In today’s business environment, management consulting firms must be ready to address client challenges and needs that will transform their business by 10 or 100 times. Tools and methods must be scaled up to ensure applicability to the widest possible audience globally. The Consulting Workshop Series provides a good understanding of the 10 Methods of […]
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When the Need to Counteract Power Differential Exist: Use Consulting Workshop Series: Focus Group
Need Specialized Input and Opinion? Use the Expert Panel, A Consulting Workshop Series Method
In today’s business environment, management consulting firms must be ready to address client challenges and needs that will transform their business by 10 or 100 times. Tools and methods must be scaled up to ensure applicability to the widest possible audience globally. The Consulting Workshop Series provides a good understanding of the 10 methods of […]
The Consensus Conference Approach: When Consensus Building is the Goal
In today’s business environment, management consulting firms must be ready to address client challenges and needs that will transform their business by 10 or 100 times. Tools and methods must be scaled up to achieve a Customer-centric Design that will ensure applicability to the widest possible audience globally. The Consulting Workshop Series provides a good […]
Citizens Jury: A Consulting Workshop Series Method Most Effective in Soliciting Input for Policy Decisions
In today’s business environment, management consulting firms must be ready to address client challenges and needs that will transform their business by 10 or 100 times. Tools and methods must be scaled up to achieve Customer-centric Design that will ensure applicability to the widest possible audience globally. The Consulting Workshop Series provides a good understanding […]
Zeroing in on Delphi: When Complex Issues Require the Most Effective Approach
In today’s business environment, management consulting firms must be ready to address client challenges and needs that will transform their business by 10 or 100 times. Tools and methods must be scaled up to ensure applicability to the widest possible audience globally. The Consulting Workshop Series provides a good understanding of the 10 methods of […]
Learning the First Tool of the Consulting Workshop Series: Charrette
In today’s business environment, management consulting firms must be ready to address client challenges and needs that will transform their business by 10 or 100 times. Tools and methods must be scaled up to ensure applicability to the widest possible audience globally. The Consulting Workshop Series provides a good understanding of the 10 Methods of […]
Nudge Theory: Key Challenges to Consider
Changing the behaviors of people is the foremost issue with every transformation initiative. Nudge theory is a novel Change Management model that underscores the importance of understanding the way people think, act, and decide. The model assists in encouraging human imagination and decision making, and transforming negative behaviors and influences on people. The approach helps […]
Winning Your Way against Organizational Silos the Strategic Way
Staying competitive in the face of increasingly accelerated disruption can be a challenge to 21st-century companies. Many companies have started to rethink and retool their offerings and operation. This kind of transformation, however, requires a collaborative effort from all parts of the organization, no matter how different their processes, systems, and cultures have been in the […]
Taking Your Facilitation to the Next Level: Master the 12 Workshop Facilitation Techniques
Dynamics of every workshop is unique – a unique set of techniques is needed for workshop leaders to achieve expected results. Facilitation is going to be a key component of work in the future as employers and society face bigger and more complex problems and ideas. However, facilitation is never an easy task. It requires […]
The 8 Most Critical Levers to Managing and Sustaining Change
Most Transformation initiatives fail to achieve their anticipated objectives. Change Management is all about engaging and rallying people at all levels in the organization make the transition and sustain that change. It is critical to ensure that the entire workforce is eager and ready to embrace the required new behaviors. More often than not, the […]
4 Cost-Efficient Ways to Keep Your Employees Happy and Engaged
Currently, surveys reveal that 85% of US workers are somewhat or very satisfied with their jobs. This is a good sign, as employee satisfaction is closely tied to their engagement. Management expert Dwight Mihalicz previously explored the powerful impact of employee engagement on things like customer satisfaction, profitability, and productivity. If your employees are disengaged and unhappy, it […]
Organizational Silos 101: Breaking Barriers to Performance Excellence
Despite the emergence of new devices and software products designed to unite employees in more ways than ever before, the threat of organizational silos is still very real. While silos deter customer experiences and producing correctly functioning products – the root of the problem is that many managers fail to spot those silos as they […]