Organizations, small and large, are undergoing Digital Transformation to evolve to “Digital Organizations.” Beyond just adopting emerging technologies into their front-end business models and back-end infrastructure, to become a true “Digital Organization,” they must also adopt “digital” Operating Models. While leadership may be eager to adopt these Digital Operating Models, it would be a mistake […]
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A Startling Fact about Analytics-driven Organizations
Enterprises invest in Analytics to improve Decision Making and outcomes across the business. This is from Product Strategy and Innovation to Supply Chain Management, Customer Experience, and Risk Management. Yet, many executives are not yet seeing the results of their Analytics initiatives and investments. Every organization putting on investment in Analytics has experienced several stumbling […]
The Key to Continuous Security Improvement? A Rugged Culture of Information Security
In the age of rapid technological progress, where Digital Transformation has become pervasive, business applications are getting increasingly complex and interconnected. The advancement in technology has also helped attackers get more aggressive and inflict more damage to IT systems and applications. Application security tools and techniques are evolving too, yet most organizations still fall prey […]
How to Redesign Your Operating Model for the Digital Age
Lean Management plays a significant role in putting in place processes, capabilities, and tools to improve how businesses operate. But, now, in the Digital Age, emerging Digital technologies give us even more opportunities to further transform and improve operations. However, with increased opportunities, there’s also increased complexity. Tasks performed by humans are now more complex–be […]
By Now, We All Know of RPA. But, What Is IPA (Intelligent Process Automation)?
We’ve all heard of Robotic Process Automation (RPA). RPA is the emerging form of business process automation technology based on metaphorical software robots (bots) or artificial intelligence (AI) workers. When an organization undertakes Digital Transformation, RPA is typically the lowest hanging fruit driving most immediate impact. But, what is Intelligent Process Automation (IPA)? In short, […]
Where and How Does Digital Transformation Actually Create Value?
Most would agree there is tremendous potential for Digital Transformation initiatives to drive value within the organization. However, when we dig a little deeper, people may struggle in answering some basic, qualifying questions… How do our Digital Transformation initiatives drive value? (And, how much value?) Exactly where within the organization is the value coming from? […]
Where Will We Feel the Greatest Impact of Robotic Process Automation (RPA)?
Disruptive technologies are helping companies automate work. Robotic Process Automation and Artificial Intelligence are taking up jobs which were in the past earmarked only for smart humans. Driver-less cars, automated check-in kiosks at airports, and autopilots steering the aircrafts are just few instances of how automation is transforming our world. However, automation presents unique challenges […]
When Data is Not Enough: The Need to Understand Purpose-driven Analytics
The Data Analytics Revolution is here. It is transforming how companies organize, operate, manage talent, and create value. In fact, advanced data analytics is now a quintessential business matter. It is important for CEOs and top executives to be able to clearly articulate its purpose and translate it into action. Yet, this is not so. […]
The Age of Digital Transformation Is Unstoppable: Why the Need for Workforce Digitization
In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, we are approaching the age of automation. Together with this is the impending penetration of digital technology into the labor force which can threaten to destabilize crucial aspects of how employees work by. This can undermine the stability companies depend on to be agile. With the coming […]
The 6 Core Capabilities of a Customer-centric Organization: Your Ammunition to Winning a Highly Demanding Customer
Today’s customers are better informed, better connected, and more demanding than ever before. CEOs are now concerned about Customer Loyalty and they recognize that mastery of the customer agenda is essential. In fact, global leaders of successful businesses recognize that creating a customer-centric, digitally-transformed business is a top priority. In this age of digital disruption, […]
Why Knowledge Management Strategy Is Important for Business Sustainability
In today’s business environment, learning and knowledge have become key success factors internationally and intangible resources are of vital importance. The struggle between competing firms has moved from tangible resources to intangible resources where knowledge and the ability to use knowledge have crucial roles. Organizations are becoming more global, multilingual, and multicultural with people being […]
Understanding Enterprise Architecture: Is it Really Important Today?
Information Technology works best when it is tied tightly to our company’s overall business goals. On the other hand, business unit executives have remained doubtful about IT’s ability to support them in creating value. Despite the best intentions of managers of both sides, companies continue to struggle to integrate IT systems and to determine whether […]