The majority of documents available on Flevy are produced by seasoned consultants and consulting firms. Many of these documents were produced FOR consultants, as well. Below, we have listed a number of must-have references for anyone working in management consulting–and, in particular, those who run their own boutique firms. They are roughly grouped into common […]
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The Ultimate Reference Guide for Consultants
Recommended Documents by Business Topic
UPDATE: This article will no longer be updated. All updates are now being made directly to our Management Topics section. Due to the rapid growth of our documents library, we have developed a less manual way of organizing our documents. We have organized documents into Business Toolkits, where each toolkit is focused on a specific business project […]
Safety in the Cloud: 5 Best Practices for Cloud Storage Security
As companies migrate to the cloud for broader access to applications and scalable storage at a reasonable price, concerns about security in the cloud are rising. The 2012 SailPoint Market Pulse Survey found that over one-third of U.S. businesses have or plan to have high-risk data stored in the cloud, and more than 95 percent […]
ITIL Business Relationship Management, the “Hidden” Process
The Business Relationship Management (BRM) process was introduced into the Service Strategy element of the ITIL Service Lifecycle in 2011, but you’d be forgiven for not being aware of this. BRM is perhaps a little ambiguous, and the line between it and its better-known cousin, Service Level Management (SLM), is certainly blurred. To better understand […]
When Did You Last Have a Critical Look at Your IT (Service) Strategy?
The CIO and the IT Department need to position themselves as a premium provider of IT services and focus on value to cost. Nowadays, IT’s significance is often challenged: “Do we really need a CIO and IT department to bother us with technology when we can use the cloud?” To avoid this line of questioning, […]
Sick of Microsoft Project? Manage Your Project in Excel
Project management is not easy. Keeping track of deadlines, status, risks, issues, and competing priorities is not piece of cake. There are hundreds of articles and management gurus out there with tips and advice on effective project management. However, few (that I have seen) provide tools to put the ideas they provide into action. While […]
Applying Military Concepts to Business Planning: Operational vs. Tactical vs. Strategic
We usually divide Planning into three analytical levels with a strong military flavor: Operational, Tactical and Strategic (a clear example of a classical proverb that in the Military everything consists of three parts ). Despite the fact that all these levels are defined pretty clearly (Strategic – where are we going? Tactical – what are […]