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5 Ways to Utilize Augmented Reality Apps for Innovative Presentations

Editor's Note: Take a look at our featured best practice, Storyboarding and Presentation Writing (33-slide PowerPoint presentation). You may have heard that management consultants spend the majority of their time cranking out PowerPoint slides. There is much truth to do this--and for good reason. A PowerPoint presentation is not only a great communication tool, it is also the form of most consulting deliverables--i.e. the [read more]

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In today’s fast-paced digital age, innovative and engaging presentations have become an essential aspect of effective communication. Professionals from every sector, be it business, medicine, archaeology, education, or real estate, are shifting their focus to new technologies, such as Augmented Reality, to notch up their presentations.

Augmented Reality (AR) has opened up a world of possibilities for presenters to create immersive and interactive experiences for their audience. It can transform ordinary presentations into stunning and memorable experiences for the audience.

In this article, we will explore the various ways in which presenters can utilize AR apps to enhance their presentations and provide examples of how they have been used in real-world scenarios.

1. Enhance Visualization of Information

One of the most significant advantages of using AR apps in presentations is the ability to enhance the visualization of intricate information.

Presenters can use these applications to provide captivating 3D models of their products and innovations, enabling the audience to understand the presented content in a better manner.

For instance, a presenter delivering a presentation on real estate and architecture can harness the power of Augmented Reality and create a three-dimensional perspective of buildings to showcase what the finished projects and sites would look like. It can provide a clear vision to stakeholders, potential investors, and clients.

2. Provide Real-Time Interaction for the Audience

If you want to keep your audience hooked and deliver an extremely engaging presentation, you must harness the power of AR-based quizzes and games.

These applications help display questions on the screen or the audience’s devices that can be used to test their knowledge level, gauge their expertise, and educate them on various topics.

For instance, educators can craft mesmerizing AR quizzes that provide real-time feedback to students and inspire them to work on their weaknesses and strengths. Teachers can even create creative learning experiences for students using AR in their presentations and help them memorize difficult topics in the blink of an eye!

3. Master the Art of Product Demonstrations

AR is an excellent tool for presentations related to product development and operations.

With AR tools, presenters can depict step-by-step instruction manuals of complex machinery and equipment and showcase how to assemble its various parts and operate them.

Such AR applications are especially useful for training sessions and presentations where it is crucial to explain the know-how of maintaining and operating appliances and instruments.

Here is an example of how augmented reality has been used to showcase the process of assembling a gearbox:

4. Intrigue Prospective Clients with Virtual Tours

AR apps can be used to create virtual tours of manufacturing units, buildings, or environments.

These tours can provide an interactive experience for the audience, allowing them to explore the place as if they were physically present there.

Virtual tours created using AR can be particularly useful for showcasing the features and capabilities of a facility, such as highlighting the quality of the manufacturing process or showcasing its production capacity.

AR can also be maneuvered to create virtual tours of schools or colleges for potential students and their parents. For instance, a university can create a virtual tour of its campus, showcasing its various buildings, classrooms, sports facilities, and other amenities. This can allow prospective students to explore the campus in detail, get a better understanding of the facilities, and even feel the campus culture.

5. Explain Complicated Procedures and Techniques with AR

AR can be a valuable tool in explaining complicated procedures, especially in the healthcare and engineering sectors.

For instance, in the medical sector, AR apps can be used to create 3D models of the human body, allowing healthcare professionals to explain complex medical procedures in a more detailed and organized way.

With the help of AR, doctors can also provide patients with a visual representation of their condition and help them recognize the underlying anatomy and physiology involved.


By using AR in your presentations, you can involve the audience in a more direct way. Instead of simply delivering information, you can curate an entire experience for them and allow them to participate and explore it themselves. This approach can make your presentations more valuable and increase your credibility as a presenter.

We hope you find this article helpful. Let us know your thoughts in the comment section on how AR can revolutionize the future of presentations.

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About Shane Avron

Shane Avron is a freelance writer, specializing in business, general management, enterprise software, and digital technologies. In addition to Flevy, Shane's articles have appeared in Huffington Post, Forbes Magazine, among other business journals.

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