What is Flevy?
Flevy (https://flevy.com) is an online marketplace for business professionals to buy and sell premium business documents. Here, you can browse for business frameworks, financial models, PowerPoint templates, presentation templates, market research reports, and more. These are high quality documents—many produced by former consultants of top-tier consultancies. Read more about Flevy here.
Is Flevy free to join?
What do I do if I don't receive my confirmation email?
Sometimes our email gets stuck in the spam or junk mail folder. Please check there first. If it's not there, you can go here to request a new confirmation email. Or, you can email us at support@flevy.com.
What if I have more questions not covered on this page?
Please check out the Terms of Service for more information. If you can't find your answers there, please don't hesitate to contact us directly by sending an email to support@flevy.com.
How are purchased documents delivered?
You can download your purchased documents in 2 ways. First, once the order is processed, we will send you an email with download links to your document(s). (Sometimes, our email ends up in the junk/spam mailbox.) Secondly, you can access all your purchased documents through your Account page on Flevy.
What forms of payment are accepted?
We accept a comprehensive range of payment methods, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and various region-specific options, all through Stripe's secure platform. Stripe is our payment processor and is also used by Amazon, Walmart, Target, Apple, and Samsung, reflecting its reliability and widespread trust in the industry.
How do I find what I need on Flevy?
To facilitate navigating the Flevy Marketplace, we have categorized all our documents into corporate functions and/or management topics. To navigate by function, click the "Browse the Flevy Marketplace" link at the top of the page. From there, you can browse by our core functions:
Then, you can drill down further by management topic.
If this approach don't suffice, we also have an AI-powered consultant, Marcus, who will provide specific topic recommendations based on your exact business scenario. Ask Marcus here.
Can I resell or give away document(s) I purchase to others?
You may use the document for your own work and distribute and sell the derivative work you produce. Per our standard terms, unless otherwise specified by the seller, a single license allows you to use the document at a single location for up to 10 people. You can purchase additional licenses from the checkout page. Please read our terms for more info on permitted uses.
Can the purchased documents be modified?
In most cases, yes. In most MS Office formats, i.e. PowerPoint, Excel, Word, the document can be easily modified for your own purposes. You can change the diagrams, the text, the background, the branding, etc. If you have any questions about a specific document, please email us and we will take a look at that exact document.
Is pricing in US Dollars?
Yes, the pricing for all our products are in US Dollars (USD).
How do I list my a document on Flevy for sale?
Please have a look at this tutorial: Selling on Flevy: Basics of Selling Your First Document.
Are there any fees associated with listing a document to sell?
No, it's completely free to list and sell documents on Flevy.
Does Flevy charge a commission for each sale?
Yes, there is a flat 30% commission on all sales. This includes all payment processing fees (i.e. credit card fees are paid for by Flevy).
Are there any restrictions on the business documents we can upload?
Yes, you must legally be able to sell any items you upload. It must be fully cleansed. You cannot sell your document elsewhere at a lower price.
Who retains the copyright of the document?
The copyright is retained by the document author. The customer is granted a License to use, modify, and distribute the modified document per our terms. The author may include additional terms within the document itself. These included terms will take precedence over the terms provided by Flevy.
What is the document review and approval process?
We approve documents 2-3 times a week. The evaluation process is very simple. We check for 3 criteria:
What does Flevy do to market our documents?
All documents are automatically promoted through our social media channels. Most (but not all) new documents are also promoted in our documents newsletter, which is sent every 2-3 weeks. As of March 2018, we have 40,000 social media followers and over 200,000 subscribers to our documents newsletters. For an author who uploads many related documents (e.g. 10 documents related to Lean Management), we often will run a dedicated campaign for this author's documents. If you are interested in having us run a dedicated campaign for your Flevy documents, please email David Tang at dave@flevy.com.
What can we do to further market our documents and increase sales?
We highly encourage our authors to also promote their own documents directly to their professional networks. Please have a look at these articles for specific suggestions on what you can do to improve sales of your Flevy documents:
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