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5 Reasons Why Your Business Could Benefit from a Company Brochure

Editor's Note: Take a look at our featured best practice, Digital Transformation Strategy (145-slide PowerPoint presentation). Digital Transformation is being embraced by organizations across most industries, as the role of technology shifts from being a business enabler to a business driver. This has only been accelerated by the COVID-19 global pandemic. Thus, to remain competitive and outcompete in today's fast paced, [read more]

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pexels-photo-236111There is a misconception among businesses owners that print marketing materials are obsolete. To a certain extent, print has been superseded by digital marketing, but print magazines are not yet consigned to the dustbin of history. There is still a market for printed materials and print brochures definitely have a place in any marketing campaign.

Here are five reasons why printed brochures can add value to your marketing efforts.

Enhance your Brand

Online ads are so ubiquitous these days that it is very easy to ignore them. Ad blockers are a real problem for online marketers, with increasing numbers of people installing ad blocking software so they don’t have to look at irritating pop-ups and intrusive banners.

Printed materials offer a different experience. Customers still have the option of ignoring print brochures, but being handed a quality printed company brochure helps to instil a sense of exclusivity. It sets your brand apart from your competitors, and if you operate in a more traditional niche, a printed company brochure is expected.

Branding is very important, so if your customers associate your company with exclusivity, so much the better. A glossy brochure printed on a high-quality card that contains professional imagery and well-written text is going to create a far better brand image than a generic online ad linking to your website.

Even if you create a PDF file of your brochure and distribute it via email, it won’t have the same cachet as a quality printed brochure in the hand.

They Last Longer

Online marketing materials are viewed and forgotten. We all have limited attention spans for online material. It takes something viral to capture our attention and make us look twice. A titillating video of a celebrity or a surprising headline on the news will make us click on the link, but most of the time, we skim past or block the ads out entirely.

Printed brochures are far more likely to stand the test of time. It is inevitable that some of the company brochures you hand out will be discarded and tossed in the recipient’s recycling bin, but a few will be kept and stored in a drawer or left on a desk.

Print materials enjoy longevity. Your valued customers are likely to hang on to your brochure for a while, which means they will think of you when they need your services.

Appeal to a Wider Audience

Not everyone uses the internet. Seniors are the group who are most likely to avoid the internet, either because they don’t trust it or because they don’t know how to go online. But it isn’t only seniors who dislike the online world. Some younger people also use the internet sporadically, so if they fall into your target demographic, you could be missing out on a new customer.

Print brochures are accessible to everyone. You don’t need a computer or a smartphone to read a printed brochure. Send out company brochures in the mail or hand them out at a marketing event and it won’t matter if the client doesn’t have an internet connection for two weeks because he’s travelling. He can take your brochure with him and read it at his convenience.

Printed company brochures are especially important if your target audience is aged 65 and over. Say, for example, your company sells chair lifts or mobility scooters. Expecting your customers to read an online brochure is a tall order, but if you mail them a print brochure, you are likely to enjoy a better conversion rate.

Build Trust

There is a wealth of research out there that proves customers tend to trust printed materials far more than digital marketing flyers, ads, and other materials. When we receive a brochure in the mail, we feel more valued because we know it cost the company time and money to send us the brochure, whereas it costs nothing to send thousands of emails.

If you want your customers to trust your brand, brochure printing is the best way to go about this. Create a high-quality company brochure and send it out to select prospective clients. It will pay dividends in the long run.

Perfect for Networking Events

Whilst you can suggest prospective clients visit your social media accounts or check out your website, it doesn’t have the same immediacy as a brochure in the hand. Networking events are very useful for marketing purposes, so take advantage of online brochure printing and prepare a stack of company brochures to market your services.

There are brochure and magazine printing companies who can do some great bulk printing deals. Many will also offer a design service too, just in case your creativity has hit a brick wall.

Don’t underestimate the power of a company brochure. Have some printed and use them to market your brand today.

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About Shane Avron

Shane Avron is a freelance writer, specializing in business, general management, enterprise software, and digital technologies. In addition to Flevy, Shane's articles have appeared in Huffington Post, Forbes Magazine, among other business journals.

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