Need a Robust Digital Transformation Strategy?
COVID-19 has accelerated the timeline for Digital Transformation Programs by years. To survive in the Low Touch Economy, organizations must go digital.
Welcome to the Flevy Blog. We are an online business magazine covering Business Strategies, Business Theories, & Business Stories.
Do Your Tactics Align with Your Strategy?
For effective Strategy Development and Strategic Planning, we must master both strategy and tactics—from Corporate Strategy to Business Strategy to "Tactical" Strategy.
Are You Undertaking Post-merger Integration?
M&A transactions look great on paper, but only a fraction of projected synergies are ever captured. Also, the PMI process is typically very painful. It doesn't have to be this way.
Is It Time for an Organizational Redesign?
In the age of COVID-19 and Digital Transformation, there is accelerating pace of strategic change driven by disruption. Thus, Organizational Design efforts are becoming common pursuits.
"If You Can't Measure It, You Can't Improve It."
Having a structured and robust Strategic Performance Management system (like the Balanced Scorecard) is critical to the sustainable success of any organization.
How Healthy Is Your Organizational Culture?
Culture is like the DNA of the organization. That is why a healthy Culture leads to strong Performance, Growth, and Excellence; and the opposite is also true.
"If You Don't Transform... You're Stuck."
Did you know 75% of Transformations fail? Leverage best practice frameworks to increase your chances of a successful Transformation by avoiding failure-causing "Transformation Traps."
Are Your Processes Optimized and Automated?
As we continue to deal with COVID-19 and its economic aftermath, most organizations will prioritize Business Process Improvement initiatives.
Our Latest Articles
Author: Mark Bridges
Difficult conversations are the moments most people dread yet cannot avoid. Whether addressing a performance issue with a team member, negotiating a... [read more]
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Author: Mark Bridges
In the ever-evolving sales landscape, curiosity plays a pivotal role in establishing meaningful connections with customers. It is more than just a... [read more]
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Author: Mark Bridges
The sales world is no stranger to evolution, and the Challenger Sales Model stands as a landmark approach to navigating today’s complex,... [read more]
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Author: Mark Bridges
The concept of "Lean," originating from the Toyota Production System of the 1940s, revolutionized operations by emphasizing efficiency, waste... [read more]
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Author: Mark Bridges
The Octalysis Framework, developed by Yu-kai Chou, is a sophisticated consulting framework designed to enhance engagement through the strategic... [read more]
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Author: Mark Bridges
Digital Twins are reshaping the way organizations approach Operations and Innovation. By providing a virtual replica of a physical system, process,... [read more]
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Author: Mark Bridges
The Sustainable Value Framework represents a strategic approach that integrates the goals of People, Planet, and Profit, pushing organizations to... [read more]
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Author: Mark Bridges
Competitive analysis is the backbone of strategic decision-making. By identifying an organization’s competitive landscape, leaders can get the... [read more]
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Author: Flevy Management Insights
Retail banking is undergoing one of the most significant transformations in its history. As customers shift toward digital banking and self-service... [read more]
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Author: Flevy Management Insights
The Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) industry has fundamentally reshaped how businesses operate, providing on-demand software solutions through cloud... [read more]
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Author: Flevy Management Insights
The insurance industry is one of the bedrocks of economic stability, enabling businesses and individuals to manage risk, preserve capital, and... [read more]
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Author: Flevy Management Insights
Cybersecurity is no longer just an IT concern—it has become a cornerstone of organizational resilience.
With threat actors continuously... [read more]
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Author: Mark Bridges
Organizations too often fail at strategy, because they focus on buzzwords and lofty ambitions rather than applying practical frameworks. Richard... [read more]
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Author: Mark Bridges
Strategic Analysis remains at the heart of any successful organizational effort, providing a comprehensive view of both internal capabilities and... [read more]
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Author: Mark Bridges
Global expansion is tough. Even the most seasoned executives can find themselves daunted by the complexities of entering new markets. The CAGE... [read more]
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Author: Mark Bridges
Organizations increasingly prioritize creativity as a competitive advantage in today’s competitive landscape.
Creativity is the ability to... [read more]
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Author: Mark Bridges
Organizations thrive based on the energy levels coursing through their teams. High-energy initiatives are synonymous with enthusiasm,... [read more]
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Author: Mark Bridges
Modern industries face ongoing challenges in innovation and problem-solving. Unfortunately, traditional methods often... [read more]
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Author: Mark Bridges
Modern manufacturing faces the dual challenge of reducing environmental impact while maintaining productivity and... [read more]
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Author: Mark Bridges
The high demand for innovation coupled with slim margins for error can overwhelm management, creating significant pressures across various sectors.... [read more]