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The Death of Marketing: Strategies to Avoid in 2021

Editor's Note: Take a look at our featured best practice, Marketing Plan Development Framework (63-slide PowerPoint presentation). A marketing plan is a comprehensive blueprint, outlining an organization's overall marketing efforts. This PowerPoint presentation is a guide to developing a comprehensive marketing plan. Marketing Management topics include: * Marketing Management Process * Market Segmentation * Market [read more]

Also, if you are interested in becoming an expert on Strategy Development, take a look at Flevy's Strategy Development Frameworks offering here. This is a curated collection of best practice frameworks based on the thought leadership of leading consulting firms, academics, and recognized subject matter experts. By learning and applying these concepts, you can you stay ahead of the curve. Full details here.

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Why is marketing important? Methods and ways of promoting a company or brand change almost daily. It is foolish to think that what worked a couple of years ago will still work today. Like everything in our life, tools and means of work become obsolete and stop working. Continuing to use out-of-trend strategies, you risk one day seeing a sharp decrease in the number of consumers and, accordingly, a decrease in income. In this article, you can see which promotion methods have ceased to bear fruit, as well as which erroneous decisions can inflict a crushing blow to your business strategy.

Lack of Clear Understanding and Definition of the Target Audience

Ideally, every business director wants absolutely everyone to buy products of his company, regardless of gender or age. However, this is not how the world works. Due to the fact that you will analyze your audience in detail, you will have the opportunity to understand what kind of approach this type of people needs, what their needs and requirements are.

Trying to orient yourself to each and everyone will not be crowned with success since all your efforts will be thrown into meeting the needs of each segment of the population, and the costs of your company will grow considerably.

No Blog

At the moment, more than half of the companies that have their own blog say that this is an essential tool for attracting new users, as well as for securing the loyalty of existing ones. Online diaries allow you to write about anything. They have no strict restrictions on format, type, or structure. This is a flight of imagination for the author. They are easy to read as they use informal language. Their main plus is contact with the target audience. You turn to people, and they can answer you in response and give any comments, on the basis of which you can make changes to your promotion tactics.

By approaching a blog with enough organization and consistency, you can add value to your product. In turn, this can already lead to an increase in the conversion of your site, an increase in turnover, and an increase in the volume of traffic.

Refusal to Participate in Social Life

The activities of the company, in addition to the main trade, are also important. It creates the face of your company, not just a company that wants to sell you some of its products. Your organization’s position on a variety of issues can also help promote your brand. We live in a world where the influence of the social media audience determines your position in the market.

Take McDonald’s, for example. This giant fast-food company needs no introduction. It would seem that they definitely need not lead a social life in order to support their business, but marketers disagree. After assessing the state of affairs in the world and identifying one of the most global problems in the world – environmental pollution and catastrophically slow decomposition of garbage – they decided to stop using plastic straws, spoons, and cups and replace them with paper ones. This simple solution reinforced customer loyalty and aroused admiration.

Non-unique Content and Lack of Video Format

Filling your website with information is essential to your business’s prosperity. Content is the foundation for creating marketing strategies. Users study your content, and based on this, form their opinion about your brand. Therefore, the making of your content should be approached wisely. What you write or what images you insert are not the only important thing. Actually, your ability to use modern content creation tools is also important. Content marketing is what differentiates you from your opponents in the fight for a potential client.

Particular attention should be paid to the video format. Creating high-quality and unique visual content means that you follow digital marketing trends, and it sets you apart from the conservatives.

The video component allows you to present your products and talk about your company in a casual and bright way. It is easier for people to perceive video and sound than simply studying images or text on the screen. Small videos that do not take up a lot of users’ time allow you to present all the advantages of the product and increase sales.

In addition to creating videos, it is also important to be able to format videos, use video editing software and convert to formats suitable for different operating systems.

If we analyze what a video file is, then we can say that it is an indefinite number of static images that alternate at a certain frequency. The unedited and uncompressed video takes up a lot of space. Not every Internet service will be able to download such a video, as the traffic capacity of the site may drop due to the large size. To prevent this, an online video converter will come to the rescue, which will not only help convert your video format to the format you need but also allow you to compress the video and not spoil its quality.

VSDC free video editor will help you transform video of any complexity, where it is possible to delete and combine various fragments of a video file, add audio and visual effects, as well as display correction.

Operating systems also play a role in video production. The most common operating systems are Windows and Mac OS. Best MKV-to-MP4 converters for Mac, as well as converters for Microsoft Windows, will help you avoid problems with watching video files.

These skills will help you to boost your content and place your videos on various websites.

Lack of Attention to Competitors

Analyzing the strategy and the activities of your competitors is an unconditional part of preparing your advertising campaign and promotion strategy.

Ignoring the activities of competitors will lead your company to the fact that you will not be able to create your own strategy that would distinguish you from your competitor. Advertising budget, audience coverage, image creation on social networks are aspects that will primarily suffer from not understanding the power of a brand.

Ignoring SEO

It’s foolish to ignore what brings users to your site in the first place. Poor site optimization directly affects the ranking of search results.

Every business leader wants to get the most out of his marketing strategy right away. However, in the case of SEO, you shouldn’t hope for lightning-fast results because this tool is complex. The main thing is to optimize keywords, thanks to which users find your site. Keywords are constantly changing depending on the needs of consumers. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the analysis of your target audience and how they form queries in search engines.


Trends are constantly changing. Old tools are being replaced by new ones with exceptional speed. In order for your business to flourish, you need to have a flexible mindset that is able to adjust and adapt to the new business environment. Understanding the capabilities of your company, a rational assessment of the advantages of your company against the background of your competitors will lead you to the fact that you will be second to none.

71-page Word document
This 71-page template is a comprehensive template for a Strategic Marketing and Sales Plan. It is based on the Systems Thinking Approach, and guides the development of the strategic marketing and sales plan in the context of the bigger picture corporate strategies. Using this template will allow [read more]

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Gain the knowledge and develop the expertise to become an expert in Strategy Development. Our frameworks are based on the thought leadership of leading consulting firms, academics, and recognized subject matter experts. Click here for full details.

"Strategy without Tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without Strategy is the noise before defeat." - Sun Tzu

For effective Strategy Development and Strategic Planning, we must master both Strategy and Tactics. Our frameworks cover all phases of Strategy, from Strategy Design and Formulation to Strategy Deployment and Execution; as well as all levels of Strategy, from Corporate Strategy to Business Strategy to "Tactical" Strategy. Many of these methodologies are authored by global strategy consulting firms and have been successfully implemented at their Fortune 100 client organizations.

These frameworks include Porter's Five Forces, BCG Growth-Share Matrix, Greiner's Growth Model, Capabilities-driven Strategy (CDS), Business Model Innovation (BMI), Value Chain Analysis (VCA), Endgame Niche Strategies, Value Patterns, Integrated Strategy Model for Value Creation, Scenario Planning, to name a few.

Learn about our Strategy Development Best Practice Frameworks here.

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About Shane Avron

Shane Avron is a freelance writer, specializing in business, general management, enterprise software, and digital technologies. In addition to Flevy, Shane's articles have appeared in Huffington Post, Forbes Magazine, among other business journals.

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