
Flevy Blog is an online business magazine covering Business Strategies, Business Theories, & Business Stories.

Tag Archives | strategy development

pic 1 Board Excellence Primer

Board Excellence 101: Your Guide to Building A Forward-looking Board

The amount of time the Board of Directors spend on their work and commit to strategy is rising. Directors say they dedicate more time now to their Board duties than ever before.  In fact, since 2011, the directors have cut in half the gap between the actual and ideal amount of time they spend on […]

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pic 1 Analytics-driven Organization

A Startling Fact about Analytics-driven Organizations

Enterprises invest in Analytics to improve Decision Making and outcomes across the business. This is from Product Strategy and Innovation to Supply Chain Management, Customer Experience, and Risk Management. Yet, many executives are not yet seeing the results of their Analytics initiatives and investments. Every organization putting on investment in Analytics has experienced several stumbling […]

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pic 1 Strategic Decision Making

Stop Making Unreliable Human Judgments: The Science of Strategic Decision Making

Human judgment can be unreliable as these are all susceptible to errors. In Strategy Development,  organizations make a lot of strategic decisions.  These strategic decisions share a common feature: they are evaluative judgments. In making these tough calls, a large amount of complex information must be weighed down and evaluated.  While some management decisions are […]

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pic 1 Board Excellence Human Dynamics

The 3 Effective Tests of Assessing Human Dynamics of the Board

Many Boards have improved their structures and processes. Yet, despite all the corporate-governance reforms undertaken, many Boards failed the test of the financial crisis. This shows that even if the Board of Directors is stacked with high qualified members and best practices, these are not enough. Human Dynamics has come to fore in today’s highly […]

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How Do We Drive Breakout Growth through Business Model Innovation (BMI)?

As core markets become saturated with new entrants and products, we find it more and more difficult to grow the core. In fact, the average growth rate in the core business is often less than half of the non-core areas. We find traditional approaches that have historically driven growth are reaching points of diminishing returns. […]

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pic 2 Board Excellence Engagement

How to Achieve Board Excellence? Here’s a Guide to Engaging Your Board

The business has become more challenging as the global market becomes more demanding. This change in the global market is putting pressure not only on Management but also on the Board. Strategy Development now demands that organizations should not only be effective but there should also be Board Excellence. Today, the demand has ceased to be […]

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pic 2 Board Excellence M&A

Modernize Your Board’s Role in M&A and Achieve the Greatest Deals

Many large corporations depend on M&A for growth and executives can boost the value that deals create. But poorly executed M&A can saddle investors with weak returns on capital for details. In fact, the margin between success and failure is slim. Many Boards are reluctant to cross the line between governance and management. The level […]

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pic 1 Long-term Mindset

The 4 Tactics our Board Should Adopt for a Long-term, Strategic Mindset

When things go wrong on a grand scale, often we direct our attention to the role of the Board. Debate exudes and often gets heated up and intensifies. This often happens when the Board spends more time looking in the rearview mirror and not enough scanning the road ahead. When this happens, governance suffers. Often, […]

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pic 1 HIgh Impact Strategic Boards

How to Achieve Board Excellence? Have A High Impact, Strategic Board

The pressure on Boards and Directors to raise their game has remained acute. A survey of more than 770 directors from public and private companies across the industries around the world suggested that some are responding more energetically than others. There is a dramatic difference between how directors allocate their time among boardroom activities and […]

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pic1 Leavitt's Diamond

How to Use Leavitt’s Diamond to Achieve Change

“The only thing that is constant is Change.” – Heraclitus An epidemic of change is happening globally–reengineering, restructuring, and revamping! Workplaces seem to be launching one change initiative after another.  Digital Transformation is happening everywhere. Yet, the hard truth is that many change initiatives fail. Change Management initiatives fail because of the way organizations view change. […]

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pic 1 Next-gen Operating Model

Advancing Digital Transformation in the Highest Form: The Next-gen Operating Model

Companies often know where they want to go when it comes to Strategy Development. Companies want to be more agile, quicker to react, and more effective. They want to deliver great customer experience, take advantage of new technologies to cut costs, improve quality and transparency, and build value. Yet, while most companies are trying to […]

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customer centric culture 1

Customer-centric Culture: An Imperative in Today’s Age of the Customer

The use of the Internet and other online tools have turned consumers to be more empowered and are now shopping differently. Customers are becoming more demanding and accustomed to getting what they want. With greater access to reviews and online rating, customers are better equipped to switch to new products and services. Consumers now want […]

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Complimentary Business Training Guides

Many companies develop robust strategies, but struggle with operationalizing their strategies into implementable steps. This presentation from flevy introduces 12 powerful business frameworks spanning both Strategy Development and Strategy Execution. [Learn more]

  This 48-page whitepaper, authored by consultancy Envisioning, provides the frameworks, tools, and insights needed to manage serious Change—under the backdrop of the business lifecycle. These lifecycle stages are each marked by distinct attributes, challenges, and behaviors. [Learn more]

We've developed a very comprehensive collection of Strategy & Transformation PowerPoint templates for you to use in your own business presentations, spanning topics from Growth Strategy to Brand Development to Innovation to Customer Experience to Strategic Management. [Learn more]

  We have compiled a collection of 10 Lean Six Sigma templates (Excel) and Operational Excellence guides (PowerPoint) by a multitude of LSS experts. These tools cover topics including 8 Disciplines (8D), 5 Why's, 7 Wastes, Value Stream Mapping (VSM), and DMAIC. [Learn more]
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