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KPI Library Resource: Anatomy of a Strong KPI

Editor's Note: Take a look at our featured best practice, Digital Transformation Strategy (145-slide PowerPoint presentation). Digital Transformation is being embraced by organizations across most industries, as the role of technology shifts from being a business enabler to a business driver. This has only been accelerated by the COVID-19 global pandemic. Thus, to remain competitive and outcompete in today's fast paced, [read more]

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Editor’s Note: This is a series of articles on best practices related to KPI selection and implementation. These resources are provided in support of the Flevy KPI Library, one of the largest available databases of business KPIs.   Having a centralized library of KPIs saves users significant time and effort in researching and developing metrics, allowing them to focus more on analysis, implementation of strategies, and other more value-added activities.

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In our current age where data is the new currency, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) stand as the compass guiding organizations through complex, competitive landscapes.  Data itself can be confusing and misleading. KPIs help translate data into actionable insights, enabling leaders make better, well informed decisions.

KPIs act as a critical anchor within the realm of Performance Management, transforming extensive operational data into straightforward, coherent stories of progress.  For management, the challenge is multifaceted: selecting KPIs that resonate with and reflect strategic priorities, ensuring their clarity and relevance across the organization, and continually adapting them in an ever-evolving business environment. The efficacy of KPIs is not found in their numbers alone, but in their capacity to drive the organization towards strategic outcomes, shape behavior, and inform decisions.

Yet, it’s been noted that less than half of employees believe that their companies’ KPIs are aligned with the organizations’ strategic objectives. This disconnect highlights the imperative for leaders to not only set KPIs, but to ensure they are robust, relevant, and rigorously aligned with the broader business goals.  We call these “strong” KPIs.  (To explore the universe of potential KPIs, peruse our Flevy KPI Library.)

The 3 Essential Criteria of a “Strong KPI”

Strong, effective KPIs are those that fulfill 3 critical criteria: alignment with strategic objectives, ability to induce action, and clarity across the organization.  Let’s dig into these further:

  • Alignment with Strategic Objectives: The most potent KPIs are those intrinsically tied to the strategic goals of the organization. They translate high-level objectives into specific, measurable outcomes. For example, if a company’s strategic objective is to enhance Customer Experience, a related KPI might be Customer Satisfaction Scores or Net Promoter Scores (NPS). These KPIs should evolve as the strategic objectives shift, ensuring they continue to point towards the north star of the organization’s aspirations.
  • Capability to Induce Action: KPIs should be more than static measurements.  They should be springboards for action. A study by Gartner emphasized that the most impactful KPIs are those that instigate meaningful change, leading to continuous improvement and strategic pivots when necessary. This actionability hinges on the clear understanding and acceptance of KPIs across the organization, ensuring that when a metric shifts, the response is swift and strategic.
  • Clarity across the Organization: A KPI, no matter how well-crafted, loses its value if it’s not understood by the people who are meant to use it. Clarity in KPIs ensures that everyone, from executives to front-line employees, understands what is being measured, why it’s important, and how their actions contribute to the metric. This clarity is the cornerstone of organizational alignment, driving collective efforts towards shared goals.

Additional Principles that Make a KPI Strong

The quest for strong KPIs demands a blend of foresight, precision, and adaptability.

Adaptability and Resilience

The static nature of KPIs is a myth.  They must evolve with the organization and its operating environment. Accenture’s research emphasizes the need for continuous adaptation and regular review of KPIs to ensure they reflect changing business models, market conditions, and strategic pivots. This regular recalibration ensures that strong KPIs remain relevant, actionable, and aligned with the organization’s current and future strategic narrative.

Quantitative and Qualitative Attributes

Additionally, strong KPIs are both quantitative to ensure precise measurement and comparability over time, but also qualitative to capture the nuances of performance that numbers alone can’t express.  More specifically, strong KPIs strike a balance between quantitative metrics, which provide objective, numerical benchmarks for assessing progress, and qualitative measures, which delve into the context and quality of performance, offering a deeper, more subjective understanding.

This dual approach ensures a comprehensive evaluation, where numbers provide the hard facts, and qualitative insights bring in the human and situational elements that numbers might overlook. Thus, strong KPIs not only track the measurable outcomes, but also consider the underlying factors that influence these outcomes, leading to a more holistic view of performance.


In the realm of Performance Management, the design, implementation, and ongoing maintenance of strong KPIs are imperative for ensuring that strategic objectives translate into measurable and attainable targets. Setting targets for KPIs is a nuanced process–they must be ambitious to drive performance, yet realistic enough to be attainable.

As defined by Peter Drucker in his management philosophy of Management by Objectives (MBO), objectives and KPIs should fulfill the “SMART” criteria–that is, they should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. SMART serves as a practical guideline for setting these targets, ensuring that KPIs propel forward movement and continuous improvement.

Data Quality: Garbage In, Garbage Out

The foundational integrity of KPIs rests significantly on the quality of the data from which they are derived. Inaccurate or incomplete data can render even the most thoughtfully crafted KPIs ineffective. Organizations must therefore invest in robust data collection and validation processes to maintain the reliability of their performance measures.  Organizations that emphasize data integrity are more likely to trust their KPIs and, by extension, the strategic insights derived from them.

Case Studies

The potency of strong KPIs is most vividly illustrated through real-world application and the tangible impacts they have on organizations. Consider a global retail company that shifted its KPIs to focus more intensely on customer experience metrics. By implementing strong KPIs around customer satisfaction and net promoter scores, and aligning these with employee performance metrics, the company saw a marked increase in customer loyalty and revenue growth. Such transformations underscore the power of well-aligned and actionable KPIs in driving strategic objectives.

Furthermore, different industries prioritize different KPIs based on their unique operational and strategic needs. For instance, in the manufacturing sector, efficiency, waste reduction, and time-to-market often emerge as critical KPIs. In contrast, the service industry might prioritize customer satisfaction and employee engagement more heavily. Understanding these industry-specific best practices and incorporating them into the KPI framework can significantly enhance the relevance and impact of the KPIs.

Next Steps in KPI Mastery

As you reflect on the principles of strong KPIs and their critical role in driving organizational strategy and performance, consider this an opportune moment to reassess and potentially recalibrate your approach to KPI management. Evaluating your current KPIs against the backdrop of these insights offers a pathway to not just incremental improvement but potentially transformative change.

Comparing your existing KPIs against the characteristics of strong KPIs can reveal gaps and opportunities for enhancement. Are they aligned with your strategic objectives? Do they promote actionable insights? Are they comprehensible across your organization? Addressing these questions can lead to significant refinements in your KPI strategy.

Embracing Continuous Improvement in the realm of KPIs is not just about regular reviews and updates. It involves fostering a culture where feedback, data-driven insights, and strategic adaptability are part of the organizational DNA. Encouraging this culture of iterative improvement ensures that your KPIs remain not just relevant but also a potent force in driving your organization’s strategic ambitions.  Read this article for more information on effective KPI maintenance.

Lastly, investing in capability building for your team ensures that the individuals responsible for tracking, interpreting, and acting on KPIs have the necessary skills and tools at their disposal. This might involve training programs, investments in technology, or changes to internal processes and structures. The aim is to create an environment where strong KPIs are understood, valued, and effectively utilized as a cornerstone of strategic management and decision-making.

By taking these steps and leveraging the insights and principles outlined in this article, you can transform your organization’s approach to Performance Management. Strong KPIs are more than indicators of performance–they are catalysts for growth, innovation, and sustained success.

As a reminder, to explore the universe of potential KPIs, peruse our Flevy KPI Library. Each KPI in our database includes detailed descriptions, potential business insights, measurement processes, and standard formulas, designed to enhance Strategic Decision Making and Performance Management for executives and business leaders.

Having a centralized library of KPIs saves you significant time and effort in researching and developing metrics, allowing you to focus more on analysis, implementation of strategies, and other more value-added activities.  This vast range of KPIs across various industries and functions offers the flexibility to tailor Performance Management and Measurement to the unique aspects of your organization, ensuring more precise monitoring and management.

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