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Ways Your Business Can Grow with an E-Commerce Fulfillment Service

Editor's Note: Take a look at our featured best practice, Retail Value Chain (36-slide PowerPoint presentation). An Industry Value Chain is a visual representation of the series of steps an organization in a specific industry takes to deliver a product or service to the market. It captures the main business functions and processes that are involved in delivering the end product or service, illustrating how [read more]

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An e-commerce fulfillment service is essential to a company that has grown beyond its warehousing capability. In such a situation, the fulfillment service assists with the provision of shipping, warehousing, and packaging. E-commerce stores are akin to conventional retail stores, the only difference being that sales agents cannot simply hand the merchandise over the counter. The delivery process is more complicated in e-commerce since goods have to be shipped across state and national boundaries.

Customer satisfaction decreased expenditures, and new sales channels constitute a proper e-commerce fulfillment service, which is only considered adequate when the entire fulfillment process is invisible from the transaction ends of a seller and the customer. The emerging realities of expanded e-commerce have resulted in an upsurge for the right fulfillment service to handle overwhelming shipping logistics, with the view that the fulfillment service will lead to business growth and guarantee customer retention, aside from providing the ability to reduce expenditures. That said, below are vital factors on how your business can grow with an e-commerce fulfillment service:

Expenditures Are Reduced

An e-commerce fulfillment service necessitates business growth by acting as a bridge between your business and the client, reducing unnecessary overheads. The fulfillment service consolidates any overhead costs by taking over the contributing business aspects that are responsible for the same, such as shipping, packing, labeling, and inventory management. Ultimately, it frees your investment of capital and time in such mundane tasks, which can be allocated to other mission-critical aspects of your business. The result is increased sales due to quality products and faster delivery to clients.

You Are Well Equipped to Handle Market Fluctuations

In the business world, market fluctuations are inevitable. As a company, you should be well equipped to handle them seamlessly when they come. It can be a painstaking process when you leverage the services of an order fulfillment service since they provide immunity to these market fluctuations.

During peak demand seasons, your business may be hard-pressed to match supply. However, with no additional space within your premises, this can be very disorienting. A fulfillment service provides you with warehousing facilities so that you can meet demand despite the fluctuations, and this saves you from possible increased expenses due to high shipping costs as you try to meet demand.

Realizing New Sales Channels

As a business, you’d want to reach a bigger audience as possible and within the shortest amount of time. A fulfillment service provides you with an opportunity to access multiple channels, enabling you to reach a more extensive demographic such as through online selling. This will lead to an increase in product sales and put you on the map. The implication is a trickle-down effect for your business.

Most small businesses shy away from e-commerce, fearing the amount of work it poses to business owners. Contrary to such a belief, it is prudent to outsource part of your business process to fulfillment as they open up the company to a new breed of clients and can help you sell more. The e-commerce fulfillment service essentially increases your outreach. Appreciating the value an e-commerce fulfillment service brings allows you not to compromise on quality by focusing more on selling as you build your brand.

Turnaround Time Is Reduced

Imagine yourself in the shoes of a consumer: You have just placed an order for a product. What might probably go through your mind is how soon you can get the product. An e-commerce fulfillment service helps you reduce the turnaround time between order placement and order delivery. The short time difference can be very impactful to your business, increasing the value of your customer service aside from driving business growth.

More Focus Is Given to Your Business

Time is a very critical resource in the corporate world. As a small company wishing to grow, there is a need for you to dedicate much time for your venture, rather than be bombarded by rudimentary tasks. A proper e-commerce fulfillment service takes over these tasks for you, such that you only focus on your business. You are unlikely to experience limitations through increasing demands and responsibilities, thus allowing you to have the chance for potential growth.

As your business grows, it’s vital to optimize processes that enhance efficiency and resource allocation.  Opting for outsourced warehousing and fulfillment can streamline these operations, focusing on acquiring the right e-commerce logistics provider to mitigate demand fluctuations and heighten delivery standards. By understanding these insights, you build a competitive advantage essential for fostering positive customer experiences while maximizing potential growth opportunities.

Customer Satisfaction Increases

Every business endeavors to satisfy their customers. A fulfillment service will aid in meeting your customer’s needs by delivering goods on time, and this further leads to the retention of customers when they trust your services.

Save on Shipping Costs

It eases you from shipping expenses when you can ship freight before the actual orders. This helps reduce charges on orders when you ship them as pallets or containers compared to when you ship them as one or two boxes.

Better Inventory Management

A fulfillment service that provides real-time digital tracking of inventory levels and sales will be a game-changer for your business. More so if their service package includes offsite fulfillment, where you can shift inventory to different locations depending on the changing seasons, such as grand holidays sales, without incurring extra costs of space. By continually updating the stock to reflect product movement on and off the shelf, it helps you reduce order backlog, ensuring that what’s on your plate is what you can handle.


With the right e-commerce fulfillment service, your business is assured of exponential growth since you can deliver products faster and more efficiently to intended recipients.

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About Shane Avron

Shane Avron is a freelance writer, specializing in business, general management, enterprise software, and digital technologies. In addition to Flevy, Shane's articles have appeared in Huffington Post, Forbes Magazine, among other business journals.

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