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The Peter Principle in Reverse

Note from the Editor:  Charles Fiaccabrino is a seasoned executive with 50+ years of sales management experience.   Charles began his career at Hoffmann La Roche on April 1st, 1969 as the first diagnostics sales representative in the newly formed Diagnostics Division and helped grow the organization into a multi-billion dollar enterprise.  During his career at […]

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Staying Local? What Your Business Could Be Missing Out On…

These days, the local business is like a folk hero. Plenty of people committed to support their municipal economy and personal, human business vow to keep as much of their money local as possible, but are these things really mutually exclusive? A global business managed correctly can keep the same hometown spirit and customer service– […]

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Sales Strategy Implementation: Why Culture Matters

Note from the Editor:  Charles Fiaccabrino is a seasoned executive with 50+ years of sales management experience.   Charles began his career at Hoffmann La Roche on April 1st, 1969 as the first diagnostics sales representative in the newly formed Diagnostics Division and helped grow the organization into a multi-billion dollar enterprise.  During his career at […]

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Implementation: Turning Sales Theory into a Reality

Scores of manuscripts, books, periodicals, and assorted publications have been written about Sales and Sales Management–most of which are brilliantly conceived and well intentioned.  The reader understands the basis of the information either theoretically, conceptually, and/or, as a practical matter, “gets” its significance. But, something might be missing and that something is: HOW do I do […]

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33 Ways to Use Digital Means to Differentiate Your Consulting Practice and Separate from the Pack

One big challenge that most every consulting practice faces is the ability to differentiate. While it might seem like there are many similar consulting practices, you know that your practice is superior in many ways. But how as a consultant can you make sure your differences are clear to the interested outsider? It might be […]

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The Fiaccabrino Selection Process, a Flevy Exclusive Framework on Selecting the Best of the Best

Flevy recently collaborated with Charles Fiaccabrino to develop an exclusive business framework, the Fiaccabrino Selection Process. In most sales organizations, your top 20% sales performers generate 80% of the revenues. The question is, why are the other 80% hired? What would happen if sales managers hired sales people who were more like the top 20% […]

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Context Is Everything

In the broadest sense, context is the sandwich board you wear around telling people how you are feeling before you ever open your mouth.  Have you ever had a friend ask you “what’s wrong” just by looking at you?  That’s context. Some genres of content are much easier to lend context to than others.  For […]

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What Is a Chief Content Officer?

According to Wikipedia, “A chief content officer (CCO) is a corporate executive responsible for the digital media creation and multi-channel publication of the organization’s content (text, video, audio, animation, etc.) and is generally the highest ranking creative member of the organization. The Chief Content Officer is responsible for developing the organization’s content strategy, choosing content […]

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Successful Creative Campaigns Engage the Customer First. Period.

Successful Creative Campaigns Engage the Customer First. Period. Brand, Product, and Service will Follow. The growth rate for sharing and creating digital information is at an insane pace. According to Digital Trends, sharing data grew nine times larger from 2006-2011 and projections indicate that by 2015 people will be creating and sharing 8 zettabytes of information. […]

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The Complete Guide to Product Adoption: from Product Life Cycle to Customer Decision Journey

Product Adoption is a compelling and important topic.  It affects every single business. There are numerous whitepapers, frameworks, and discussions focused on Product Adoption.  They discuss various elements, from market conditions to product attributes to tactical engagement.  The purpose of this article isn’t to present anything new.  Rather, it’s an attempt to synthesize various established […]

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Content Marketing Not Working Out? Flatten Your Organization

The advent of social media has contributed significantly to the changing brand and company marketing paradigm.  Marketing speak is quickly being replaced by thought leadership.  A company or brands target audience is not interested in features and benefits of your products as much as they are interested in feeling that you are the expert in […]

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For the Best Video Content, Keep It Simple [Stupid]

Look around you. Messages are everywhere, they surround us when we drive, we’re at work, and at home — just about everywhere. Most of them involve some kind of advertising or marketing message. Increasingly, these messages are not in print, but in some form of video or motion graphics. Given that the preferred demographic of […]

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Complimentary Business Training Guides

Many companies develop robust strategies, but struggle with operationalizing their strategies into implementable steps. This presentation from flevy introduces 12 powerful business frameworks spanning both Strategy Development and Strategy Execution. [Learn more]

  This 48-page whitepaper, authored by consultancy Envisioning, provides the frameworks, tools, and insights needed to manage serious Change—under the backdrop of the business lifecycle. These lifecycle stages are each marked by distinct attributes, challenges, and behaviors. [Learn more]

We've developed a very comprehensive collection of Strategy & Transformation PowerPoint templates for you to use in your own business presentations, spanning topics from Growth Strategy to Brand Development to Innovation to Customer Experience to Strategic Management. [Learn more]

  We have compiled a collection of 10 Lean Six Sigma templates (Excel) and Operational Excellence guides (PowerPoint) by a multitude of LSS experts. These tools cover topics including 8 Disciplines (8D), 5 Why's, 7 Wastes, Value Stream Mapping (VSM), and DMAIC. [Learn more]
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