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4 Best Practices for Upgrading Business Tech

Editor's Note: Take a look at our featured best practice, IT Strategy (30-slide PowerPoint presentation). The key drivers of Information Technology (IT) or Management Information Systems (MIS) value are an organization's IT mindset and its ability to execute. Today’s best practices show that IT value can be maximized when enterprise IT investments are aligned with business goals and IT execution is [read more]

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Most modern businesses now incorporate advanced technology within their systems to improve operational efficiency. These tools also help them interact with their target customers by sending them personalized promotional messages that target their pain points. Furthermore, they can instantly boost their online presence, allowing potential stakeholders to invest in expansion.

Since entrepreneurs need to ensure that all automated business processes are working, they have to assess the performance of their existing tools. As they go through the tech evaluation, they might find that some devices aren’t responding anymore, or others may result in low productivity. Once they discover these issues, they might consider upgrading them by replacing them or updating the software version.

This article provides four best practices for leveling up your organizational technology.

1. Establish a Strategic Plan

Before implementing tech and system upgrades, you should first identify which processes need it. You must determine who you can trust to make the necessary upgrades, why those systems require enhancement, and when you plan to launch these upgrades. Also, you must identify what procedures you’ll use to upgrade these systems, including the estimated expenses of this project.

Another essential thing you must consider in developing a strategic plan is assessing the risks of this upgrade initiative if they fail. In addition, you should measure how your employees and clients will respond to these changes so you can find ways to help them. After outlining a well-defined strategy, you can figure out how to alleviate risks before they can impact the activity and the entire organizational process.

2. Invest in Cybersecurity

With the wide usage of modern technology, organizations become vulnerable to cyber threats. Since issues like worms, viruses, and ransomware can reduce a company’s profit, organizational leaders must secure their technology. Doing so ensures that confidential business information becomes restricted from cyber criminals and suspicious outsiders.

IT support St. Louis and those IT companies in your local area can provide entrepreneurs with cybersecurity protection, so businesses can effectively protect their sensitive data from attacks. Moreover, you can instantly monitor the productivity of your in-house and remote employees as they use your company tech and prevent an internal breach or data theft. As a result, by implementing these measures, your organization can follow regulatory compliance, eliminate violations, and reduce operational downtime.

For instance, if you require your online customers to input their confidential data on your platform, you should add two-factor authentication. In addition, you must encrypt your business information and equip your device with antivirus software to prevent third-party infiltration. Furthermore, you must conduct background checks on each user and software that will connect with your system to eliminate threats.

3. Create a Modern Website

A company’s professional website helps businesses deliver their brand messages to their ideal audience. Since most of your customers will rely on the trustworthiness of your products and services, your website needs to present a positive image to your visitors. For this reason, prioritizing your website should be one of your primary objectives in upgrading business tech.

If your company doesn’t have a website yet, you should consider outsourcing a website developer who can help you with its design to make it appealing. Alternatively, if you already have one, you must modernize this channel by enabling it with the most advanced features to encourage your visitors to continue browsing. Then, you need to conduct an in-depth analysis of recent website trends annually to ensure that you’re taking advantage of all valuable features.

4. Replace Outdated Equipment

If most of the computers inside your business establishment are old, you must consider replacing them with new ones. These computers need upgrading because most can’t keep up with the latest operating system (OS) updates. If you continue to use them, chances are they can’t accommodate updated websites and software, which reduces employee productivity.

Another essential piece of equipment you must consider upgrading is the telephone machines. Since this device is the lifeline of your existing clients and suppliers, changing them will help reduce negative feedback to your customer service. With an automated phone system, you’ll enable advanced artificial intelligence (AI) to answer your clients’ calls and forward them to your virtual receptionist.

Another important way to modernize business tech is by eliminating the need to use high-end copiers and printers. This strategy allows you to transform from a paper-reliant organization to a paperless system, contributing to environmentally-friendly initiatives. Once you do so, you can also help your employees effortlessly share sensitive documents through the cloud while your company saves from unnecessary printing costs. 

Key Takeaway

As a modern entrepreneur, you must respond to the ever-increasing requirement to protect and update your tech. You should consider following these four practices in upgrading your company’s technology. As a result, your staff won’t have to wait for their computers to work, and they can ensure that they meet their daily deadlines, which improves business productivity.

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About Shane Avron

Shane Avron is a freelance writer, specializing in business, general management, enterprise software, and digital technologies. In addition to Flevy, Shane's articles have appeared in Huffington Post, Forbes Magazine, among other business journals.

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