Corporate non-compliance is a major issue across the world. Highly public cases involving major corporations point to the fact that the usual descriptions of why business employees perform illegal acts are misdirected. No Compliance Program can completely eradicate unwanted conduct by a few employees. Behaviorally aware programs, however, show potential of realizing the main goals […]
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Business Model Diversification
Strategic objectives of all businesses are to propel growth and performance, while simultaneously creating value for customers. While it is customary for managers to emphasize financial performance, effective managers pursue new opportunities in order to create added value. Business Model Diversification allows creation of value, if managed astutely, and can aid managers enhance performance and […]
Digital Maturity Strategy
Go digital or go home. To survive in the Digital Age, organizations must pursue Digital Transformation to not only support strategies and reach customers, but also to modernize and achieve excellence in their internal operations and processes. The pursuit of Digital Maturity is quickly becoming a necessity. Yet, most organizations are unable to properly strategize […]
3 Approaches to Global Innovation
The current ever-changing and increasingly connected world demands taking an amplified approach to Innovation and Innovation Management. The conventional method of innovating locally and distributing the product or service globally is now being questioned more and more. Effortless availability of unparalleled knowledge, essential for Innovation, is one key factor in bringing the traditional approach into […]
Is It Mandatory for a Company to Provide HIPAA Training for Employees?
Many companies are mandated by law to provide HIPAA training for their employees. However, some companies choose to provide additional HIPAA training beyond what is required by law. This extra training can help employees understand their role in protecting patient privacy and comply with HIPAA regulations. If you want to know more, keep on reading. […]
Leadership Operating Model Design
Most people believe that the value and impact of the C-level leadership originates from the number of meetings conducted, having the ability to plan for long term, and make key strategic decisions collectively. However, in reality, the C-level seldom works in unanimity to make collective decisions. They often have animosities with each other and lack […]
3 Pillars of Product Launch Strategy
Mature markets, where the customer base begins to stagnate, call for structured Organic Growth founded on a superior Customer Value Proposition (CVP). CVP encompasses all that is gained by customers for the money they pay—material as well as intangible. Customer Value can be articulated by the equation: Customer Value = (Product Performance + Service Delivered + […]
Fit for Growth
A question faced by many business leaders in today’s dynamic, uncertain, and changing business environment is: Is our organization “Fit for Growth?” In most cases, unfortunately, the answer to this question is “no.” Reasons include the manner in which costs are managed and resources deployed. The fundamental question needed to be asked is: how to […]
Capabilities-driven M&A
Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) generally do not produce the outstanding results that they are envisioned and purported to provide. Some companies in certain industries, however, demonstrate consistent success when it comes to M&A. A constant question across all industries, as far as M&As are concerned, pertains to the factors that differentiate organizations with successful histories. […]
6 Rs of Behavioral Change
Business Transformation initiatives are typically undertaken to solve a pressing issue, bring about improved performance, or to serve customers better. A critical element of the success of such initiatives entails transforming the existing behaviors of the employees across the organization. However, this isn’t a straightforward task. Attitudes and practices get reinforced in people by following […]
Neuroscience of Change
Business Transformation initiatives are typically undertaken to solve a pressing issue, bring about improved performance, or to serve customers better. A critical element of the success of such initiatives entails transforming the existing behaviors of the employees across the organization. However, this isn’t a straightforward task. Attitudes and practices get reinforced in people by following […]
7 Principles of Culture Change
Employee behaviors are critical for the success of Business Transformation endeavors. However, transforming the ingrained behaviors and mindsets of the workforce isn’t straightforward, and when tackled cause the enterprise’s emotional state to go down. Leaders need to identify the components of Culture that are in line with their Corporate Strategy. They have to ascertain and […]