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7 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Managed IT Services Provider

Editor's Note: Take a look at our featured best practice, IT Strategy (30-slide PowerPoint presentation). The key drivers of Information Technology (IT) or Management Information Systems (MIS) value are an organization's IT mindset and its ability to execute. Today’s best practices show that IT value can be maximized when enterprise IT investments are aligned with business goals and IT execution is [read more]

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Technology requirements for businesses expand in lockstep with their expansion. Contracting with the appropriate managed services provider saves growing enterprises time and money. Managed Services enables you to supplement your existing IT employees and infrastructure by hiring a specialized IT business to manage your network, servers, personal computers, and other technical requirements. It’s an ideal choice for businesses that require maximum efficiency but lack the resources to maintain a sizable on-site IT staff.

Managed IT services providers do not all comparable offer IT support and services levels. Certain service providers may be unable to accommodate your unique information technology requirements. As a result, understanding how to identify a trustworthy service provider is critical. The following are the most vital considerations when assessing managed IT services providers:

1. Experience

It’s critical to examine the industry experience of IT-managed service providers. Reputable service providers have helped clients from a variety of industries. Each industry is unique in its own way. Additionally, each firm operates uniquely. Therefore, each business’s information technology requirements are unique. With these said, you must choose a provider that has a track record of successfully meeting the IT requirements of a varied range of customers. This demonstrates their ability to provide services that correspond to the IT system requirements of each client.

2. Pricing

Select a reputable company with transparent managed IT service pricing. Avoid hourly-based vendors and seek out businesses that offer flat costs for certain services. It is in the best interests of all parties involved for these managed service providers (MSPs) to complete the work correctly the first time. Furthermore, an expert service provider’s contract terms should be appropriate. You wouldn’t want to become trapped in an unaffordable contract. Look for an agreement that allows you to add or remove services or even wholly cancel them without incurring expensive fees.

3. Flexibility

Businesses demand adaptability due to their changing needs. It is questionable that the services and solutions available now will be unchanged in five years. Choose an MSP that enables you to adjust and scale services in response to your business’s changing demands and offers this flexibility without imposing prohibitive fines.

Choosing a managed IT service provider with such flexibility and adaptability enables your business to focus on the most critical services at any given time. Additionally, you should collaborate with a company that has a track record of adjusting to changing market conditions, needs, and demands, as well as one that leverages cutting-edge technology to assist you in generating value for your business.

4. Credibility

It’s not always straightforward to assess an MSP’s professionalism only based on the services they provide or their credentials and certifications. Referrals, reviews, and endowments all contribute to this endeavor. Simply speak with their clientele or search online for reviews and testimonials to ascertain a service provider’s validity, dependability, and trustworthiness.

Numerous firms are keen to share their experiences working with IT service providers, mainly if the relationship was fruitful or a complete waste of time. Referrals and peer reviews can provide valuable insight into the type of business relationship you might anticipate with a managed services provider.

5. Security

Security is, without a doubt, the primary responsibility of businesses. On the other hand, maintaining a high level of security may be too expensive. As a result, you’ll need to choose a service provider capable of more than monitoring your information technology infrastructure. However, it will help if you locate one capable of providing comprehensive security plans.

You can assure the safety and security of all your data by using robust IT security procedures. A reputable IT managed services provider secures all of your endpoints to accomplish this. This way, cyber-threats cannot infect your information technology system.

6. Business Relevance

An MSP should offer more than IT support and maintenance. Select an innovative MSP that takes a proactive approach to IT help. You’ll require one capable of assisting your business in thriving rather than simply surviving.

Additionally, to ensure that all systems are up and running, the MSP must identify and manage issues with IT performance, costs, security, and efficiency. In other words, a managed partner should assist you in aligning your IT investments with the mission objectives of your organization.

7. Business Values

Finally, it is critical to select a provider who shares the values of your business. Inquire about a possible partner’s underlying beliefs, corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, and environmental stewardship. Cultural compatibility is critical for a long-term relationship’s success.


A managed services provider can significantly benefit your business and increase your bottom line by increasing efficiency through time savings, preventing costly disasters and repairs, or avoiding costly disasters and repairs. Identifying a true partner capable of meeting all of your technological requirements will enable your business to grow to the next level.

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About Shane Avron

Shane Avron is a freelance writer, specializing in business, general management, enterprise software, and digital technologies. In addition to Flevy, Shane's articles have appeared in Huffington Post, Forbes Magazine, among other business journals.

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