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How to Build an IT Infrastructure for Your Business

Editor's Note: Take a look at our featured best practice, CMM for Enterprise Architecture (EA) - 5-Year Tracker (Excel workbook). This Excel spreadsheet evaluates and records targets of the CMM (Capability Maturity Model) level for Enterprise Architecture (EA) over a 5-year period. The following criteria/questions around EA are evaluated: 1. Architecture Process: Is there an established Enterprise Architecture [read more]

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IT infrastructure refers to all the components of your business’ hardware, software, and other network resources. It’s a critical aspect of any business. A robust IT infrastructure enhances security and user experience, boosts productivity, and helps your company achieve a higher ROI.

Your IT infrastructure should meet the business’s specific requirements, whether set up within your facilities or a cloud computing system. A reliable infrastructure has the functionality and capacity to keep up with your company’s needs so that everything runs smoothly and efficiently. Here are vital things to consider when building an adequate and optimized IT infrastructure:

1. Finding the Right Technology

Business owners and managers know how critical it is to possess the right technology for the company. Technology is always changing, and new programs are available on the market almost daily. It might be hard to keep up with all the different technologies available, so it’s essential to discover which ones you need before building your IT infrastructure.For example, a secure network is essential if your company handles customer data and financial information. You also need to ensure that the company has the necessary software and tools to enable team members to be as efficient as possible. That way, they can focus on tasks that’ll help your business grow.

2. Designate an IT Team

As a business owner, you can be the one to handle your company’s IT needs. If you’re running everything independently, you should start by reviewing your current processes and procedures to improve them. But as you scale your business, IT tasks increase and become more complicated. 

Depending on your technology requirements, your IT team should have enough staff to handle and accomplish crucial tasks on time. It’s also critical that your IT team understands their responsibilities and the company’s goals. You may opt to hire IT specialists or consider outsourcing your IT needs. With the right provider, you avoid costly hiring and training expenses associated with maintaining an expert IT team for the company.

3. Go Wireless

Today, the world’s going wireless and your company should, too. Whether you have an established business or a startup venture, you’ll enjoy numerous benefits when investing in a wireless IT infrastructure. Here are some of the benefits you’ll get from going wireless:

  • Easy Installation: Now that your company is going wireless, you can enjoy hassle-free installation with the help of the best Utah managed IT services. Since there’s no need to install wires and cables around the office, you’ll enjoy a shorter set-up time and reduce maintenance costs significantly.
  • Work Flexibility: A wired IT infrastructure may pose challenges and risks if your business utilizes a work-from-home set-. Going wireless allows you and your staff to access vital information anytime and anywhere safely.
  • Enhanced Security: Cloud storage is now in the picture as companies go wireless. Cloud has updated security systems that ensure all your files are safe. Automated updates are also available for enhanced collaboration for all users with access.

Some services may not be available for a wired network compared to a wireless network. With wired IT infrastructure, collecting and exchanging data is fast and secure. Going wireless is your best option in building a good It infrastructure.

4. Invest In Cloud Storage

Cloud storage is a secure place to keep your files rather than keeping them on your hard drive. It’s because multiple copies of your files are stored in different locations. The cloud also makes sharing files easier because they don’t have to be downloaded and saved on computers. That way, anyone with access to cloud storage can check the files whenever and wherever they’re working.

5. Evaluate Your Software Regularly

The most critical step in software maintenance is to evaluate your software regularly. It means reviewing the entire lifecycle of your system, design, development, and deployment. During your evaluation process, you should look at each phase of your software’s lifecycle to ensure that it meets all your company’s needs.

Final Thoughts

With a proper IT infrastructure, you can keep your business running smoothly. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in – having a reliable infrastructure is essential for keeping up with your clients’ needs. You must find the right technology, develop an IT team, go wireless, invest in cloud storage, and regularly evaluate your software. You could fall behind your competitors without a well-thought-out and properly maintained IT infrastructure. That is why it’s crucial to continuously improve your IT solutions and optimize them for maximum efficiency. Keep these things in mind; your business will improve in all aspects.

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About Shane Avron

Shane Avron is a freelance writer, specializing in business, general management, enterprise software, and digital technologies. In addition to Flevy, Shane's articles have appeared in Huffington Post, Forbes Magazine, among other business journals.

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