One of the major necessities of this information age involves developing leadership that is capable of guiding organizations through challenging times. A vast majority of executives at most organizations are exceptional in handling routine operations; however, finding leaders proficient in transforming the ways of doing business and tackling unique problems is not easy. The paucity […]
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The 9 Principles of Organizational Design: When Re-designing Becomes a Strategic Priority
Recent McKinsey research results showed that many companies today are in a nearly permanent state of organizational influx. Within the past 2 years, almost 60% of the companies interviewed experienced a redesign while an additional 25% 3 or more years ago. This Organizational Design flurry is due to the accelerating pace of strategic change driven […]
Unravelling the Balance of Power in a Matrix Organization
At the heart of the operation of the Matrix Organization is the “Balance of Power” between the Project Manager and Functional Management. Yet, even if there is Balance of Power, the question as to who is the real boss remains to be asked. Theoretically, it should be possible to divide the authority and responsibility equally […]
Capturing Digital Transformation: Path to Digital Leadership
We are living in a Digital Age. A robust Digital Transformation Strategy is today’s organization’s corporate armaments in remaining competitive. Organizations that have excelled in Digital Transformation have one thing in common that distinguish them from the rest: their mastery of the 4 critical Business Ecosystems. The 4 Critical Business Ecosystems Customer Solutions Ecosystem Operations […]
What Makes a BoD a High Performance Board?
Financial downturns and intense competition has put a lot of strain over boards and directors to perform better. The effectiveness of the board of directors varies from organization to organization. An accomplished chairman can make the board more constructive and practical by establishing high standards and helping members improve their participation. In 2013, McKinsey & […]
When Conventional Collaboration Is Not an Option, the Experts Use Stretch Collaboration
Forging collaboration among persons, teams, and organizations can sometimes be a perfect storm. Often, we expect that members who oppose each other will just blend in when working together on their most crucial and difficult mutual problems. Yet, situations like these can cause circumstances to veer out of control. Conflicts can erupt that may be […]
Do You Know How To Take Advantage of the “Appreciative Inquiry” Approach for Organizational Management?
The problem solving approach to organizational design and management has a number of limitations. It focuses only on what’s wrong, identifying causes, brainstorming solutions, developing action plans, and not taking into account the areas that are working well. Problem solving focuses on the past and excludes possibilities for creativity. The approach is time consuming, costly; […]
Leading the Managers and Managing the Leaders
It’s rare to attend a course about leadership and don’t find a traditional activity about “What are the differences between a leader and a manager?” Then, groups start finding out those differences. So what? While pursuing my MBA, I had two elective modules to go for so I chose Leadership and Entrepreneurship. In the first […]
My “TED” Strategy for Success
Most of us know what TED is, and if you don’t, let me borrow what Wikipedia says about it. TED is an acronym, and stands for ‘Technology, Entertainment, and Design,’ and is a media organisation that posts talks online for free distribution, under the slogan ‘ideas worth spreading.’ TED talks are very popular and regularly hosted […]
Do You Realize the Value of Developing BeCoN (Behavior, Cognitive, Network) Capital in the Digital Age?
At the pinnacle of the Industrial Revolution, not many organizations realized the complex subtleties of the Financial Capital. The organizations that were able to develop innovative methodologies to administer their financial capital outsmarted the rivals by achieving a competitive edge. At the advent of the 20th century, two more forms of capital became known and […]
Making the Right Decision: Is your Decision Making Style Giving You the Results You Want?
Decision making is the selection of a procedure to weigh alternatives and find a solution to a problem. There is no right or wrong way to making decisions. Yet, decisions can always affect organizations. It is important that organizations understand how Decision Making Styles can affect the ultimate result. The Decision Making Survey A new […]
Organizational Health Matters More than We Expect. Is Your Organization Healthy?
Organizational health matters more than we might expect. Top management teams that are serious about developing vibrant businesses must look inward and assess the organization’s health objectively. The most effective leadership behavior reflects the state of the company’s organizational health. Is our leadership behavior strong enough in ways that matters most in keeping our organization […]