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How to Organize Your Workplace at Home: 5 Criteria for Convenience

Editor's Note: Take a look at our featured best practice, Effective Communication with Virtual Teams (23-slide PowerPoint presentation). The number of people working remotely has been increasing progressively across the globe. An employee benefits report narrates that around 60% companies in the US offer telecommuting opportunities. According to Upwork, freelancers and contractors have increased by 81% from 2014 to 2017. [read more]

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To tell the truth, the workplace can influence your productivity. In general, most companies try to relieve the workers, and an ideal workplace is just one of the ways. Now more and more corporations are interested in long-term cooperation with their workers.

That’s why they offer favorable terms of cooperation, and in such a way most workers stay in one firm longer. It doesn’t mean that they stay in one position, of course, they get a promotion in time.

However, with the modern tools that each company provides to its workers, it’s much easier to concentrate on one task and solve the problem faster. For example, if you need a presentation for your project, the service WritingAPaper can easily cope with it. This online tool will be very useful tip for achievement your work goals.

By the way, what else can affect you key performance indicators? Except for the best essay writing service, the answer is simple: organize your workplace so that you don’t disturb your housemates and they don’t disturb you. Follow the advice in this article to find out what you need to do.

The Criteria for Organizing Your Workspace at Home

You need a separate space to work at home. Unfortunately, not everyone can set up a separate office in their flat. But it is possible to allocate a part of the room and make it suitable for work tasks.

This space should be comfortable, with everything you need, and blend in seamlessly with the interior of the room. When decorating your work area, pay attention to the five criteria outlined below.

Location and Zoning

If you can get your room to work in, that’s great. You just need to get the furniture, appliances, and other stuff you need and arrange it however you want. When it’s not possible, you can make do with part of the room. Consider what will go into the work area. If you work with papers, you will need a desk and storage space for stationery.

Look around the room and consider whether it can accommodate a work area. If so, then it’s just a matter of deciding on the design and making sure everything is comfortable. If there isn’t enough space, rearrange the space.

To visually enclose the work area in the room and also to provide additional soundproofing, use a partition or shelving unit. It is a simple gesture that makes you feel as if you are working in a separate room.


Lack of light can cause visual problems, eye fatigue, and poor work results. Before setting up your workspace at home, consider what the light source will be.

If it is possible to place the desk with light from a window, it will be great. Otherwise, to work in the evening you need to buy a desk lamp or a light fixture.

Manufacturers offer many options for lighting fixtures mounted on bookshelves, walls, or desks. Some of them rotate at different angles to easily direct the light.


In the home, as in the office, the desk is the main element of furniture. The ergonomics of the workplace will be built around it. The choice should be such that it comfortably arranged all the necessary objects, folders, and accessories: smartphone, tablet, laptop. For them, there are special stands to make it easier to use.

If there is not much space in the room, a convenient option would be a folding or hinged table. During the execution of work tasks, it is unfolded, and when finished, it is collected, freeing up space.

A height-adjustable chair is a good choice. This allows you to set the required position for comfortable work.

When you sit, your feet should not rest against the storage drawers or the table, but rest comfortably on the floor (90-degree angle at the knees) or a comfortable footrest.

The latter can have a massaging effect for extra comfort. The massage is given using a raised surface or vibration (if the gadget is the battery- or mains-powered).


Avoid creating a cluttered workspace. Take into account the items you use while working and keep them at arm’s length or less.

If you are not constantly using things that you do not need, you may want to organize things in a neat storage system. There are three ways to store work-related items:

  • above the desk,
  • under the desk,
  • and on top of the desk.

Use them all. Above the desk, shelves for books and office equipment are useful. Underneath it, drawers or filing cabinets are useful. On the tabletop install organizers, holders, and boxes with dividers.

Useful Decor

Work will be more efficient if you interrupt in time to rest. Eye trainers are often used as the useful devices to relieve stress during prolonged work at the computer.

Those who already work at home appreciate this useful décor:

  • A wall organizer. Convenient for storing various small items.
  • A small planter with green plants. Green helps to reduce eye fatigue and improve concentration. It is enough to admire the saturated color of the plant for a few minutes to feel a burst of vivacity.
  • Cheerful stickers. Many people like to take notes on fun avocado stickers rather than boring white squares.
  • Various desk organizers. They are compact, hold many items, and look great in a business interior.

If a laptop, a folding table, and a cup of coffee are enough to work with, buy a good stand to please the eye.

How to Set Up Your Workspace in Different Areas of Your Home

Here are some helpful tips for setting up your home office in different areas of your flat.

Living Room

The living room is often busy and noisy so help yourself to a corner of your home by using screens, shelving units, or a bookcase. If the room is large, you could have a big table and shelves and cupboards to store documents and other items. A desk lamp will provide good lighting.


The bedroom is a cozy place, where you won’t be distracted by the sound of the house, TV, or music.

For convenience, you can separate the sleeping space from the work area. Hang a canopy over the bed or zone it with curtains.


If your flat has a balcony or loggia, it may well become your office. Get rid of all unnecessary things and create a table, chair, and other useful items and appliances.

To work comfortably in the summer and during the cold season, glaze and insulate the balcony, and turn on the heater. Working on the balcony is not only comfortable but also useful. You’ll have constant access to fresh air and light all day long.


Workspace in the kitchen must be taken very seriously. Near the sink or cooker, working appliances can break down. If they are regularly dripped with water, steam, or grease, they will simply break down.

You should enclose the work area with a screen or shelving unit. Some users find it convenient to have a double desk, with half for eating and the other half for working on the computer.


Working in a pantry is more convenient than on a balcony as it is warm and you do not have to use heating appliances. In addition, there is a door and there is no need to fence off the workspace.

The room is small, but if you think creatively, you can put everything you need. It is enough to put a table and a chair, and other items can be fitted with shelves. A table lamp will provide ample light.

Bottom Line

Without even looking directly at all those recommendations, you must remember one important thing – relaxation. Working from home doesn’t mean that you should work more than you work at the office. In reality, the opposite is true: don’t be afraid of transferring some of your responsibilities to special services. The most appropriate for you can be found at the Reddit essay writing service, and you can relax while someone creates the presentation or report instead of you.

Now you know how to organize your workspace at home so that you and your family members do not interfere with each other. If you follow these simple tips, your home office will be a comfortable and productive place to work.

26-slide PowerPoint presentation
To quote, Richard Branson, a British business and philanthropist, "One day, offices will be a thing of the past." While organizations still need to travel to reach their physical offices, the rapid changes in the world is requiring businesses to form Virtual Teams. A Virtual Team refers to a [read more]

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About Shane Avron

Shane Avron is a freelance writer, specializing in business, general management, enterprise software, and digital technologies. In addition to Flevy, Shane's articles have appeared in Huffington Post, Forbes Magazine, among other business journals.

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