Most people use a personal credit card for their daily purchases. However, not all entrepreneurs immediately think of using credit cards to fund their small business? Business owners need to become aware that applying for a business credit card provides many benefits. Business credit cards can be used to cover certain business-related purchases, as well […]
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Surviving Digitally after COVID
Among the key lessons, everyone learned from the COVID-19 pandemic is that nobody can accurately predict the future. No one ever imagined that they would once be required to skip work and stay indoors for months. The restrictions on travel and social interactions may have shocked many. But that’s nothing compared to the millions of […]
Workplace Innovation: What Are Smart Offices and Its Advantages?
The workplace is evolving at a rapid pace. Gone are the days of traditional offices with desks and cubicles, replaced by more progressive designs that encourage collaboration, creativity, and productivity. Smart technologies are being used in every area of our lives to improve our quality of life. The Internet of Things (IoT)is changing the way […]
Everything You Need to Know about Dropshipping Tools
Dropshipping is a great way of selling products online without needing to store or maintain any stock. When you use the dropshipping business model for your eCommerce store, you sell products from a third party, such as a manufacturer or wholesaler. When a customer places an order, the order fulfillment and shipping are handled by […]
The Benefits of Organizational Six Sigma Training
The Six Sigma framework and certification program is nothing new to businesses. This methodology was created in 1986, built on learnings stemming back to the early 1800s. The concept was created to improve business processes, using a framework that emulates the martial arts hierarchy. It’s been adopted by industry innovators such as General Electric, Amazon, […]
How to Minimize Data Leak Risks in SaaS Cloud Platforms
The Covid-19 pandemic brought about a massive paradigm change in how both employers and employees approached work. Even though the adoption of SaaS cloud platforms was already on the rise in recent years, due to the coronavirus, many companies ended up accelerating their move to the cloud for greater efficiency and better agility. But data […]
Things to Consider as a Mid-size Company Preparing for Growth
There are many reasons why it may be time for your company to grow. Maybe you’ve outgrown the space you’re in, or maybe there’s just too much work coming in, and current staff can’t handle all of it. Either way, growing a company can seem like a daunting task to take on as an executive […]
Does Bare Metal Cloud Make Sense for Your Business?
The cloud is a great place to store and access your data, but what if you need to process it? Enter bare-metal cloud providers, which offer dedicated hardware and software for running applications and services. This is a great option for companies with intense data analytics requirements or those who need to do large-scale data […]
4 Reasons PPC Ads Are Still a Relevant Marketing Strategy
Have you been experimenting with PPC ads on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Amazon, and Google? Are you disappointed with your results or confused about how to make it work? If you’re running into issues with your PPC ad campaigns and you’re starting to wonder if PPC ads are still relevant, the answer is yes – […]
How Important Are Reviews for Growth in Ecommerce Businesses?
One of the key determiners of business success is customer experience and satisfaction. The best way to assess customer satisfaction is through customer feedback. For an online business, online customer reviews are critical for growth, which is why you should never ignore them. According to statistics, 90% of customers check online reviews before buying a […]
Overcome Complacency by Calculating Your Vision
One of the biggest problems with business today is complacency. Here we will explore how a lack of vision can cause complacency and how the combination of the two can cause a business to fail in turn. What is a vision statement? Your vision statement is your key to avoiding complacency before it starts. An […]
Turn Your Ideas into Actionable Business Plans
Every successful business operating today started exactly the same way – as an idea. But an idea without action is just a dream. To become real, it has to be developed, funded, and marketed. A professional business plan is the first step to turning an idea into a profitable company. As an entrepreneur, you may […]