Goal Setting used to be done in a conventional way. Managers hold one-on-one meetings with their subordinates to set goals. Performances are reviewed against objectives and these are linked to promotion and bonus decisions. The same managers aspire their goals to be SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. But this conventional wisdom of […]
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When FAST Beats SMART: The Strategic Method to Goal Setting
Creative Thinking at the Workplace (Obstacles and Solutions)
There’s no doubt that each individual and every organisation are always desperately in need for creativity and innovation for self-improvement at the first place and to keep the cutting edge ahead of other rivals and remain competing in the current highly competing marketplace. As any organisation is the sum of its individuals; people are the […]
Learning to Unlearn and Relearn
“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” – Alvin Toffler We all used to listen and read about learning and its best techniques in addition to different learning and learners’ styles but it’s not popular to read or hear […]
The Art of Conflict Resolution!
People often assume that conflict is always negative. This is not true! People are inherently different, and conflict simply happens when those differences come to light. Viewing conflict in this way can help us maximize the possible positive outcomes of the problem at hand. Equipped with a conflict resolution process, people can explore and understand […]
What’s the Best Way to Manage and Communicate with Virtual Teams?
The number of people working remotely has been increasing progressively across the globe. An employee benefits report narrates that around 60% companies in the US offer telecommuting opportunities. Telecommuting not only benefits people but also presents several advantages for organizations. Research has attributed an increase in savings of around $2000 per employee each year on […]
Leadership 2.0: 6 Leadership Mindsets Defined
There isn’t one leadership approach that can guarantee success in every situation. Leadership necessitates an assortment of methodologies that leaders can use based on the circumstances—ranging from being self-centric to helping the humanity. In order to develop effective teams, inculcate a sense of teamwork, and make a positive impact, leaders need to be aware of […]
What Are the Requisite Leadership Competencies (and Leadership Potentials) of an Effective Leader?
The use of behavioral competencies in appraising the skills and potential of leaders is a norm in organizations large and small. The competency models are omnipresent owing to several reasons—a shared vocabulary to convey the expectations from people, a basis for Performance Management planning, and a means to express the parameters for career advancement. However, […]
5 Benefits of Visualization
Visualization is not about lying on the grass and imagining your dreams coming true. It is not about dreaming neither or creating vague mental thoughts to escape from reality. Visualization is a conscious act with clarity and a sense of purpose. It is about creating visual images of the outcomes you would like to achieve. […]
Need to Have High-Performing Teams? Master the Stages of Team Development
Forming a team takes time. Companies cannot expect a new team to perform well when it first comes together. Members often go through stages as they change from being a collection of strangers to a united group with common goals. “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. – Henry […]
5 Tips to Develop Resilience
Our well being nowadays does not depend only on the acquisitions, the achievements and the positions we attain, but it will also depend on our level of resilience and our capacity to rise again when faced with great challenges. Let me first define what resilience is all about, and how important to embrace it to […]
Learning the SKS Model and IL/IW/WI Model to Giving Effective Feedback
According to Charles Coonradt, a Management Consultant, “The failure to give appropriate and timely feedback is the most extreme cruelty that we can inflict on any human being.” The feedback project can be stressful. Many people feel fear to ask about their performance. Yet, there are strategies leaders can take on to defuse the stress. […]
The Power of Matrix Management 2.0 – Gaining Market Leadership
Operating a Matrix Organization can be a challenging task. Complex geographical structures, cultural barriers, functional divides, conflicting barriers, and management silos abound. Matrices are often necessary though this may create uncomfortable ambiguity for employees. Most employees in Matrix Organizations are found to be not terribly engaged with their jobs. Engagement is defined as involvement in and […]