Disruptive technology is re-shaping the present-day work environment. Technological advances are making long-standing job roles superfluous. Digital Disruption being faced by many companies is exacerbating the gap between what employers want their employees to be able to do and what they can actually do. This skills gap needs to be bridged rapidly but with due […]
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10 Principles of Organizational Design
Research by PwC indicates that leading companies are in a near perpetual state of Reorganization. This upsurge in Organizational Design initiatives is owing to the accelerating pace of strategic change caused by disruption of industries, changing competitor landscape, customer behaviors, and distribution channels. Companies opt to commence efforts to restructure their organization in the hopes […]
6 Phases of Upskilling Strategy
Employees with the right skills make or break an enterprise, create brand impression, represent the company’s culture and values. Disruptive technology is changing the contemporary work environment. Employees in traditional roles are now feeling insecure and disengaged. This dissonance threatens to take away the Competitive Advantage of companies. Employee Engagement has emerged as one of […]
Exceptional Leadership
Evaluation and onboarding of outstanding leaders is anything but straightforward. Almost all organizations have set up testing mechanisms or assessment centers to distinguish senior leadership candidates having traits that make up for Exceptional Leaders. These assessment centers shortlist leaders based on certain indicators and criteria. However, these assessments are not always accurate in predicting the […]
10 Best Practices for Small, Agile Teams
Profitability is at the core of successful businesses. Many markets do not allow as much top-line revenue increase as the companies would like. Therefore, organizations have to focus on improving the bottom-line. Boosting the bottom-line entails raising Productivity. Productivity enhancement can be achieved by eliminating redundancies and improving processes that change the company. Process Improvement […]
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Strategy: Top Priorities
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one area considered by many executives to enable Automation and steer positive growth. A couple of years ago, most executives thought that deployment of Artificial Intelligence isn’t a big deal. However, revamping traditional systems, implementing AI, and scaling it, in reality, is not as simple as it seems. A survey by PwC […]
Organizational Obstacles to Agile
Agile is a robust approach to value creation. More and more organizations are adopting Agile Software Development approach. Becoming Agile is imperative to meet and exceed customer expectations and emerging business trends. Implementing the Agile approach to Software Development leverages significant benefits, including: Rapid design and development of new product and service offerings Revolutionizing processes […]
Conditions for Sustainable Change
With most Transformation initiatives people gradually revert back to their old habits of doing things. Sustainable Change Management necessitates 4 key processes: Chartering—defining the scope, rationale, and team for the change initiative. Learning—testing and refining ideas before a full-blown execution of the initiative. Mobilizing—using symbols and metaphors to engage people and gain their buy-in for […]
Sustainable Digital Transformation
Accelerated pace of technological disruption has forced organizations to change. It has triggered leaders to think of the ways they must adopt to survive in these challenging times. Organizations are confronting this scenario by embracing digital technologies. Traditionally, the focus of the organizations in these Transformation initiatives has remained on speed of change. To get […]
4 Processes of Sustainable Change
Initiatives aimed at improving performance are often launched with great uproar, costing an organization significant investments. Such initiatives necessitate extensive changes in the Organizational Culture and the way the enterprise systems and processes function. However, most initiatives fall short of realizing success. Decades of scholarly research on Change Management reveals that the issues that contribute […]
Lean Product Development: Talent Development
Top products are the creation of top designers and developers. Lean Product Development helps in developing expert designers and developers, who are excellent problem solvers and are adept at creating innovative solutions. Developing Key Talent for Product Management accelerates Innovation and time to market while lowering costs. Managers responsible for developing creative products and solutions need […]
Corporate Learning Strategy
Although organizations invest heavily in Learning and Talent Development, most CEOs when interviewed complain about the shortage of learned managers, leaders, and skilled workforce. The capabilities of knowledge workers, not technology or capital, is often a key constraint for organizational growth. Research reveals that a number of managers consider employee performance to remain the same […]