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How Does Custom Injection Molding Revolutionize the Medical Industry?

Editor's Note: Take a look at our featured best practice, Healthcare Business Capability Model (1-page PDF document). A business capability model for a Healthcare company. To be used as a core document for Enterprise Architects and EA work. Also very valuable to Business Architects and Business Architecture projects/programmes. The Healthcare Business Capability Model provides a comprehensive framework for [read more]

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Custom injection molding handles extremely complex parts to make millions of virtually uniform and identical parts. The process takes into account crucial design elements to maximize the quality and precision of end products. Most are significant in the medical industry in laboratories, schools, research institutions, and hospitals.

Custom Injection Molding in the Medical Field

A large number of medical tools and devices are made from plastic because the material is sanitary and disposable. Some include:

  • Surgical equipment
  • Syringes
  • Plastic implants
  • Lab consumables
  • Drug delivery equipment
  • Enclosures and casings for medical equipment
  • Orthopedics

They are made through custom injection molding and are crucial in saving lives. Custom injection molding companies, such as Fictiv, are enhancing standards in medical-grade plastics. Their advanced technologies and specialized capabilities ensure high-quality, sanitary, and durable plastic components crucial for medical applications—from surgical instruments to drug delivery devices. Chemical stability and biosafety are the primary requirements for injection molding plastics for medical use. That is because they invasively come into contact with the human body to deliver medications. Therefore, customization of every material is crucial to avoid harming the body or leaving behind traces of toxic substances.

There are a handful of ways that custom injection molding can create materials for medical devices with particular specifications. Ideally, the process is applicable in cases that require durable and sterilization-friendly parts with exceptional accuracy and precision.

While custom injection molding for medical devices is expensive, it is tailored to create specific features compared to other molding processes. It is convenient for creating many items at once to ramp up production and, subsequently, decrease prices per unit.

Additionally, custom injection molding entails top-of-flight accuracy to ensure specific parts function correctly. Manufacturers specializing in complex and particular designs use specific materials to make multiple components without compromising variance between each medical piece.

Materials Used in Medical Injection Molding

Several plastic granules have to be melted down to create components with particular preferences. They offer design flexibility and cost-effectiveness in creating medical parts with unique properties. Some include:


The material is particularly strong for impact resistance and increases vibration features. It is used to make medical components that require visibility and transparency to function. Polycarbonate can also withstand heat and UV light.


The material is used to create custom prosthetics requiring specific designs, durability, appearance, and smoothness. Polyethylene is strong and has a high molecular weight to create most wearable medical parts.


The material creates components that require regular sterilization as it is significantly heat resistant. Polypropylene can also withstand radiation.


When looking for flexibility, silicone is often used to achieve the property because of its excellent biocompatibility. Producing custom parts and components in large numbers is also durable and cost-effective.

Custom injection molding companies come into play to improve standards in medical grade plastics. Their technology thrives on specialization and innovation to create advanced medical supply components. In essence, the triumph of improving healthcare to sustain lives is an astounding feat.

One can at least appreciate the significance of plastics in the revolutionizing the medical industry in the following ways:

Experimenting with Lifesaving Technologies

The constant evolution of technology necessitates the introduction of new innovations into the medical field.It creates a platform for custom injection molding companies to explore new ways to contribute to the same purpose. They actively follow suit to keep up with the cutting-edge trends in plastic injection molding. Plastics Make It Possible, for example, demonstrates a recent development in experimenting with a plastic heart. It can sustain a patient’s life for a short time before getting a transplant.

Because of this accurate technology, medical researchers have come up with a device that can replace ventricles and heart valves before patients undergo proper surgery. Injection molding also explores the efficiency of plastic foams to stabilize trauma victims before treating internal injuries.

Infection-resistant Medical Grade Parts

Custom injection molding has produced components for life-changing medical devices with unique capabilities. With constant calls for innovation from plastic molding companies, the industry is at the forefront of revolutionizing medicine.

Today, several medical-grade antimicrobial plastics have infection-resistant features to help patients with viral diseases. The materials prevent the spread of infections in hospitals and medical facilities. Medical practitioners can use plastics to treat patients without fear of viral diseases spreading quickly.

Custom Injection Molding and Innovation

Injection molding produces sustainable medical devices to save lives. Since molding companies have aggressively embraced innovation, they have impacted the medical industry by providing quality comments and parts for specific functions.

Biomedical engineers can borrow a few injection molding skills to manipulate different equipment to function. Plastic parts are also a good replacement for their metal counterparts because of their flexible shapes that can be molded to one’s preferences.

Long-lasting and Environmental-friendly Devices

Injection molded plastic components can withstand harsh conditions and maintain their structural integrity. That has pushed many medical facilities to integrate medical-grade plastics into their ecosystems. In terms of durability, some plastics are preferable to metals since friction doesn’t affect their efficiency. If you are concerned about sustainability, plastics are sterile and malleable enough to allow molding into custom shapes and parts.

Medical Injection Molding Regulations and Compliance

Before creating parts and components, custom injection molding companies have to follow strict ISO regulations to the letter. Each manufacturing process and the selection of specific materials is crucial to avoid complications. Essentially, ISO 13485:2003 standards control each process and output in the medical industry to regulate all manufacturers of medical components. The compliance also varies from Classes I, II, and III depending on the parts being manufactured.

In some cases, more emphasis is required on compliance to meet biocompatibility standards. Custom injection molders might require specific documentation at some point, which can only be approved by ISO-certified manufacturers. FDA policies also come into play to emphasize cleanliness and sterilization of medical parts. They also apply to the environment in which medical-grade custom parts are created. The manufacturing company has to pass all regulatory requirements and audits to get approval to produce custom injection-molded medical parts.

Key Takeaways

As much as custom injection molding is useful in creating medical devices, many considerations should be taken into account, from planning to the design stage to the actualization of the manufacturing process. Ideally, the properties of injection molding materials affect the final components. All parts also need to be durable to function in extreme environments. They should be reliable when exposed to heat, intense movements, liquids, damage, and vibration.

The good thing is that the medical industry can depend on custom injection molding companies to save lives. Consider a company that can uphold the integrity of your design to deliver top-notch quality components.

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About Shane Avron

Shane Avron is a freelance writer, specializing in business, general management, enterprise software, and digital technologies. In addition to Flevy, Shane's articles have appeared in Huffington Post, Forbes Magazine, among other business journals.

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