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What to Expect on the CompTIA A+ Exam

Editor's Note: Take a look at our featured best practice, IT Strategy (30-slide PowerPoint presentation). The key drivers of Information Technology (IT) or Management Information Systems (MIS) value are an organization's IT mindset and its ability to execute. Today’s best practices show that IT value can be maximized when enterprise IT investments are aligned with business goals and IT execution is [read more]

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To get your CompTIA A+ certification, you must pass two exams. The exams are created by professionals in the IT industry and a passing grade indicates you have the necessary skills to start a career in the IT field.

If you’re worried about passing the exams, an online CompTIA A+ training and certification course can help ensure you’re ready to ace the tests. So, what can you expect on the exams and what skills will you learn in the training and certification course?

What’s Covered on the CompTIA A+ Exam

The exam covers more than computer repair; you also answer questions about troubleshooting various issues like problems with operating systems, security, and mobile devices, to name a few.

The exam’s broad coverage is a reason why many employers look for talent with CompTIA A+ certification. When you’re ready to take the exam, here’s a look at some of the topics covered on the test:


You’ll need to be able to correctly identify, use, and connect various components and devices used in the office and out in the field. Yes, support for remote team members is covered in the training course and exam.

Operating Systems

Since different companies and industries often prefer one operating system over another, you’ll install, support, and troubleshoot Windows, Mac, Chrome, Android, and Linux. This also includes configuration imaging, along with providing client and command line support.

Troubleshooting Software Issues

This skill looks at troubleshooting malware and security issues common with operating systems on PCs and mobile devices. In a sense, this section expands on the skills you learn working with the various operating systems.

Networking and Hardware

Covering the different types of connections and networks, including SOHO, Wi-Fi, and TCP/IP, you’ll troubleshoot various issues. Some of the problems may be network-related, while others deal with the device. You must identify and resolve the problem to pass this section of the CompTIA A+ exam.


Regardless of the industry, cybersecurity is a concern for businesses dealing with personally identifiable information (PII) or who want to protect proprietary data and other types of sensitive information.

Cyber attacks happen every day and the penalties for a breach can be severe. The exam will test your knowledge by requiring you to identify and resolve potential vulnerabilities.

Windows Operating System

Yes, Windows OS pops up several times on the CompTIA A+ exam since the operating system is widely used in almost every industry today. In a previously mentioned section, the exam covers client and command support. You’ll go over this again. However, now you’re also installing and supporting the Windows operating system.

An Understanding of Other Operating System Technologies

Even though Microsoft’s Windows operating system is one of the most commonly used, it’s not the only one—meaning that you also need to know how to install, support, and troubleshoot MAC, Linux, and mobile operating systems. This section of the exam is similar to the one covering all commonly used operating systems; think of it as a way of validating your knowledge.

If you breezed through the section on operating systems, this one shouldn’t be too difficult. Just remember, you’re focusing more on the technology instead of how a business may use its OS.

Virtualization and Cloud Computing

You shouldn’t be surprised to see a section of the CompTIA A+ exam that covers cloud computing. With more and more businesses taking advantage of cloud technologies, it’s a skill every IT team member should know. So, what does this mean for the test?

You’ll learn how to compare various cloud computing concepts and set up the client’s end of the operational procedures. This includes following the best practices for communication, cyber safety, and reducing environmental impacts.

Exam Details You Should Know

To earn CompTIA A+ certification, you must pass two exams. No, you can’t take one right after the other. You need to schedule each exam for a different date. Each exam is 90 minutes, there aren’t any exceptions. Each of the exams also contains 90 questions. So, plan on spending about one minute per question.

The questions are a mix of multiple-choice, drag-and-drop answers, and performance-based. Each exam covers different topics, and yes, you must take the tests in order. The first exam focuses on mobile devices. Hardware, networking, and cloud computing. The second exam goes over operating systems, software, security, and operational procedures.

Even though the exams can seem a little daunting, after all, there are a total of 180 questions between the two tests, taking an online training and certification course can help ensure you’re ready to ace the CompTIA A+ exam.

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About Shane Avron

Shane Avron is a freelance writer, specializing in business, general management, enterprise software, and digital technologies. In addition to Flevy, Shane's articles have appeared in Huffington Post, Forbes Magazine, among other business journals.

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