Lean manufacturing refers to business processes with the end goal of minimizing waste in manufacturing. Wastes are often unavoidable in any industry. But there are many things that companies can do to minimize waste as much as possible. This reduction of waste still results in the maximum productivity of the company. This is what lean […]
About Shane Avron
Shane Avron is a freelance writer, specializing in business, general management, enterprise software, and digital technologies. In addition to Flevy, Shane's articles have appeared in Huffington Post, Forbes Magazine, among other business journals.Author Archive | Shane Avron
5 New Year’s Business Resolutions for 2020
2020 is fast approaching and the start of a new calendar year is a good opportunity for businesses to make positive changes. Much like how an individual would make a resolution for the New Year, deciding to take action in January could take your business to the next level and make it the best year […]
How to Make Better Investments as a Business
The goal of any business is to make money – and a substantial amount at that. When your business is successfully making a profit, it’s important what you decide to do with that financial gain. The best methods will see you using your profit to continue making money, naturally, but when running a business, it […]
What Merchants Need to Know About POS Systems
POS systems have been around for a number of years, but with so much information (and misinformation) available, it can be challenging to sift through it all to get to the truth. What is a POS system, anyway? A POS system is simply a point of sale option that allows you to process payments, among […]
Challenges for Big Businesses and How to Resolve Them
In the age of wage stagnation and growing competition, it’s inevitable that big businesses will come up against some pretty hefty struggles. Learning how to resolve this is the only way to ensure that your company continues to grow in the face of challenging economic times. It’s also important to be able to progress through […]
5 Tips for Retailers Starting an Ecommerce Store
Are you a successful business owner thinking about expansion? Why not increase your sales by starting your own ecommerce business? Buying and selling goods online has become an enormous industry in recent years so it is easy to see why so many people are setting up online stores. However, it is not an easy industry […]
Top 3 Obstacles to Effective Time Management in a Corporate Environment
You have heard it said more times than you can count the fingers and toes of every person within your company that “time is money.” And, how true this is. Time management is one of the key issues which every organization faces on a daily basis from the board of directors right on down to […]
The 5 Successful Tips to Implement AI in Your Upcoming Marketing Strategy
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at the forefront of technological advancements that are helping businesses to become more efficient. Once just a theme of sci-fi films, AI has now emerged in the real world as a powerful tool for business marketing. Statistics indicate that 83% of businesses consider AI a strategic priority for companies today. The […]
How to Help an Employee through a Traumatic Time
Whether employee or employer, most people try to keep their professional and personal lives as separate as possible. Unfortunately, try as they might, there are going to be times when the private lives of your employees start to bleed into the working environment, affecting not only their ability to work efficiently, but also their overall […]
5 Tips for Businesses Expanding into New Territories
The bigger your business becomes, the more you need to think about expanding your customer base, and once you’re a mid-sized enterprise, you’ll almost certainly want to move into new geographical territories. However, this sort of expansion brings a new set of challenges, so here are some things you’ll need to consider. Finding new markets […]
How to Transform Your Management Style
Are you finding that your current management style isn’t working as effectively as it should? Your style of management doesn’t have to be fixed in place, and if a positive change is needed, then there are effective ways to go about this without affecting the overall health of your organization or the wellbeing of your […]
Essential Toolkits for HR Professionals
Technology is making the work of HR professionals easier by the minute. Reporting tools allow them to measure performance down to the last metric. Management tools allow people to track work in progress even when they’re not on the premises. More automation means less time working on repetitive tasks. This has made today HR workers […]