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4 Excellent Ways to Make Your Restaurant Stand Out

Editor's Note: Take a look at our featured best practice, Digital Transformation Strategy (145-slide PowerPoint presentation). Digital Transformation is being embraced by organizations across most industries, as the role of technology shifts from being a business enabler to a business driver. This has only been accelerated by the COVID-19 global pandemic. Thus, to remain competitive and outcompete in today's fast paced, [read more]

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They say that the restaurant business will never really go out of fashion because it is based on one of the fundamental needs of the human race; we all have to eat! However, the modern restaurant is much more than just a place to eat, and given how competitive the trade is and how often restaurants fail in the US, it would be hard to survive if your establishment did not have a few extras that make it stand out from the competition. To inspire you with some ideas, here are four excellent ways to make your restaurant stand out from the rest.


It might seem like a very basic thing to say about a restaurant and, in truth, it is! Nevertheless, it’s disappointing to see how many restaurant owners ignore comfort in favor of other less important things when buying furniture. This, however, is an advantage for you because it will give you the opportunity to stand out by providing the most comfortable seating possible. Visit Restaurant-Furniture to go through a huge collection of specialized chairs, tables, and booths for restaurants, which were built with both comfort and aesthetics in mind. Do make sure that the designs and colors you choose match your restaurant’s overall décor as well.

Alluring Views

There are two kinds of views that should concern a restaurant owner and they are as follows:

  • The view of the restaurant from outside the place, through the glass and the windows
  • The outside view from the seats inside

The first is the kind of view that attracts people to your restaurant and the second keeps them coming back for more. Both are important but don’t take the approach that a lot of modern diners seem to be taking nowadays; that is, don’t make it all glass. Stand out by creating a bit of mystery. Give people a hint of what awaits them inside, but don’t show it all right away.

Unique Menu

If you have not yet decided on the menu, do a survey of the nearby restaurants to know what kind of cuisines and dishes they are serving. If there are too many Italian restaurants in the area, how about a Chinese restaurant, or maybe just a classic American menu with a few twists? The idea is to offer something that is not already there.

If you must open another Italian restaurant because it’s an Italian neighborhood, at least put some custom twists to your dishes so that they stand out in both name and taste.  Similarly, cater to what the region has to offer.  For instance, San Diego restaurants can highlight local wines and source from local farms and fishers in Southern California.

Hire Friendly Staff

When you have a choice between experience and friendliness, always choose friendliness if you wish to succeed in this field. The only exception to this rule would be the chef in the kitchen because that’s where you could use experience more than the politeness! Everyone else needs to be courteous and polite because people come to restaurants with the expectation of being treated well.

Opening a restaurant takes a lot of preparation, money, and time, so it’s best if you can get it right at the first try. To make it happen, it is important that you give everything we just discussed lots of thought before committing to any of the big decisions.

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About Shane Avron

Shane Avron is a freelance writer, specializing in business, general management, enterprise software, and digital technologies. In addition to Flevy, Shane's articles have appeared in Huffington Post, Forbes Magazine, among other business journals.

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