
Flevy Blog is an online business magazine covering Business Strategies, Business Theories, & Business Stories.

Why E-Learning Is Becoming Indispensable for Upskilling Professionals

Editor's Note: Take a look at our featured best practice, Corporate Learning Strategy (26-slide PowerPoint presentation). Although organizations invest heavily in Learning and Talent Development, most CEOs complain about the shortage of learned managers and leaders. Research reveals that a number of managers consider employee performance to remain the same if their organization's Learning function is totally [read more]

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Your ideal at-home learning environment may not be as super cool as others, but at least they need to fit like gloves to your learning needs or that of your learners. Whether your child is just attending school virtually, you’re homeschooling, or you might be pursuing higher education online, having the perfect tools can spell quite a difference.

These five must-have tools might be just what you’re looking for to complete your home setup and make it an effective haven for productive learning.

Tools to Complete Your Ideal Learning Environment

Top Quality Device

Your device, like a reliable laptop or tablet, can be some of your most helpful tools to maximize your productivity, especially to power up your home learning environment. It’s not just about possessing a top-of-the-line gadget; it’s actually about having a device that can support and sustain your and your family’s learning journey, like:


It’s best for you to opt for a laptop or tablet with sufficient processing power to handle educational software, video conferencing, and multitasking activities.


Most lightweight devices today help you transfer between different areas of your home without hitches, providing you flexibility and more inspiration in your learning processes.


When looking for devices, it’s best to choose those known for their durability and longer battery life. It’s to make sure that you’ll be able to stay connected to your coaching sessions even if you’re out of the house or there’s a power outage.

Reliable Net Connection

The more stable and fast your internet connection is, the easier you can connect to your coaching sessions. It’ll also make sure you or your child can access online classes, surf and research, and open other needed online platforms or resources without much hitch. So, it’s best to make sure your net connection has:


Make sure your internet plan can support high-speed network connection needs like those for video streaming and large file downloads.


Maximize the use of Wi-Fi extenders or mesh networks so you can make sure you’ll have strong signal coverage throughout your home.

Backup Options

Just consider having a mobile hotspot connection as a backup so you can avoid any disruption or connection issues, especially during critical learning activities.

Ergonomic Furniture

When you’re taking courses or lessons online, you can always choose comfortable and ergonomically designed furniture to improve your health and focus while you work and learn, like these pieces:


It’s more helpful if you have a desk with enough surface area to accommodate a computer, books, and other coaching materials.


A comfortable and adjustable chair with proper lumbar support can help you or your child maintain proper posture and reduce the risk of back pain and other issues, especially during prolonged sitting and working periods.


Online work and study accessories like keyboard trays, footrests, and monitor stands can help increase or further ergonomic benefits.

Interactive Learning Tools

You need more interactive and engaging tools to make your learning processes more immersive and compelling, like:

Digital Whiteboards

These tools, like Google Jamboard or Microsoft Whiteboard, allow you to share or become more collaborative in your learning and idea sharing.

Educational Apps

Many applications like Khan Academy, Duolingo, and Brain POP provide interactive and more personalized coaching experiences.


Hands-on learning kits like LittleBits, LEGO Education sets, and Arduino starter kits can fuel your and your family members’ creativity and practical application.

Organizational Supplies

Just like an office-based scenario, staying organized for home studies is crucial. These must-haves might just help make your home areas more conducive to learning.

Storage Solutions

Use some shelves, bins, and drawer organizers to keep your books, supplies, devices, and documents in order.

Planning Tools

You can optimize calendars, planners, and applications like Trello or Asana to help track your project and assignment deadlines and study schedules.

Labeling Systems

Many label makers and color-coded folders can help you simplify the filing and storing of your materials and other learning items. It can also effectively reduce clutter and avoid costly distractions.

Bottom Line

Although creating an ideal at-home learning space might be costly, it’s not a burdensome or bothersome expense. They’re actually about choosing and integrating the right tools to make your designated home space perfect for your learning or everyday coaching sessions.

These tools can also help you maintain focus and productivity and, at the same time, foster a love for learning in a more comfortable and thoughtfully prepared home space.

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Survival of a business in this Digital Age largely depends on its ability to timely embrace Digital Transformation. Digital Transformation entails using Digital Technologies to streamline business processes, culture, and customer experiences in order to stay ahead of the rivals. To compete in [read more]

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About Shane Avron

Shane Avron is a freelance writer, specializing in business, general management, enterprise software, and digital technologies. In addition to Flevy, Shane's articles have appeared in Huffington Post, Forbes Magazine, among other business journals.

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