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Marcus Insights
Leading Packaging Company: Adapting to Sustainable Packaging Demand

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Role: Director of Corporate Strategy
Industry: Packaging in the United States

Situation: The packaging industry in the United States is currently experiencing a shift towards sustainable and eco-friendly solutions, driven by both consumer demand and regulatory changes. As the Director of Corporate Strategy for a leading packaging company, my focus is on aligning our product portfolio and business operations with these evolving market trends. Our strengths lie in our established distribution network and strong supplier relationships, but we are facing challenges in adapting our manufacturing processes and product design to meet the increasing demand for sustainable packaging solutions. Internally, the organizational structure is relatively traditional, hindering the agility required to respond to rapidly changing market demands. We are considering strategic initiatives to invest in sustainable materials and production processes, as well as potential partnerships with innovative startups in the sustainable packaging space.

Question to Marcus:

How can we restructure our internal organization to foster agility and innovation, while aligning our product portfolio with the growing demand for sustainable packaging solutions?

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Based on your specific organizational details captured above, Marcus recommends the following areas for evaluation (in roughly decreasing priority). If you need any further clarification or details on the specific frameworks and concepts described below, please contact us: support@flevy.com.

Organizational Change

As the packaging industry moves towards more sustainable solutions, your company must adopt an Agile and innovative Organizational Structure to remain competitive. This involves rethinking traditional hierarchies and moving towards a more flexible, decentralized framework that can respond quickly to market and environmental changes.

Implementing cross-functional teams focused on sustainable innovation can bridge gaps between R&D, design, and production, ensuring a cohesive approach to eco-friendly packaging. Encourage a culture that rewards experimentation and learning from failures, as this will drive innovation in sustainable materials and processes. Additionally, consider establishing an innovation hub or a dedicated team tasked with scouting and collaborating with startups in the sustainable packaging space. This not only brings fresh perspectives into the company but also accelerates the adoption of cutting-edge sustainable technologies.

Learn more about Agile Organizational Structure Organizational Change

Supply Chain Resilience

Adapting your Supply Chain to prioritize sustainability is critical. This includes evaluating and selecting suppliers based on their commitment to sustainability, in addition to cost and reliability.

Develop a sustainability scorecard for suppliers to ensure they meet your environmental standards. Investing in technology for better supply chain visibility will allow you to monitor the sustainability practices of your suppliers in real-time, enabling proactive adjustments. Diversifying your supplier base to include more local and sustainable options can reduce carbon footprint and mitigate risks associated with global supply chains. Engaging suppliers in discussions about sustainable practices can lead to innovations in materials and packaging that benefit both parties.

Learn more about Supply Chain Supply Chain Resilience

Product Strategy

Aligning your Product Strategy with the demand for sustainable packaging requires a deep understanding of your customers' values and regulatory trends. This might entail redesigning packaging to minimize waste, using recycled or biodegradable materials, and improving the efficiency of packaging processes to reduce environmental impact.

Conduct Market Research to identify sustainability trends and customer preferences. Leverage your strong distribution network to pilot new sustainable packaging options in select markets, gathering feedback for wider rollout. Also, consider lifecycle assessment (LCA) studies to understand the environmental impact of your packaging solutions from cradle to grave, informing your Product Development strategy.

Learn more about Product Strategy Market Research Product Development


Embedding innovation into the core of your business operations is vital for transitioning towards sustainable packaging solutions. This means not only innovating in product design and materials but also in manufacturing processes and business models.

Look into partnerships with academic institutions, research organizations, and startups to explore cutting-edge sustainable materials and technologies. Establish an internal innovation fund to finance promising projects. Foster a culture of Open Innovation where ideas are freely shared within the company, and employees at all levels are encouraged to contribute. Innovation challenges and hackathons can stimulate Creativity and uncover viable sustainable packaging solutions.

Learn more about Open Innovation Creativity Innovation


Your sustainability strategy should be integrated into every aspect of the business, from procurement of materials to manufacturing processes and Product Lifecycle management. Set clear, measurable sustainability goals and report progress transparently to stakeholders.

This not only demonstrates commitment to environmental stewardship but also builds trust with consumers and investors. Explore certifications such as Cradle to Cradle to validate the sustainability of your products. Engaging in industry coalitions can amplify your impact on broader environmental challenges facing the packaging sector. Sustainability should also extend to your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives, aligning with environmental causes and supporting community projects that promote recycling and waste reduction.

Learn more about Product Lifecycle Corporate Social Responsibility Sustainability

Corporate Strategy

Your Corporate Strategy should be a living document that evolves with the sustainability goals of your organization and the industry at large. It’s essential to conduct a thorough Market Analysis periodically to understand the Competitive Landscape of sustainable packaging.

This analysis will guide strategic investments in new technologies and materials. Revisit your vision and mission to ensure they reflect your sustainability commitments. Consider strategic acquisitions of smaller, innovative companies in the sustainable packaging space to rapidly advance your capabilities. Lastly, continuously assess the performance of your sustainability initiatives against corporate objectives, adjusting strategies as necessary to stay aligned with market demands and regulatory requirements.

Learn more about Corporate Strategy Market Analysis Competitive Landscape

Did you know?
The average daily rate of a McKinsey consultant is $6,625 (not including expenses). The average price of a Flevy document is $65.

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