The current ever-changing and increasingly connected world demands taking an amplified approach to Innovation and Innovation Management. The conventional method of innovating locally and distributing the product or service globally is now being questioned more and more. Effortless availability of unparalleled knowledge, essential for Innovation, is one key factor in bringing the traditional approach into […]
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3 Approaches to Global Innovation
How We Can Align Our Corporate Strategy and Supply Chain Strategy
Most organizations struggle to find a true strategic fit between their Corporate Strategies and their Supply Chain Strategies. For most organizations, they operate within a highly complex and globally interconnected Supply Chain. Aligning Supply Chain solutions to support the organization’s strategies has become increasingly difficult. This has never been more evident than during the COVID-19 […]
Global Innovation Management
Contemporary vibrant and contracting world demands using a wider approach to Innovation and Innovation Management. The customary approach’s reduced efficacy is due to the uncomplicated accessibility to exceptional knowledge necessary to Innovate. Accessing and utilizing such knowledge effectually warrants a revitalized approach. Globalization of Innovation can be accomplished in numerous ways. Four of the common […]
Corporate Functional Strategy
The role of corporate functions, traditionally, has been to conduct the various service-oriented specialized tasks necessary to run the business. Corporate functions are of strategic significance in achieving organizational objectives yet their role at most enterprises is kind of contractual at best. These units assist in routine operations, facilitate other business units, and manage conflicts […]
Blank Check Strategy
Due to organizations having limited resources (e.g. talent, capital, time, etc.), the focus of Strategy Development is often the optimization and prioritization of said resources to maximize the potential to reach its strategic objectives. But what if that weren’t the case? This is the thinking behind Blank Check Strategy. The blank check approach takes a contrarian […]
Global Innovation Strategy
Humans inherently connect to each other in an indigenous context, generate knowledge, and develop a product to be disseminated by way of commerce. Traditionally, Global Innovation practice has seen assembling of people with vital capabilities and essential knowledge via co-location. Co-location is the gathering of Innovation specialists into a handful of Innovation centers, domestically and […]
Strategic Thinking Games
Organizational leadership can draw on 3 Strategic Thinking Games to master Business Strategy and apply in varied scenarios and organizational structures. The Strategic Thinking Games provide Decision Making models for senior executives to choose from and use as per the situation. The Strategic Thinking Games are based on mathematics and statistics, particularly Probability Theory, and […]
The Innovation Sandbox
The “Innovation Sandbox” is a powerful creative thinking tool to drive Innovation, pioneered by C.K. Prahalad. In fact, using this framework, industries and individual organizations can achieve breakthrough Innovation. It promotes exploration and experimentation–while under extreme conditions. For this framework to be implemented effectively, there are 4 core conditions that must be met: The Innovation must […]
3 Pillars of Product Launch Strategy
Mature markets, where the customer base begins to stagnate, call for structured Organic Growth founded on a superior Customer Value Proposition (CVP). CVP encompasses all that is gained by customers for the money they pay—material as well as intangible. Customer Value can be articulated by the equation: Customer Value = (Product Performance + Service Delivered + […]
Fit for Growth
A question faced by many business leaders in today’s dynamic, uncertain, and changing business environment is: Is our organization “Fit for Growth?” In most cases, unfortunately, the answer to this question is “no.” Reasons include the manner in which costs are managed and resources deployed. The fundamental question needed to be asked is: how to […]
Capabilities-driven M&A
Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) generally do not produce the outstanding results that they are envisioned and purported to provide. Some companies in certain industries, however, demonstrate consistent success when it comes to M&A. A constant question across all industries, as far as M&As are concerned, pertains to the factors that differentiate organizations with successful histories. […]
Customer-centric Segmentation
Rising competition and introduction of new ways of capturing large amounts of customer data has necessitated advancement in capabilities of organizations to foresee and fulfill customer needs and wants. Ever more B2C concerns are going all-out to Design Customer-centric organizations. Organizations pursuing Customer-centricity depend on some type of Market Segmentation. Market Segmentations assist in understanding […]