [full details]
Dimensions of Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
22-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
In all too many organizations, Business Process Reengineering (BPR) has been not only a great success, but -- ironically -- also a great... [full details]
Strategic Process Improvement
180-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $89.00
Curated by McKinsey-trained Executives
Unlock Your Business's Full Potential with Our Strategic Productivity Improvement... [full details]
Business Process Reengineering (BPR) Toolkit
131-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $89.00
Unlock the Power of Business Process Reengineering with Our Comprehensive Toolkit
Are you looking to revolutionize your business... [full details]
Business Process Reengineering (BPR) Poster
3-page PDF document and supporting PowerPoint deck
Price: $20.00
The Business Process Reengineering (BPR) Poster describes the four key phases of managing a reengineering project in an... [full details]
Process Optimization & Engineering Problem Solving
220-slide PowerPoint deck and supporting ZIP
Price: $99.00
This 2-day workshop was delivered in Malaysia and has over 200 slides and consisted of some self assessments and 3 rounds of flow... [full details]
Lean Shop Floor YB Series - 8. Sustain Process Improvements
46-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $25.00
The Lean Shop Floor Yellow Belt Series are designed and developed in a very simple way so that the shop floor staff with little or no... [full details]
Business Process Reengineering (BPR): Implementation Guidelines
25-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $29.00
Business Process Reengineering (BPR) can be a great success but it can also be a great failure. After months or years of careful redesign,... [full details]
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) - Implementation Toolkit
Excel workbook and supporting ZIP
Price: $249.00
The Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Implementation Toolkit includes a set of best practice templates, step-by-step workplans,... [full details]
Business Process Reengineering (BPR) - Implementation Toolkit
Excel workbook and supporting ZIP
Price: $149.00
The Business Process Reengineering (BPR) Implementation Toolkit includes a set of best-practice templates, step-by-step workplans,... [full details]
Business Process Improvement and Re-engineering
122-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $75.00
Business Process Improvement and Re-engineering Course Outlines
5 Days
This Business Process Improvement and... [full details]
Lean Champion 14 - Apply Six Sigma to Process Control and Improvement
79-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $59.00
The Lean Champion Black Belt Series are designed and developed specifically for Manager and above roles. These series are at the highest... [full details]
Total Quality Management - Business Process Re-engineering
65-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $55.00
The recent global meltdown and recession has put great pressure on the organizations to produce the best quality products at the most... [full details]
Theory of Constraints (TOC)
26-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $39.00
The Theory of Constraints (TOC) (also known as bottleneck theory or throughput management) refers to thought processes and... [full details]
Lean Process Improvement - Implementation Toolkit
Excel workbook and supporting ZIP
Price: $249.00
The Lean Process Improvement Toolkit includes a set of best-practice templates, step-by-step workplans, and maturity diagnostics for any... [full details]
Business Process Engineering Team Guide
30-page Word document
Price: $49.00
A Team Members Guide for undertaking the process engineering of a business process. The Guide covers all the major steps of process... [full details]
Le Developpement de la Performance Commerciale
110-slide PowerPoint deck
Price: $20.00
Cette présentation traite un sujet crucial pour toute entreprise : le Développement de la Performance Commerciale. Que vous soyez un... [full details]