Our list of the top 100 Consulting Frameworks of 2025 is based on sales and downloads from the Flevy Marketplace and the FlevyPro Library.
All these presentations follow the structured "Tier 1 Slide Format," which is commonly used by global consulting firms, like McKinsey, Bain, and BCG. It includes a headline statement, a body with detailed content and visuals (e.g. charts, diagrams), and an optional bumper statement at the bottom to capture the main insight or conclusion.
Frameworks are powerful tools consultants leverage to address their clients' business issues in an organized, thorough, and efficient fashion. Each of our framework guides is a detailed PowerPoint presentation that provides a structured approach to analyzing and solving a common business problem. Updated weekly.
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Receive our FREE whitepaper on the Top 101 Consulting Frameworks
Download our 200+ page guide summarizing the Top 101 Management Consulting Frameworks. Each framework provides a structured approach to analyzing and solving a common business problem. |