At the pinnacle of the Industrial Revolution, not many organizations realized the complex subtleties of the Financial Capital. The organizations that were able to develop innovative methodologies to administer their financial capital outsmarted the rivals by achieving a competitive edge. At the advent of the 20th century, two more forms of capital became known and […]
About Mark Bridges
Mark Bridges is a Senior Director of Strategy at Flevy. Flevy is your go-to resource for best practices in business management, covering management topics from Strategic Planning to Operational Excellence to Digital Transformation (view full list here). Learn how the Fortune 100 and global consulting firms do it. Improve the growth and efficiency of your organization by leveraging Flevy's library of best practice methodologies and templates. Prior to Flevy, Mark worked as an Associate at McKinsey & Co. and holds an MBA from the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago. You can connect with Mark on LinkedIn here.Author Archive | Mark Bridges
Do You Realize the Value of Developing BeCoN (Behavior, Cognitive, Network) Capital in the Digital Age?
How to Counter Corporate Corruption and Fraud
Expanding into new markets presents lucrative opportunities, as well as risks. Potential threats in new territories include corporate corruption, malpractices, and fraud, which most firms have to face. Corruption and fraud cover a wide array of situations, but it is the unobtrusive yet more prevalent forms of fraud and corruption that create the biggest risks […]
Building Blocks of Behavioral Strategy: How to De-Bias Your Decision Making Process
While making critical decisions, not many strategists are conscious of the impact that cognitive biases have on business decisions. These biases are part of human behavior, and can be referred to as “systematic human tendencies to deviate from rational calculations.” In strategic decision making, leaders need to recognize their own biases, as these biases influence […]
Marketing 2.0: How to Build On-demand Marketing Capabilities
The Digital Era has brought on critical challenges for companies to meet new consumer demands for marketing. Digital Marketing is undergoing transformation at an astounding rate. There is a radical shift towards “on-demand” marketing, where marketing is becoming consistent, pertinent, and receptive to customers’ demands, delivering heightened experiences literally anywhere with ease of access along […]
How Do You Establish a Strategic Management Office (SMO)?
Executing strategy the right way is not everyone’s business. The reported failure rates for strategy execution stand at 60% to 90%. A study of large organizations in eight industrialized countries by Bain and Company revealed that seven out of eight companies failed to achieve profitable growth from 1988 to 1998, and very few achieved their […]
Being Disrupted by Digital Natives? Empower Small Teams Using Agile Techniques to Remain Competitive
Digital natives are threatening the way traditional organizations do business. The dated authoritative structures and imposing mindsets of the executives of traditional companies are in stark contrast to today’s technology-savvy startups and digital-native companies. Traditional firms are running out of time to revisit their strategies and promptly transform in accordance with the rapidly evolving markets […]
Time Management 101: Core Principles of Executive Time Management
Time Management is a critical capability for individuals as well as senior leaders. Leaders are often under pressure to allocate adequate time on strategic priorities. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all formula designed for appropriate time management that works for all executives. However, research on the practices utilized by the leaders effectively managing their time reveals that […]
What Type of POOR Time Manager Are You?
What do you think are the symptoms of Poor Time Management? Time management is a challenge for almost every individual. Executives have been found to be complaining more about the scarcity of time. The advent of 24/7 communications, increasing sophistication, intense rivalry, and financial insecurities have complicated the situation for the executives. Overloaded executives are […]
What’s the Toughest Issue with Talent Management?
Do you know what’s the toughest issue with Talent Management? A large majority of leaders confront significant impediments trying to bring their talent and business priorities in line. Are you one of them? The typical approach employed to accomplish this often contains several gaps—starting with recognizing critical roles in the company where leaders tend to fail […]
Are You Familiar with the ADKAR Change Management Model?
Not many people have heard about the ADKAR MODEL! Developed by Jeff Hiatt—the Founder of Prosci (a Change Management research and advisory)—the ADKAR Change Management Model is a potent tool for professionals and leaders responsible to manage and sustain successful change. ADKAR stands for 5 sequential building blocks that are essential to drive successful change […]