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Tag Archives | innovation


Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET) Framework

In the field of Market Research and Consumer Behavior Analysis, a significant problem that organizations face is the inability to fully grasp and interpret the subconscious thoughts and emotions of their consumers. Traditional Market Research methods, such as surveys and focus groups, often capture only the surface-level opinions and preferences of consumers. Such traditional methods […]

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The VRIO Framework

Marketers have long been fascinated by why certain products capture the public’s interest, becoming integral to daily routines, while others quietly disappear from the view. This intrigue is not only limited to consumer goods, but also extends to how some organizations achieve and maintain a competitive advantage. To make sense of this phenomenon, Jay Barney […]

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Service Blueprint

Service represents an intricate, multi-tiered procedure encompassing numerous individuals and technologies that collaborate harmoniously or encounter issues.  In order to foster Innovation and enhance Customer Satisfaction, visualizing every step and participant, from customers to third-party vendors, is essential. This is where Service Blueprints play a crucial role.  Just as the name implies, the Service Blueprint […]

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McKinsey’s Three Horizons of Growth

Organizations undergo different phases of development.  Some reach maturity and then decline over time, whereas others just fade away in the startup phase. A few businesses, however, evade collapse and maintain growth for years.  They keep surprising their customers with novel product or service offerings.  They accomplish this by allocating dedicated resources, investment, time, and […]

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Jobs-to-Be-Done (JTBD) Growth Strategy Matrix

Competing in this cutthroat environment demands unique strategies. After identifying a customer group, organizations have to decide which of them they should target and how.  There is a need to ascertain the full range of customer jobs that have to be completed (including both their underserved and over-served needs). Leadership should now consider and select […]

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Jobs-to-Be-Done (JTBD) Theory

Most Innovation efforts fail because of a lack of understanding of customers’ needs. The enormous amount of data available today should have made it easy for organizations to capture what customers hope to achieve.  However, this is not the case.  Almost everywhere, data is being used to find correlations instead of causation. The Jobs-to-Be-Done (JTBD) […]

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Triple Bottom Line (TBL)

The Triple Bottom Line (TBL) framework is an innovative approach in management that broadens the traditional reporting framework to include ecological and social performance in addition to financial performance. This model is particularly important in today’s socially conscious market, where consumers and investors are increasingly making decisions based on not only the financial performance of […]

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Agile Talent Acquisition Strategy

As organizations develop rapidly, recruitment becomes a new problem. Recruiting is failing to stay up, even though its reputation depends on its ability to quickly react to changing business demands. Thus, recruiting executives must be adaptive in a very dynamic firm. We can use this 3-phase approach to construct agile procedures that are more responsive […]

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The Viable System Model

Traditional organizational structures and management practices are characterized by a hierarchical model in which control and direction come from the top.  These structures and practices have become obsolete and cannot adapt in response to volatile market conditions.  Another issue with this traditional hierarchy is inadequate and sporadic communication between the various tiers of the organization. […]

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BU-driven Organizational Workforce Planning

HR leaders excel at Workforce Planning at the business unit level, but face obstacles when it comes to effectively integrating their insights. By understanding the complexities of how business unit input is incorporated into the creation and implementation of workforce plans, HR leaders can gain the ability to steer a unified and effective organization-wide Workforce […]

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The OODA Loop

Decision Making is critical for every business.  Military strategists apply their training and experience to devise battle plans and make quick decisions aimed at achieving specific objectives.  Military strategies, concepts, and practices have found widespread application in businesses as well as everyday life.  Writings, memoirs, and experiences of famous military historians and strategists—such as Sun […]

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Consulting Competencies Circle (CCC)

Each year, a large number of business professionals make the decision to leave their corporate jobs to pursue independent consulting.  To them, a career in independent consulting means having a flexible schedule, being one’s own boss, or a way to realize their real potential.  For some people, independent consulting implies doing what they are truly […]

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Complimentary Business Training Guides

Many companies develop robust strategies, but struggle with operationalizing their strategies into implementable steps. This presentation from flevy introduces 12 powerful business frameworks spanning both Strategy Development and Strategy Execution. [Learn more]

  This 48-page whitepaper, authored by consultancy Envisioning, provides the frameworks, tools, and insights needed to manage serious Change—under the backdrop of the business lifecycle. These lifecycle stages are each marked by distinct attributes, challenges, and behaviors. [Learn more]

We've developed a very comprehensive collection of Strategy & Transformation PowerPoint templates for you to use in your own business presentations, spanning topics from Growth Strategy to Brand Development to Innovation to Customer Experience to Strategic Management. [Learn more]

  We have compiled a collection of 10 Lean Six Sigma templates (Excel) and Operational Excellence guides (PowerPoint) by a multitude of LSS experts. These tools cover topics including 8 Disciplines (8D), 5 Why's, 7 Wastes, Value Stream Mapping (VSM), and DMAIC. [Learn more]
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