Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled organizations are an emerging reality. Transformation towards an AI-enabled organization requires the management to adopt “Change Management” and also adapt their Organizational Leadership styles in accordance with it in order to bring out the best results from the new systems and the talent that develops with it. However, putting an effective […]
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To Take Advantage of Artificial Intelligence, We Need an AI Enabled Workforce
Digital Facilitation – Learn to Embrace the Future of Work Environments
In the wake of global pandemics when meeting face to face is not possible, it’s about facilitating workshops digitally, designing a formal agenda, and utilizing digital tools to ensure a productive virtual meeting. Digital Collaboration Platforms have been pivotal in the current scenario. As a matter of fact, Digital Collaboration platforms have become a new […]
Learning Organization – Gaining Competitive Advantage through Supplier Networks
Large manufacturers are often reluctant to share knowledge with suppliers. However, supplier networks are considered a great source of gaining competitive edge by Learning Organizations. A Learning Organization is founded on innovation, free flow of ideas, and a consistent focus on transforming the ways of doing business in order to achieve the desired results. For […]
How Do We Create a Customer-centric Culture?
It’s the Age of the Customer. In this day and age, becoming a Customer-centric Organization is no longer just a differentiator–it is a necessity. Customers are now more demanding. Their expectations are higher. In fact, they expect companies to anticipate their needs. To truly become a Customer-centric Organization, we must adopt a Customer-centric Culture. Research […]
The COSO Framework: An Organization’s Guide to an Effective Internal Control System
As the business and operating environment changes, there has been a greater demand for transparency and accountability as to the integrity of internal control. This has become very critical today as businesses drive to enhance the likelihood of them achieving their objectives and be able to adapt to changes in the global business environment. The […]
We’re in the Post-COVID World: Has Your Workforce Been Digitized?
We can call it the Digital Age, the Age of Automation, or the Post-COVID World, it doesn’t matter. All trends point to the same outcome — Workforce Digitization. Workforce Digitization and the powerful economics of automation require us to critically rethink of organizational structures, influence, and control. The benefits of automation are clear, but what is […]
Hiring New Employees during COVID-19
Editor’s Note: Grant Stanley is a seasoned Business Coach and a Sales & Marketing Expert with a 20+ year outstanding Sales and Marketing record. He is also an author on Flevy, where he has published materials from Business Fundamentals to Management and Leadership Excellence. Take a look at all of Grant’s Flevy best practice documents here. * * * […]
Build Back Better post COVID-19
Editor’s Note: Grant Stanley is a seasoned Business Coach and a Sales & Marketing Expert with a 20+ year outstanding Sales and Marketing record. He is also an author on Flevy, where he has published materials from Business Fundamentals to Management and Leadership Excellence. Take a look at all of Grant’s Flevy best practice documents here. * * * […]
Want to Evolve into the Next-Generation Learning Organization? Adopt These 5 Core Pillars
Transformation of an organization into a Next-generation Learning Organization (NLO) is a challenging endeavor. The main hurdles include convoluted hierarchies, bureaucratic red tape, delayed decision making, and complicated organizational systems and processes. To develop a learning organization, leadership needs to trim down bureaucracy and complexities. They should make the best use of technology to gather […]
The Dexterity of the Competing Values Framework (CVF): Organizational Design, Leadership, Culture, & More
The Competing Values Framework (CVF), developed by Robert Quinn and Jon Rohrbaugh in the 1980s, is a management theory that was developed initially from research done on the major indicators of effective organizational performance. Based on statistical analyses of a comprehensive list of effectiveness indicators, Quinn and Rohrbaugh discovered 2 major dimensions underlying conceptions of […]
Organizational DNA 101: A Guide to Defining Your Organization’s Behavior and Characteristics
Execution has become the new watchword in Boardrooms. As organizations fail to effectively implement strategies, the importance of execution has risen to the forefront. Essentially, the first step in resolving these dysfunctions is to understand how the inherent traits of an organization influence and even determine each individual’s behavior. Organizations must also understand how collective […]
When Organizational Behavioral Issues Start Affecting Organizations
Most organizations are unhealthy. Only organizations that are recognized to be Resilient, Just-in-Time, and Military can be described and relatively free from dysfunction. Yet, only 27% of the responses gathered from the Org DNA Profiler showed a healthy profile. The Org DNA Profiler is a short online self-assessment tool launched on December 9, 2003. It […]