Marketers have long been fascinated by why certain products capture the public’s interest, becoming integral to daily routines, while others quietly disappear from the view. This intrigue is not only limited to consumer goods, but also extends to how some organizations achieve and maintain a competitive advantage. To make sense of this phenomenon, Jay Barney […]
About Mark Bridges
Mark Bridges is a Senior Director of Strategy at Flevy. Flevy is your go-to resource for best practices in business management, covering management topics from Strategic Planning to Operational Excellence to Digital Transformation (view full list here). Learn how the Fortune 100 and global consulting firms do it. Improve the growth and efficiency of your organization by leveraging Flevy's library of best practice methodologies and templates. Prior to Flevy, Mark worked as an Associate at McKinsey & Co. and holds an MBA from the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago. You can connect with Mark on LinkedIn here.Author Archive | Mark Bridges
The Hooked Model
Marketers have always been curious about why some service or product offerings seem irresistibly appealing while others fade into obscurity. In the past, the same phenomenon was at play that used to make people glued to their TV sets for hours, and today, this is what triggers us to check on our phones compulsively numerous […]
Customer Effort Score (CES)
In a world where Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction are paramount, the Customer Effort Score (CES) emerges as a beacon guiding organizations to optimize their interactions. This article is centered around one of the most impactful Customer Experience metrics. the Customer Effort Score. CES plays a role in understanding the ease of customer interactions, thereby shaping […]
Stacey Matrix
Today’s rapidly evolving business landscape is marked by an unprecedented level of complexity and uncertainty, necessitating tools and frameworks that enable leaders to navigate these challenges effectively. The Stacey Matrix, developed by Ralph Douglas Stacey, stands out as a pivotal instrument in this regard, offering a nuanced understanding of the dynamics at play in organizational […]
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a metric used to measure customer loyalty and satisfaction. It is based on a single survey question that asks participants to rate their propensity to recommend an organization, product, or service to others. NPS respondents can be categorized into 3 groups: Promoters Passives Detractors NPS is a significant metric […]
Corporate Parenting Advantage Model (CPAM)
In today’s fast-paced business world, large corporations face a big challenge: how to effectively manage and improve their subsidiary companies. Each subsidiary is unique, with its own market demands and strategies, making it hard for parent companies to ensure they all perform well. This is where the Corporate Parenting Advantage Model (CPAM) comes in. CPAM […]
Ohmae’s 3C Model (Strategic Triangle)
Dr. Kenichi Ohmae, a Japanese organizational theorist and Strategy guru, proposed the 3C Model in 1982. The concept was published in his book, “The Mind of the Strategist: The Art of Japanese Business.” The Ohmae 3C model, also known as “the Strategic Triangle,” is a strategic framework that assists in developing the fundamentals of Business […]
Resource-Based View (RBV) and VRIN Framework
Michael Porter in the 1980s was a key proponent of Market-based Positioning view of achieving Strategic Competitive Advantage. However, with the advancement of technology, competition is becoming intense, work cultures are improving, and the workforce is getting increasingly competent to create better value propositions. Research by various academicians and researchers has suggested other models of […]
Dalio’s 5 Forces
In today’s rapidly changing world, management faces multitude of challenges. From navigating economic uncertainties to ensuring long-term sustainability, the complexities of modern markets can often feel overwhelming. Ray Dalio’s 5 Forces Framework emerged as a structured model to framing these pressing issues. Designed specifically for management professionals, this framework equips you with the tools to […]
Wind Down Planning
Business “Wind Down” refers to the process of deliberately and systematically closing or reducing the operations of an organization. A business Wind Down can be due to various reasons—bankruptcy, strategic realignment, mergers and acquisitions, or retirement of the owner. Its importance lies in mitigating negative impacts, fulfilling legal obligations, and upholding customer relationships and company […]
Experience Economy
The concept of the “Experience Society” is a social and economic evolution where experiences, rather than goods or services, become the primary products of society. This idea has been influenced by various theorists, including Alvin and Heidi Toffler. The Tofflers’ analysis of societal evolution lays the groundwork for understanding the shift to an experience-focused society. […]
4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX)
Many organizations are proficient at planning, but fall short when it comes to executing those plans, especially when emergencies take precedence over routine tasks. Meticulous Strategic Planning can only succeed if executed flawlessly. The 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX) is a Strategy Development framework designed to help organizations effectively implement and achieve their most important […]