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How to Build Positive Brand Momentum

Editor's Note: Take a look at our featured best practice, Brand Assessment Tool (Excel workbook). Use the Brand Assessment Tool to evaluate your organization from a branding perspective. This is a beneficial tool to utilize when conducting a self-assessment audit. In the Brand Assessment Tool, the first step is to rate your compliance with best practices across the following key dimensions: [read more]

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pexels-photo-216489You’ve got a business and a brand that’s making money. What more could you want? It’s easy to assume that if something is successful now, it will stay successful. Tempting though it might be, avoid resting in the comfort of complacency for too long. Short-sightedness when things are going well can lead to failure in the future. To prevent this fate for your business, it’s important to maintain positive brand momentum and constantly prove to the world that your brand is necessary. This means adapting to the world as it changes around you, constantly discovering new ways to stay exciting, and keeping a clear vision of what you want your business to look like in the future.

One: Be Adaptable

Pay attention to what’s working for you and for other successful businesses. Even if a specific form of advertising has worked well for your business, consider adopting the techniques of other successful brands. Look at the history of their brand identity and where the changes have been made along the way. These finer details will outline the direction in which you should be going. In the same way, take note of the actions preceding a brand’s failure and learn to extract those traits from your own. Not only must you be self-aware within your own brand, but you must also understand the brands around you. Copying isn’t the solution, of course, but acknowledging where success and failure lie is a good start to keeping up your brand momentum.

Two: Be Exciting

Although it would be nice to hope quality services and products that maintained value throughout the years are enough to retain consumer interest, the truth is that even loyal customers will stray if the brand becomes stale. Alternatives that provide flashier, more engaging ways of branding will prove stiff competition even if their product is not as good. That’s why it’s vital to remain exciting. As the world expands and evolves, look for new ways to insert your business into the zeitgeist. If you can demonstrate consistent relevance despite constant change, consumers will always feel as if your brand has something important to offer. Even small things like branded pins from getlapelpins.com can help to push your brand into the public psyche. While your service or product may hardly change, your marketing stays exciting and new, meaning it will reach more people and encourage them to engage with it.

Three: Aspire and Achieve

Success can be easily lost when you are unsure how you gained it, to begin with. By affirming the direction in which you want to lead your brand, you can better envisage its future. Spot the patterns of your brand’s success and deliberately build on them instead of hoping they will continue to work forever. Once you achieve a goal, set a new one. Each time you do this, make sure to enhance the prospects of your success. By continually pushing your brand to strive for better, you will create a positive momentum that feeds itself.

25-slide PowerPoint presentation
What is your brand important? Brands is a major driver of consumer behavior. A strong brand leads to higher market share and higher profit margins. It serves as a significant competitive advantage. In this presentation, we understand what "brand" is dig deeper into why it's important. [read more]

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About Shane Avron

Shane Avron is a freelance writer, specializing in business, general management, enterprise software, and digital technologies. In addition to Flevy, Shane's articles have appeared in Huffington Post, Forbes Magazine, among other business journals.

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