For many organizations, the last quarter of the year is when Leadership will conduct the annual Strategic Planning process and plan the near-, mid- and long-term strategies. This article breaks the full Strategic Planning and Execution processes into 3 sections: Strategic Planning Strategy Development Strategy Execution For each section, we will highlight important concepts core […]
About David Tang
David Tang is an entrepreneur and management consultant. His current focus is Flevy, the marketplace for business best practices (e.g. frameworks & methodologies, presentation templates, financial models). Prior to Flevy, David worked as a management consultant for 8 years. His consulting experience spans corporate strategy, marketing, operations, change management, and IT; both domestic and international (EMEA + APAC). Industries served include Media & Entertainment, Telecommunications, Consumer Products/Retail, High-Tech, Life Sciences, and Business Services. You can connect with David here on LinkedIn.Author Archive | David Tang
‘Tis the Season for Strategic Planning! Here’s What You Need to Know to Successfully Formulate and Execute Your Strategy
The Omni-channel Retail Strategy for the Digital Age
There is no question that the Retail industry has been experiencing disruptive change. Traditional retailers can no longer survive in a Digital Age dominated by e-commerce. Even traditional physical stores having an e-commerce presence is not enough, with the rapid growth of Mobile and Social Media. As technologies and accessibility continue to improve, the 21st […]
Evolve Your Organization to the Next Level (Using Maturity Models)
Maturity Models are powerful tools, commonly used by management consultants, to gauge the maturity of an organization in a number of disciplines or functions. They help pinpoint the specific areas of improvement in order to reach the next level of maturity. Most Maturity Models qualitatively assess people/culture, processes/structures, and objects/technology. Here are our Top 10 Maturity Model Frameworks (most […]
Are You Still Using a First Generation Performance Framework?
What is a “first” or “second” generation Performance Management and Measurement framework? Let’s begin by defining these concepts. First generation Performance Management and Measurement frameworks derive Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) from strategy. These include well known and established frameworks, such as Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and EFQM Excellence Model. These first generation frameworks have led organizations to increase the […]
What Are Your Distinctive Capabilities That Cannot Be Replicated?
Developed by John Kay, the Distinctive Capabilities Framework captures those capabilities our organization has, which cannot be replicated by competition. Through his research, he identified 3 such “Distinctive Capabilities:” Architecture Reputation Innovation These 3 capabilities are the source of superior performance and sustainable competitive advantage for successful firms. This framework was developed after extensive research by […]
What Is Value Based Management (VBM)?
Value Based Management (VBM) is a management philosophy that states management should foremost consider the interests of shareholders in its business actions. This framework encompasses the processes for creating, managing, and measuring value. It is important to note VBM differs from a profit-focused way of managing business. Specifically, VBM means that the decisions that you […]
The “Hard” Side of Change
When discussing Change Management, most Change professionals focus on the “soft” factors that influence the success of a change program. These include elements like vision, leadership, culture, employee motivation, top-down vs. participatory approach, etc. But, what about the “hard” factors? Hard factors are just as important, but often not considered by many Change Management experts. […]
What Exactly is Value Stream Mapping (VSM)?
There are tons of “value”-driven management frameworks. Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is one of the most well known–but, do you know what exactly this methodology refers to? Value Stream Mapping Overview VSM is Lean Management method for analyzing the current state and designing a future state for the series of events that take a product or […]
The Future Is Now: Improve the Future via Strategy Dynamics
Have you heard of Strategy Dynamics? Most people haven’t. Strategy Dynamics is a framework to explain our current performance–and to develop and execute strategies for improving our future performance of our organization. This approach emphasizes building and sustaining the resources and capabilities necessary to succeed. Strategy Dynamics focuses on performance over time. The overarching objective of […]
What Is a Strategy Map?
If you’re familiar with the strategic management framework Balanced Scorecard, you may have also come across the concept of a Strategy Map. After all, a Strategy Map is a core element of the formulation of a Balanced Scorecard. Both frameworks were developed by Robert Kaplan and David Norton. Wikipedia defines a Strategy Map as: A […]
The Best Ways to Mitigate Change Resistance
Organizations must deal with new government regulations, new products, growth, increased competition, technological developments, and a changing workforce—which all force change. Change is pervasive and inevitable to the growth and survival of an organization. To quote one of the most over-used quotes in business and Change Management (often inaccurately attributed to Charles Darwin): It is […]
How Do You Achieve Management Excellence?
In their book In Search of Excellence, McKinsey consultants Tom Peters and Robert Waterman found 8 common themes which they argued were responsible for the success of 14 identified companies of “excellence.” The framework is known as the 8 Attributes of Management Excellence. The research and theorizing of this framework was based on the McKinsey […]