The pace of digital disruption is putting even large corporations at risk of closure. Startups are using disruption to their benefit by embracing robust approaches and creating unique business models. This intense competition and disruption warrants organizations to keep evolving in order to thrive. They can do this by creating cutting-edge systems and software, adopting […]
About Mark Bridges
Mark Bridges is a Senior Director of Strategy at Flevy. Flevy is your go-to resource for best practices in business management, covering management topics from Strategic Planning to Operational Excellence to Digital Transformation (view full list here). Learn how the Fortune 100 and global consulting firms do it. Improve the growth and efficiency of your organization by leveraging Flevy's library of best practice methodologies and templates. Prior to Flevy, Mark worked as an Associate at McKinsey & Co. and holds an MBA from the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago. You can connect with Mark on LinkedIn here.Author Archive | Mark Bridges
The Principles and Implementation of Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
10 Principles or Key Ingredients of a Thoughtful Customer Strategy
In these challenging times, it’s no longer enough to target a few, select purchasers and develop products for that clientele. The key ingredient that most leaders overlook while serving their clients is a thoughtful and planned Customer Strategy. A robust Customer Strategy entails speaking the language of the customers, knowing how to anticipate their needs, […]
What Are the Requisite Leadership Competencies (and Leadership Potentials) of an Effective Leader?
The use of behavioral competencies in appraising the skills and potential of leaders is a norm in organizations large and small. The competency models are omnipresent owing to several reasons—a shared vocabulary to convey the expectations from people, a basis for Performance Management planning, and a means to express the parameters for career advancement. However, […]
Change Management: A Glimpse into the “Influence Model”
Business Transformation initiatives are complex undertakings that aren’t easy to manage. In fact, data suggests most transformation efforts globally to have ended up in failure. That’s predominantly because organizations find it challenging to make their people accept change. Most of the large-scale change initiatives are typically executed without focusing much on the human element—bolstering the people’s […]
Brainstorming Redefined: 7 Steps to Questions-based Brainstorming
Creative ideas—such as Innovation, Process Improvement initiatives, or Growth Strategy opportunities—drive businesses. It’s every executive’s dream to manage a team that is creative enough to come up with innovative ideas perpetually. Traditional brainstorming is the conventional method utilized by teams to generate new ideas globally. The conventional brainstorming sessions, however, often falls short of generating […]
A Quick Look at the Structured Approach to Industry Analysis
To succeed in a market or industry, organizations need to objectively analyze the underlying forces, attractiveness, and other success factors. They often seek outsiders’ assistance to bring fresh perspective, insights, and recommendations. The external contractors commence the engagement by carrying out a detailed industry analysis. The industry analysis facilitates in identifying potential opportunities, threats, and […]
Are Your Leaders Cognizant of the 10 Principles of Strategic Leadership?
One of the major necessities of this information age involves developing leadership that is capable of guiding organizations through challenging times. A vast majority of executives at most organizations are exceptional in handling routine operations; however, finding leaders proficient in transforming the ways of doing business and tackling unique problems is not easy. The paucity […]
An Effective Methodology to Avoid Disruption: The 8 Pillars of Innovation
Almost every other day, startups emerge and disrupt established companies because of their innovative ideas and business models. This disruption is, primarily, due to the reluctance of big companies to implement a series of strategic and organizational practices required to organize and inspire creativity. Large firms are, generally, better at implementation rather than innovation due […]
How to Conduct RACI Charting and Analysis Professionally?
Functional areas in an organization are often marred with ambiguities–some process related and other role related. The Responsibility Assignment Matrix or RACI Charting is a simple technique to resolve these ambiguities. It works collaboratively to clearly identify functional areas and roles and responsibilities in order to complete a desired activity. The RACI Acronym stands for: Responsible […]
The Secret to Unlocking Business Model Innovation (BMI)
Innovative technologies are sweeping away everything: organizations, work practices, offerings, hierarchies, and even business models. Those days are long past when business models used to stay static for years to no end. They are now under threat more so than anything else, since any technology-driven entrant can knock an established business model down in no […]
What Makes a BoD a High Performance Board?
Financial downturns and intense competition has put a lot of strain over boards and directors to perform better. The effectiveness of the board of directors varies from organization to organization. An accomplished chairman can make the board more constructive and practical by establishing high standards and helping members improve their participation. In 2013, McKinsey & […]
For a Successful Market Entry, First We Must Remove Our Cognitive Biases
New market entry provides potential opportunities for organizations to grow. But penetrating a market and establishing a new business is fraught with complications and failure. Attempts at entering a new market often fail, in fact, research suggests that for every successful market entry about 4 fail. The reasons for such high failure rates involve timing, […]