Flevy is the #1 online provider of high quality business documents. We sell business frameworks, financial models, PowerPoint templates, and more. We cover a wide breadth of corporate functions, from
IT to
Corporate Strategy to
Communications to
Change Management to
Corporate Finance. Learn more
about Flevy here.
The Flevy Partner Program allows you to capitalize on our marketplace. In fact, as a partner, you can capitalize on both sides of the market—
Customers and
Capitalize on Customers
If you refer Customers,
earn commissions on their entire purchases. The commission is calculated from the total sales made by your Customer referrals in a calendar month per the rate structure defined below.
Total Monthly Sales |
Commission |
0 - $1,000 |
5% |
$1,000.01 - $2,500 |
6% |
$2,500.01 - $5,000 |
7% |
$5,000.01 - $10,000 |
8% |
$10,000.01 and higher |
10% |
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Capitalize on Authors
If you refer Authors,
earn commissions on all of their document sales. Our Author referral system is 2-tiers, meaning you will earn on both your direct referrals' sales, as well as on the sales of anyone referred by your referrals. For your direct referrals, earn 5% of all income they generate from selling their listed business documents. For your referrals' referrals, earn 1% of all income they generate from selling their listed business documents.
In other words, let's say you refer 5 people and each refers 5 more. If everyone earns $500 a month, you will receive a $250 bonus every month.
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Additional Details
To join our Partner Program, just
register on our site. We only have 1 registration form for Flevy. Registration is free. As a member of Flevy, you can sell and buy documents; and you are automatically enrolled in the Flevy Partner Program. After you are logged in, you can go to
this page for your referral links and banner media.
We use a 30-day cookie to ensure you are properly credited for your referrals.
To maximize sales, you can generate partner referral links to every page on Flevy.com (except pages on our business blog). This means you can link to specific documents, specific author profiles, specific corporate function pages, and specific industry pages.
Any questions? Email us at
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Strategic Partnerships
Are you looking for a closer partnership? We offer more strategic partnership solutions, such as providing a custom feed of Flevy products for seamless integration into your website or portal. Please email us at
partners@flevy.com to discuss further.