Transforming a product-driven firm to a customer-driven enterprise is inevitable today in order to stay ahead in today’s extremely competitive market. The days of mass marketing, mass media communications, and little-to-none direct interface with customers are long gone. The emphasis now should be on maximizing customer relationships and becoming customer-driven organizations rather than merely selling […]
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You’re Building a Customer-centric Organization, So Where’s the Customer Department?
What’s the Best Way to Manage and Communicate with Virtual Teams?
The number of people working remotely has been increasing progressively across the globe. An employee benefits report narrates that around 60% companies in the US offer telecommuting opportunities. Telecommuting not only benefits people but also presents several advantages for organizations. Research has attributed an increase in savings of around $2000 per employee each year on […]
Can Business Communication Be Thought of As a Science?
Editor’s Note: Davina Stanley, co-founder of Clarity College, author of “The ‘So What’ Strategy,” and an ex-McKinsey Communications Specialist of 18+ years, is a subject matter expert on achieving “clarity” in Corporate Communications. Her firm Clarity College is also an author on Flevy (see all their Communications materials here) and has been interviewed on the Business […]
4 Ways to Improve Customer Communication
Companies should be in constant communication with their customers, because they are the foundation of the business. You must therefore look for ways to improve your communication services to improve the customer service experience. Show Understanding Customers will not want to hear the disinterested tone of a member of staff as they try to resolve […]
The Art of Communicating Complexity
Editor’s Note: The author, Davina Stanley, is a Corporate Communications expert with several decades of experience from McKinsey. Her firm is also an author on Flevy, specializing in business frameworks on various communications topics. You can view their documents here. This article is an except from her firm’s free ebook: Three Tips to Help Technical Experts Get an […]
Setting Powerful Goals
Editor’s Note: Grant Stanley is a seasoned Business Coach and a Sales & Marketing Expert with a 20+ year outstanding Sales and Marketing record. He is also an author on Flevy, where he has published materials from Business Fundamentals to Management and Leadership Excellence. Take a look at all of Grant’s Flevy best practice documents here. * * * […]
Four Lesser-Known Websites that Help Deliver a Big PR Punch
As a business owner, you are always searching ways to get your company name into the public eye. While you might be tempted to focus on major news organizations and perhaps working with a high priced public relations firm, there are plenty of lesser-known but reputable websites that can help you boost your PR. For […]
If You Don’t Prioritize Your Life, Someone Else Will
“A ‘no’ uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a ‘yes’ merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.” So said Mahatma Gandhi, and we all know how his conviction played out on the world stage. But what is less well known is how this same discipline played out privately with his own […]
Corporate Communications, the McKinsey Way – from Storylining to Board Papers
Team Neosi is an author on Flevy specializing in Corporate Communications. The team consists of communication specialists with more than 40 years’ combined experience with the top management consulting firm, McKinsey & Company. They have 9 documents available on Flevy: Structured Thinking 101: Clarity Through Storylines Clarity is critical in business communication of all […]
Recommended Documents by Business Topic
UPDATE: This article will no longer be updated. All updates are now being made directly to our Management Topics section. Due to the rapid growth of our documents library, we have developed a less manual way of organizing our documents. We have organized documents into Business Toolkits, where each toolkit is focused on a specific business project […]
The Impossible Dream: One-Page Board Papers
“Impossible.” That was management’s view when the Chair of a major Corporation said they wanted board papers to be one page long with a maximum of 10 supporting “PowerPoint charts.” But it has happened. This Chair is not alone — other Boards that are sick of being inundated with massive, inconsistent and poorly thought out […]
Getting People to Use Structured Thinking Disciplines Is Easier Than You Think
So many of our clients and friends who work in consulting firms tell us that they are unhappy with the clarity of the thinking that their team members deliver in their internal recommendations and client reports. They worry that clients do not receive the full value from their teams’ efforts and that their clients are […]