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Flevy Management Insights Case Study
Global Expansion Strategy for Life Sciences Consulting Firm

Fortune 500 companies typically bring on global consulting firms, like McKinsey, BCG, Bain, Deloitte, and Accenture, or boutique consulting firms specializing in Hoshin Kanri to thoroughly analyze their unique business challenges and competitive situations. These firms provide strategic recommendations based on consulting frameworks, subject matter expertise, benchmark data, KPIs, best practices, and other tools developed from past client work. We followed this management consulting approach for this case study.

Reading time: 10 minutes

Consider this scenario: A boutique life sciences consulting firm, specializing in regulatory compliance and market access strategies, is facing challenges in aligning its operations and strategic goals using the hoshin kanri approach.

The organization is grappling with a 20% decrease in client retention and a 15% drop in revenue over the past two years due to increased competition and shifts in regulatory landscapes globally. Additionally, internal challenges include misalignment between the organization’s strategic goals and operational activities, and a lack of innovation in service offerings. The primary strategic objective of the organization is to achieve global expansion by entering new markets in Asia and Europe, while enhancing service innovation and internal alignment to improve client retention and revenue growth.

With global market dynamics rapidly changing, the life sciences consulting firm in question faces significant external and internal pressures. Externally, the influx of digital health technologies and evolving regulatory requirements across different regions presents both a challenge and an opportunity for expansion. Internally, the lack of alignment between strategic direction and day-to-day operations suggests that a more structured approach to strategic planning and execution, such as hoshin kanri, could bridge this gap. The organization needs to reevaluate its service delivery models to stay relevant and competitive.

Competitive Market Analysis

The life sciences consulting industry is experiencing significant growth driven by the increasing complexity of regulatory environments and the rapid evolution of healthcare technologies. However, this growth also attracts new entrants and intensifies competition.

  • Internal Rivalry: The level of competition is high, with many firms offering similar regulatory compliance and market access consulting services.
  • Supplier Power: Relatively low, as the primary resources are highly skilled professionals, whose availability is not restricted to any specific suppliers.
  • Buyer Power: High, due to the availability of alternative service providers and increasing price sensitivity among life sciences companies.
  • Threat of New Entrants: Moderate, considering the specialized knowledge and relationships required to successfully navigate the regulatory landscape.
  • Threat of Substitutes: Low, as the need for expert consulting services in navigating complex regulatory environments is critical and cannot be easily substituted.

Emergent trends in the industry include a shift towards digital health consulting and an increased focus on personalized medicine. These trends present opportunities for service innovation but also require firms to adapt quickly to remain competitive.

  • Digital transformation in healthcare opens opportunities for consulting firms to specialize in digital health strategies, though it requires significant investment in new capabilities.
  • The rise of personalized medicine increases demand for consulting services tailored to novel therapeutic approaches, presenting an opportunity for niche market specialization.

The STEER analysis reveals that socio-cultural shifts towards patient-centric healthcare models, technological advancements in digital health, economic pressures on healthcare systems, environmental sustainability concerns in product lifecycle management, and regulatory changes are all critical factors shaping the industry landscape.

For effective implementation, take a look at these Hoshin Kanri best practices:

Strategic Planning: Hoshin Kanri (Hoshin Planning) (153-slide PowerPoint deck and supporting ZIP)
Strategic Planning - Hoshin Policy Deployment (138-slide PowerPoint deck and supporting Excel workbook)
Templates for Hoshin Kanri Strategy Deployment (Excel workbook)
Hoshin Planning Poster (5-page PDF document and supporting PowerPoint deck)
Strategic Planning Template and Hoshin Kanri Policy Deployment (Excel workbook)
View additional Hoshin Kanri best practices

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Internal Assessment

The organization possesses a strong reputation for expertise in regulatory compliance and market access strategies but faces challenges in operational alignment and innovation in service offerings.

SWOT Analysis

Strengths include a deep understanding of regulatory environments and established relationships with key stakeholders in the life sciences sector. Opportunities lie in expanding into new geographical markets and innovating services to include digital health consulting. Weaknesses are seen in the misalignment of strategic objectives with operational execution and a lag in adopting new technologies. Threats include the intensification of competition and the rapid pace of regulatory and technological changes.

Distinctive Capabilities Analysis

The organization's distinctive capabilities revolve around its deep regulatory expertise and strong client relationships. However, to capitalize on new market opportunities and counteract competitive pressures, it must develop new capabilities in digital health consulting and strategic alignment methodologies like hoshin kanri.

Value Chain Analysis

An examination of the organization’s value chain highlights inefficiencies in service development and delivery processes. Streamlining these processes through the adoption of technology and a focus on high-value activities can enhance operational efficiency and client satisfaction.

Strategic Initiatives

  • Market Expansion into Asia and Europe: This initiative aims to enter new markets where demand for life sciences consulting services is growing. It will increase the organization's global footprint and diversify its client base, expected to drive revenue growth. This initiative requires market research, local partnership development, and regulatory compliance expertise in target markets.
  • Service Innovation in Digital Health Consulting: Developing consulting services focused on digital health strategy and implementation. This initiative intends to position the organization as a leader in this emerging area, creating value through enhanced service offerings. It requires investment in technology expertise and digital health ecosystems.
  • Hoshin Kanri for Strategic Alignment: Implementing hoshin kanri to ensure alignment between strategic objectives and operational activities. This will enhance internal efficiencies and ensure focused execution of strategic initiatives. Resources needed include training for key personnel and development of monitoring and reporting mechanisms.

Hoshin Kanri Implementation KPIs

KPIS are crucial throughout the implementation process. They provide quantifiable checkpoints to validate the alignment of operational activities with our strategic goals, ensuring that execution is not just activity-driven, but results-oriented. Further, these KPIs act as early indicators of progress or deviation, enabling agile decision-making and course correction if needed.

In God we trust. All others must bring data.
     – W. Edwards Deming

  • Client Retention Rate: An increase in this metric will reflect success in enhancing service quality and alignment with market needs.
  • Revenue Growth in New Markets: Indicates successful market entry and client acquisition in Asia and Europe.
  • Service Innovation Index: Measures the organization's progress in developing and launching new services, especially in digital health consulting.

These KPIs offer insights into the effectiveness of strategic initiatives in driving global expansion, service innovation, and operational alignment. They will help in making informed adjustments to the strategic plan as needed.

For more KPIs, take a look at the Flevy KPI Library, one of the most comprehensive databases of KPIs available. Having a centralized library of KPIs saves you significant time and effort in researching and developing metrics, allowing you to focus more on analysis, implementation of strategies, and other more value-added activities.

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Hoshin Kanri Best Practices

To improve the effectiveness of implementation, we can leverage best practice documents in Hoshin Kanri. These resources below were developed by management consulting firms and Hoshin Kanri subject matter experts.

Hoshin Kanri Deliverables

These are a selection of deliverables across all the strategic initiatives.

  • Global Expansion Plan (PPT)
  • Digital Health Consulting Service Development Plan (PPT)
  • Hoshin Kanri Implementation Roadmap (PPT)
  • Market Entry Strategy Report (PPT)
  • Operational Efficiency Improvement Framework (PPT)

Explore more Hoshin Kanri deliverables

Market Expansion into Asia and Europe

The organization utilized the PESTEL Analysis and the Market Entry Modes framework to navigate its expansion into Asia and Europe successfully. PESTEL Analysis, a tool for assessing the Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal factors in a new market, was instrumental in understanding the macro-environmental context. This framework proved crucial for identifying potential risks and opportunities in the target markets. The team executed the PESTEL Analysis by:

  • Conducting comprehensive research on each target country's political stability, regulatory landscape, and economic conditions.
  • Evaluating social trends, technological infrastructure, environmental policies, and legal frameworks relevant to the life sciences industry.

Simultaneously, the Market Entry Modes framework guided the selection of the most appropriate entry strategy, whether through direct investment, partnerships, or joint ventures. This framework was chosen for its relevance in determining the optimal approach to entering new markets with consideration for control, investment, and risk factors. The implementation process included:

  • Assessing the advantages and disadvantages of various entry modes in the context of each target market's PESTEL analysis.
  • Identifying potential local partners and conducting due diligence to ensure alignment of goals and capabilities.

The combined application of PESTEL Analysis and the Market Entry Modes framework enabled the organization to make informed decisions about which markets to enter and how. The strategic initiative resulted in successful market entries into several key Asian and European countries, with the organization establishing strong local partnerships and adapting its services to meet regional needs effectively.

Service Innovation in Digital Health Consulting

For the strategic initiative focused on service innovation in digital health consulting, the organization applied the Diffusion of Innovations theory and the Service-Dominant Logic (SDL) framework. The Diffusion of Innovations theory helped the organization understand how its new digital health consulting services would spread among its target audience. It emphasized the importance of early adopters and the characteristics that influence the adoption rate of new services. Following this theory, the organization:

  • Identified key characteristics of its digital health consulting services that would appeal to innovators and early adopters within the life sciences sector.
  • Developed targeted marketing strategies to highlight the relative advantages, compatibility, trialability, and observability of its new services.

The Service-Dominant Logic (SDL) framework, which focuses on service as the fundamental basis of exchange and emphasizes co-creation of value with customers, guided the development of the service innovation process. The organization implemented SDL by:

  • Engaging clients in co-creation workshops to identify unmet needs and co-develop solutions in the digital health space.
  • Integrating client feedback into the service development process to ensure the services were highly tailored and relevant.

The strategic application of the Diffusion of Innovations theory and the Service-Dominant Logic framework significantly enhanced the organization's capability to innovate and successfully launch its digital health consulting services. The new services were well-received by the market, with notable adoption among target clients, leading to increased brand recognition as a leader in the digital health consulting space.

Hoshin Kanri for Strategic Alignment

To address the misalignment of strategic objectives and operational activities, the organization employed the Hoshin Kanri framework and the Objectives and Key Results (OKR) methodology. Hoshin Kanri, a comprehensive approach to strategic planning and management, was pivotal in creating a clear linkage between the organization’s long-term vision and daily operations. The process involved:

  • Developing a strategic vision that was translated into specific, measurable objectives that were communicated across all levels of the organization.
  • Implementing a "catchball" process to ensure alignment and consensus on priorities and targets between management and operational teams.

The Objectives and Key Results (OKR) methodology complemented Hoshin Kanri by setting ambitious, time-bound objectives with measurable key results, fostering a culture of transparency and accountability. The organization applied OKRs by:

  • Setting quarterly OKRs in alignment with the strategic priorities identified through Hoshin Kanri, ensuring each team and individual had clear, measurable goals.
  • Reviewing and adjusting OKRs regularly to reflect progress and changes in the strategic direction or market conditions.

Through the implementation of Hoshin Kanri and OKRs, the organization achieved a significant improvement in strategic alignment and operational efficiency. This strategic initiative led to enhanced internal communication, better alignment of daily activities with strategic goals, and a noticeable increase in the organization's ability to achieve its strategic objectives, including market expansion and service innovation.

Additional Resources Relevant to Hoshin Kanri

Here are additional best practices relevant to Hoshin Kanri from the Flevy Marketplace.

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Key Findings and Results

Here is a summary of the key results of this case study:

  • Successfully entered new markets in Asia and Europe, establishing strong local partnerships and adapting services to regional needs.
  • Launched innovative digital health consulting services, leading to increased brand recognition as a leader in the digital health space.
  • Implemented Hoshin Kanri and OKRs, resulting in improved strategic alignment and operational efficiency.
  • Client retention rate improved, reflecting enhanced service quality and alignment with market needs.
  • Recorded revenue growth in new markets, indicating successful client acquisition in Asia and Europe.
  • Service Innovation Index showed progress in developing and launching new services, especially in digital health consulting.

Evaluation of the strategic initiatives reveals a mixed but overall positive outcome. The successful entry into new markets in Asia and Europe and the launch of digital health consulting services are significant achievements that have positioned the organization for future growth. These successes are underpinned by the improved strategic alignment and operational efficiency resulting from the implementation of Hoshin Kanri and OKRs. However, while client retention has improved, the exact increase is not quantified, and it's unclear if it has fully offset the previous 20% decrease. Additionally, the revenue growth in new markets, although positive, must be viewed in the context of the overall 15% revenue drop over the past two years. The Service Innovation Index's progress is promising, but the real impact on the firm's competitive position and financial performance over the long term remains to be seen. An alternative strategy could have included a more aggressive investment in technology and digital capabilities to further differentiate the firm's offerings and potentially capture a larger share of the emerging digital health consulting market.

Recommendations for next steps include a deeper analysis of client feedback to refine and expand digital health consulting services, ensuring they meet the evolving needs of the market. Additionally, leveraging the successful implementation of Hoshin Kanri and OKRs, the firm should continue to enhance internal processes, focusing on areas where operational efficiencies can still be improved. Finally, exploring strategic partnerships or acquisitions in the technology sector could accelerate the firm's capabilities in digital health and support sustained competitive advantage and revenue growth.

Source: Global Expansion Strategy for Life Sciences Consulting Firm, Flevy Management Insights, 2024

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