Business Frameworks & Management Guides
Flevy specializes in providing proven business frameworks, the same used by Fortune 500 companies and developed by tier-1 consulting firms, like McKinsey, Bain, BCG, Deloitte, and PwC. Below are several complimentary framework presentations developed both by Flevy's in-house team and our contributing consulting firm authors.
Many organizations develop robust strategies, but fail at operationalizing their strategies into implementable steps. This 50+ slide PPT covers 12 core Strategy Development & Execution frameworks.
The role of technology has evolved from being a business enabler to a business driver. This framework provides the foundation to formulating your Digital Transformation Strategy through the 9 levers to Digital Transformation.
Achieving Operational Excellence requires the successful implementation of a Business Execution System that effectively and seamlessly integrates the 4 critical building blocks.
Learn to eliminate everything that does not add value in the customer's eyes. This is a 32-page presentation that explains the Lean management philosophy, based on the Toyota Production System (TPS).
In a world of constant change and disruption, Innovation is key to remain competitive. This presentation discusses 2 powerful Innovation frameworks: Innovation Dashboard and Innovation Opportunity Assessment.
Delivering great Customer Experiences is critical to success for any organization now and into the future. However, getting Customer Experience right is a huge challenge given this requires a concerted effort across the organization.
Are you aware of the threats that your organization faces? This presentation provides you with the framework, tools, and techniques that will allow you to take a considered and measured approach towards protecting your business.
Based on over 25 years of experience, this presentation captures a practical approach to Change Management, which covers the most critical change components and associated tools & techniques.
Want even more frameworks? Scroll down further for more frameworks.
Professional PowerPoint Templates
For those that spend a lot of time creating presentations, they know having the right PPT template available is like having a productivity superpower. Pre-built PPT templates can save your 1000s of hours of effort. Below, we have made available 100s of free PowerPoint templates, covering a myriad of topics and themes.
Looking for more? Check out the top 100 PowerPoint templates on Flevy.
The Flevy PowerPoint Toolkit contains over 100+ slides worth of diagrams, shapes, charts, tables, and icons for you to use in your business presentations. These diagrams are the same typically used in executive presentations and deliverables developed by top management consulting firms.
This fully editable PowerPoint presentation includes 70 PPT templates that span 35 essential Strategy & Transformation frameworks. These tools are based on the thought leadership of top consulting firms, academics, and industry experts.
Similar to the S&T Templates, these templates just focus on Digital Transformation. It contains over 50+ PPT templates that span essential Digital Transformation frameworks.
This document is a compilation of 50+ template and diagram slides of business frameworks related to Organizational Design, Change Management, and Corporate Culture.
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Case Studies
Learn from the challenges, successes, and overall experiences of others. Our market research and content teams have compiled 1000s of case studies across a plethora of industries and organization types. They have been organized into key functional topics.
Hint: We release new whitepapers every week through our founder's personal LinkedIn profile. Follow him here.
Looking for a specific case study? Search our full database of 8,000 detailed case studies.
More Frameworks, Templates, & Tools
Here are some additional complimentary resources from Flevy and our authors.
We will be regularly updating this page, so bookmark this page and visit often.
Also, if you find these resources useful, please share the page on LinkedIn.
This helps us, as a small business, tremendously!
This toolkit includes a set of 10 documents developed to understand and implement the CMM methodology effectively within your organization.
This bundle of 4 guides delve into over 250+ essential KPIs that drive organizational success in Strategy, Human Resources, Innovation, and Supply Chain.
This 200+ page whitepaper summarizes the Top 101 Management Consulting Frameworks. It represents an extensive, meticulously curated collection of the consulting frameworks.
This in-depth 48-page whitepaper discusses how to manage serious Change--against the backdrop of the predictable lifecycle of any organization.
This ebook on structured technical writing is written by a team former McKinsey communication specialists.
This is a collection of 50 strategic plans that delve into the specific challenges and competitive situations faced by a variety of organizations across different industries.
This guide, developed by Communique Productions, provides solutions for resolving workplace conflicts that arise from resistance to change.
Guide your strategic planning process with this robust strategic plan template that is based on the plans leading consulting firms, such as McKinsey, use.
This framework breaks down IPA, a set of emerging Digital Technologies that combine process redesign with Robotic Process Automation and Machine Learning.
FSP is a proven methodology for increasing sales and reducing turnover. It achieves this through a structured process to select employees who will be the highest performers with the lowest turnover.
For a broader selection, take a look at our top best practices on the Flevy marketplace:
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Trusted by over 10,000+ Client Organizations
Since 2012, we have provided best practices to over 10,000 businesses and organizations of all sizes, from startups and small businesses to the Fortune 100, in over 130 countries.
Read Customer Testimonials
"FlevyPro provides business frameworks from many of the global giants in management consulting that allow you to provide best in class solutions for your clients."
– David Harris, Managing Director at Futures Strategy
"I have used Flevy services for a number of years and have never, ever been disappointed. As a matter of fact, David and his team continue, time after time, to impress me with their willingness to assist and in the real sense of the word. I have concluded in fact that it is not at all just a repository of documents/resources but, in the way that David and his team manage the firm, it is like dealing with consultants always ready to assist, advise and direct you to what you really need, and they always get it right.
I am an international hospitality accomplished senior executive who has worked and lived during the past 35 years in 23 countries in 5 continents and I can humbly say that I know what customer service is, trust me.
Aside from the great and professional service that Flevy's team provide, their wide variety of material is of utmost great quality, professionally put together and most current.
Well done Flevy, keep up the great work and I look forward to continue working with you in the future and to recommend you to a variety of colleagues around the world. "
– Roberto Pelliccia, Senior Executive in International Hospitality
"One of the great discoveries that I have made for my business is the Flevy library of training materials.
As a Lean Transformation Expert, I am always making presentations to clients on a variety of topics: Training, Transformation, Total Productive Maintenance, Culture, Coaching, Tools, Leadership Behavior, etc. Flevy usually has just what I need to make my point.
It is well worth the money to purchase these presentations. Sure, I have the knowledge and information to make my point. It is another thing to create a presentation that captures what I want to say. Flevy has saved me countless hours of preparation time that is much better spent with implementation that will actually save money for my clients. "
– Ed Kemmerling, Senior Lean Transformation Expert at PMG
"As an Independent Management Consultant, I find Flevy to add great value as a source of best practices, templates and information on new trends. Flevy has matured and the quality and quantity of the library is excellent. Lastly the price charged is reasonable, creating a win-win value for the customer, Flevy and the various authors. This is truly a service that benefits the consulting industry and associated clients. Thanks for providing this service. "
– Jim Schoen, Principal at FRC Group
"As a small business owner, the resource material available from FlevyPro has proven to be invaluable. The ability to search for material on demand based our project events and client requirements was great for me and proved very beneficial to my clients. Importantly, being able to easily edit and tailor the material for specific purposes helped us to make presentations, knowledge sharing, and toolkit development, which formed part of the overall program collateral. While FlevyPro contains resource material that any consultancy, project or delivery firm must have, it is an essential part of a small firm or independent consultant's toolbox. "
– Michael Duff, Managing Director at Change Strategy (UK)
"As a consulting firm, we had been creating subject matter training materials for our people and found the excellent materials on Flevy, which saved us 100's of hours of re-creating what already exists on the Flevy materials we purchased."
– Michael Evans, Managing Director at Newport LLC
"Last Sunday morning, I was diligently working on an important presentation for a client and found myself in need of additional content and suitable templates for various types of graphics. proved to be a treasure trove for both content and design at a reasonable price, considering the time I saved. I encountered a download issue during the ordering process. However, a quick email to Flevy's support team, even on a Sunday (!!!), resulted in assistance within less than an hour, allowing me to download the content I needed. Fantastic job, Flevy! I give 5 stars for both content/price and customer service. Thank you! "
– M. E., Chief Commercial Officer, International Logistics Service Provider
"I like your product. I'm frequently designing PowerPoint presentations for my company and your product has given me so many great ideas on the use of charts, layouts, tools, and frameworks. I really think the templates are a valuable asset to the job."
– Roberto Fuentes Martinez, Senior Executive Director at Technology Transformation Advisory