A Kanban Board is a Lean & Agile Project Management tool used to implement Kanban to manage work at a personal or organizational level.
Kanban Boards visually depict work at various stages of a process using cards to represent work items and columns to represent each stage of the process. Cards are moved from left to right to show progress and to help coordinate teams performing the work. A Kanban Board may be divided into horizontal "swimlanes" representing different kinds of work or different teams performing the work.
With this Data Loss Prevention Kanban, you can ensure your design provides technical expertise and support to (internal) clients, IT management and staff in cybersecurity threat risk assessments, development, testing and the implementation and operation of appropriate information security plans, procedures, and control techniques designed to prevent, minimize or quickly recover from cyber-attacks or other serious events.
This Kanban offers the following benefits:
• Prevent sensitive data from leaving your network when employees have access to email.
• Protect business data in your own data center or in the cloud with no downtime, outages or data loss.
• Gather more useful and insightful risk information (incidents, losses, spending, etc.) to provide a sufficient data foundation for risk and incentive modeling.
• Get users and business units involved in the data clean up process.
• Protect your business and your clients against insurmountable data loss.
• React quickly to determine if you have been hacked, had an insider leak out information, or other data loss.
• Ensure data loss prevention on devices where you do not have visibility.
• Prevent data loss from causing business disruption.
• Know if staff has downloaded programs they are not supposed to.
• Reconstruct the chain of custody for the data and how it was protected in the time frame, if the auditor wants that.
This Kanban Board is downloadable as an Excel file. You will need to import the Excel into Airtable, Monday, Smartsheet, Power BI, or the Kanban visualization tool of your choice.
The above preview is only a partial snapshot of all the data included in the Kanban Excel import. The full document has 1,200+ records.
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Source: Best Practices in Data Governance, Kanban Board Excel: Kanban Board: Data Loss Prevention Excel (XLSX) Spreadsheet, Gerard Blokdijk
Data Governance Kanban Board Robotic Process Automation Master Data Management Target Operating Model Big Data Center of Excellence ESG Corporate Social Responsibility Risk Management Kanban Governance
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